Grr Aldland



Yes si is dangerous esp Aldland. They thought lets make it impossible for people to play here so lets create the ultimate monster near the ogre fort and call it Lag Bitch Monster From Hell II.

I get random patches where its ok and can move normally with green circles but the other half of the time it lags more than a relic raid and Im the only person for a mile. Effects all turned low I still cant even move, I can't even respond to aggro.

I have been talking around and alot of other people have a very similar problem. They can play the game normally anywhere else but not near Diogal and Ogre fort. Did mythic/goa think ohh lets make this Diogal town useful to crafters and put all tiers of materials and all crafting facilities in and then whack a very small minimum bandwith cap on the surrounding area. (I don't know how it works but certainly seems that way).

Avalon is normally ok but Aldland is impossible. Will probably abandon my current quest Free The Rogue or wait till 3am when Im up at that time (if ever) and will consider not buying any other add-on pack for the game (if I can't play it whats the point).



I've got no problem with that area at all.. what are your specs/connection?


Had the same problem near the ogre fort and when entering Sidi with my old graphics card. New one fixed it, so guess your problem is an outdated gfx card aswell. :l


Kyro Herc 64mb unsupported (shrugs).

600k cable, half a gig of ram, 133 udma, 750 athlon. I run the game absolutely fine in all areas bar there and Im not the only person who has problems.

Can't afford an upgrade I'm skint. Anyone got a geforce 4 off the back of a lorry to sell ;-) j/k. Dunno what Im gonna do probably go cry somewhere.


Just realised may try 800x600 view hopefully better results.


You can have my old Geforce 4 mx if you want :)

Got a shiny new Radeon 9500 to replace it :clap:


Originally posted by -naetha-
You can have my old Geforce 4 mx if you want :)

Got a shiny new Radeon 9500 to replace it :clap:

lol... i was getting pissed off with game bombing out since SI...

fortunately i have some money ;) , so the other day, after getting pissed off being chucked off i stormed out me house{missus looking at me knowingly as ive moaned about it for last week or two}, went to the shops and bought a shiny new PC, plugged it into me broadband {missus looking at me slightly peeved}, got me new mac address put onto the dhcp server and whooosh....

no more LAG, no more FPS probs... aha new water effects {dont like btw} blah blah blah.....

LUV IT !!!

this doesnt help you at all, but i couldnt resist... sorry !


How much you want for the mx tho I have been warned off of em like hell.

Was thinking of either Geforce 3 ti200s or waiting in vain hope a relative dies and get a Geforce 4 ti4200.


You can have it mate, so long as you have a uk address I'll post it to you :) Just pm me in game or pm your address to me on the forum :)


Sorry mate, I don't normally get any pms and this time I had 7 waiting for me :clap:

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