Grouping at 25



As a cleric i used to join groups that i was much lower level than and it was easy to do so, on my reaver obviously i can't do that :(.

But i believed Catacombs is meant to be 24+ not just for clerics but for all classes so why am i finding it literally impossible to get a group there?

Anyone know where all the 24-28 people go? I am most certainly not soloing another 3 levels in Tepok's :(


Good question, I haven't played my Armsman recently, who's near that level.
But I will at some stage.


As I recall a long time ago with my cleric, the mobs in cata were red to me at 27 or so, so that would make it harder for u to get groups with a reaver there since u can't heal osv...


Just thinking back to the progression of my Cleric from the beginning.

I started out at Prydwen keep and then around the areas near cotswald village. 1-7+

Then later, grouped to get boulderlings near prydwen bridge and
various mobs around that area. 8-10

Soon after that went to either Mithra or Salisbury plains. 10-13

Then spent a lot of time at the slavers and later, giants. 13 - 18

Then the Romans a bit after that. 18 -20 (ish)

After that I spent a long time in the Keltoi mines. 20 - 23 maybe

did a lot of exploring after that around Tepoks and then DF went live and I spent a fair bit of time in there. Also spent a fair bit of time in the barrows and catacombs and various places around the Salisbury plains in grps.

By the time I reached around lvl 30 + , I was in lyonesse I think at the gobbos in groups, although there was a lot of back and forth between here and DF, as DF was gr8 XP.
I also spent a fair bit of time near some pygmy gobbos near the catacombs. A gr8 spot, as it wasn't camped too often.

When I hit around level 38, I started playing some RvR for a bit, but found it hard to get groups, so I went back to DF and then also went to Lyonesse and started getting invites for Tangler gobbos (this was before they were toughened up), spent a lot of time there, alternating between them and the Halberdiers/ghosts things at top of hill in Lyonesse and the trees and sometimes killing Telamons.

Then SI came out and I was about lvl 41 I think.
I soon found out about Avalon city and have since spent the majority of my time there, with some breaks in between when I decided to mess around with crafting and RvR.

Now I'm lvl 45 (nearly lvl 46) and Avalon city is getting a tad boring, so I'm looking for another area to lvl my cleric.
Although I'm still gonna stay in Avalon city until I find an alternative. I am starting to play RvR more and more often now, which is nice..


Depending on the group setup, you can do Danoin Clerks at anything from 24 to 32-ish. For the lower end of the range, you'll need a high lvl char helping out, like a sorc to debuff and pull and mezz. At least, that's what I did with my friar when he was lvl 22. :D



Oh. Once you can get a group in AC, it really is pretty much the best place to stay until you get 50. Nowhere else is as populated so you'll find it easier to get a group in AC, especially as a cleric.

I mean, what are you looking for? 1,000,000,000 per mob or something? The drops and cash in AC are great too.



Originally posted by Apathy
Oh. Once you can get a group in AC, it really is pretty much the best place to stay until you get 50. Nowhere else is as populated so you'll find it easier to get a group in AC, especially as a cleric.
I mean, what are you looking for? 1,000,000,000 per mob or something? The drops and cash in AC are great too.

Agreed on all counts, great XP, great to get groups and cash and so on.
It just feels like a bit of a grind again now.
I wouldn't even mind less XP and stuff, as long as I could get a group in said proposed alternative area.

I hear about a Haunted house near AC sometimes?
Anyone know of that?


Now I'm lvl 45 (nearly lvl 46) and Avalon city is getting a tad boring, so I'm looking for another area to lvl my cleric.

You should be happy. Some of the "older" lvl 50's had to exp on trees in lyo wich means sitting in the same spot for 6 hours doing the same thing over and over since the trees came to you. From lvl 42-50. If you were lucky you got 0.5 bub/hour or so :).

Anyway maybe you should try DF for a while? Good exp...some rp's once in a while and seals for items/money.


Originally posted by Gwandyn
You should be happy. Some of the "older" lvl 50's had to exp on trees in lyo wich means sitting in the same spot for 6 hours doing the same thing over and over since the trees came to you. From lvl 42-50. If you were lucky you got 0.5 bub/hour or so :).

All very True, and I did enough of Tanglers to get sick of them.
But not so much Trees, they were still pretty fun even up to the last few times I did it. I Thought their silly growl was kinda funny.

Anyway maybe you should try DF for a while? Good exp...some rp's once in a while and seals for items/money.

I was considering that, but it's aggro city, maybe it's not so bad, now I'm higher level again.
Are there many groups there at lvl 46+?
The RPs would be nice tho and it WAS kinda exciting when we lost the gate opening and it came down to hiding/hunting enemies.


Avalon city is the new lyonesse - but there's more camp spots and the xp is better..

Gwyddneau is fun, as is caldey and some bits of aldland can be good at high levels :)

Krondon's a nice dungeon - but you'll have to make your own group to go to any of these places.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin

Gwyddneau is fun, as is caldey and some bits of aldland can be good at high levels :)

Krondon's a nice dungeon - but you'll have to make your own group to go to any of these places.

OK, this is interesting, thanks.
I'll print some maps and see where they are.
I may try and goto the entrance at Avalon city and try to get some takers for these places.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by Apathy
Depending on the group setup, you can do Danoin Clerks at anything from 24 to 32-ish. For the lower end of the range, you'll need a high lvl char helping out, like a sorc to debuff and pull and mezz. At least, that's what I did with my friar when he was lvl 22. :D


Lies! You can only do Danoin Clerks when all the damn necros have gone to bed. :mad:


Hey, what about Caer Sidi? That looks dead interesting...
[edit] Doh, you have to be level 50 to go there.
Oh well, I can wait I guess.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

If you can find a group of level 50s willing to take you up and down the ramp a couple of times then you will probably ding at least twice. The XP is awesome. :)


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
If you can find a group of level 50s willing to take you up and down the ramp a couple of times then you will probably ding at least twice. The XP is awesome. :)

Hmmm, sounds good...I'll try and suck up to some lvl50s then...;)


Around level 24 to 27 you could go kill stuff near CWS (boogeys, Chickens, Hunters, etc). After 27 start to make pony groups, I found catacombs not really worth it.



Originally posted by Fagane
Around level 24 to 27 you could go kill stuff near CWS (boogeys, Chickens, Hunters, etc). After 27 start to make pony groups, I found catacombs not really worth it.


Ah yeah, I forgot about the ponies, I got a LOT of XP there around those levels.


:eek7: How did this turn into "where to level at 40" thread? lol.

Anyway, i've just tried Catacombs again, now been refused a total of 7 times for grouping... and people wonder why reavers/necros camp large area's while soloing :(


Ahh, trees. The magic. The fun. The excitement. I had heard about the trees even before I ventured into Lyonesse the first time, and when I joined my first pygmy group at the pikemen, I ran past a tree group fighting these imposing monsters and was literally awed. I even managed to join my first tree group as a level 42 playing powersong while Veeshan (then 48) was mezzing. Thagran was doing the pbt, Treniel was there making an ass of himself (hehe), Godofredo (or was it another scout?) dinged 50 within 10 minutes of me joining (I was amazed!), and Forbiddian the smite cleric came and got all but his last bubble in that tree group before clashing severely with Veeshan (I believe he soloed the last to 50 after that). Those were the days.

I still don't see what's the problem with trees... As a minstrel it was at least non-stop action. ;)


Treeeees ;)

Aye i miss trees aswell, chaining them and the dumb tanks killing the worm :p

But to the point, aye im having the same trouble to get groups at 26 aswell with a sorc. Not so much getting an invite, its more finding groups around my level to group with. I think alot of people dont even make it passed BG1 though now. :rolleyes:

I dont do to bad solo, but if i wanted to play solo id play a single player game ffs. I thought with this new lfg system which enables you to see across the realm, things would get better. But as of yet i still cant find any groups around the 26-30 level. by the looks of it, ill have to solo till 40 and then get in Avalon city for the last levels or until i can solo pygmies.

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