group exp sharing formulas?




was just wondering if anybody maybe digged somewhere on the web or came to some formulas regarding the group exp sharing
I mean here how the exp is splitted within a group, and how it is affected by ppl's lvls, group lvl range ,mob con to highest member

any studies made on that?
I'd really love to have a better idea how exactly it works, and how can be translated into some figures...

take care


well i've noticed certain things

xp is determined from mob level < vs > highest level in the group

that means if you have a group of 7 level 40 players, and you are xping on level 48 mobs (con purple) then its better for the group to take in a level 35 member, than taking in a level 45.. since the mobs will only con orange to the level 45


unless the 35 is intended to be your main tank :p


i hate to see people taking a game so seriously that they want studies,essays, pages of tests done on different aspects. its only a game for fucks sake.


I hate to see people taking themselves so seriously that they feel inclined to lecture others on their leisure activities.

...oh! that includes me then :rolleyes:


Aye n3wbie this is a games forum for asking questions on all aspects of the game , why don't you take your head out of yer ass and leave people alone , I've yet to see you post one informative post since you joined .


learning game mechanics is crucial and if you don't understand that then level 1-5 is all you'll be playing successfully


Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen
well i've noticed certain things

xp is determined from mob level < vs > highest level in the group

that means if you have a group of 7 level 40 players, and you are xping on level 48 mobs (con purple) then its better for the group to take in a level 35 member, than taking in a level 45.. since the mobs will only con orange to the level 45

i got lately a quote from a guildie exping within a group of 48-49.
tbh i dont' know what they were killig, but certainly sth serious and good enough for them, in cursed forest
so i asked if my ment could join (lvl 37, crack 4) as support...always usefull as for mana regen downtime
i got told that the exp will drop hugely as im 10 lvls below
ok, no pbs, but i'd like to find the source of this revelation
i.e what would be for the group if a lvl 42 or 45 joined? and not 37..
well, just wondering


Bedroc the Hero

I dont think this is correct. When i was 40 something I had a group of 7 ppl chainkilling pookas in innis. I let a lvl 17 guild ranger join and exp stayed about the same. He got mad exp, capped every time and a frantic kill speed.

I cant say that I noticed exp drop a lot with him in grp.

But I must admit, other times I seem to get very poor exp at spots that are ok other times. Have not seen the pattern really.

This will get fixed in 1.53 i beleive. and thus let you team with a large lvl span. Nice.


Originally posted by n3wbie
i hate to see people taking a game so seriously that they want studies,essays, pages of tests done on different aspects. its only a game for fucks sake.

well if you prefer to sit and whine about getting low xp thats entirely up to you.

My level 46 rouge has 10d /played, first time around my other rouge took 32d played to get to 50. THAT is the benefit of knowing more game mechanics this time around.


tbh i dont' know what they were killig, but certainly sth serious and good enough for them, in cursed forest
so i asked if my ment could join (lvl 37, crack 4) as support...always usefull as for mana regen downtime
i got told that the exp will drop hugely as im 10 lvls below
ok, no pbs, but i'd like to find the source of this revelation

That's pure BS....

If 7 people at lvl 45 are killing lvl 50 mobs, and get say, 10 mill per kill, and a lvl 35 joins them, they would get the exact same xp if a lvl 45 joined instead

Highest lvl member determines the xp, not the lowest lvl member


Exp only drops when low people join groups because of the increase in group size, nothing else. [I think :p]


there is a xp penalty if the group levels become too different.. i cant remember the numbers but i think the lowest level must be with minimum 2/3 level of the highest level. not sure thats the number thou


Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen
there is a xp penalty if the group levels become too different.. i cant remember the numbers but i think the lowest level must be with minimum 2/3 level of the highest level. not sure thats the number thou

the penalty only applies to the lowest level..

If you have 7 people level 40 killing level 45 or 50 monsters...
they get full xp/7

if a level 2 joins them, the level 2 gets some wackily low amount of xp (think it's same as if they killed orange con themselves or something) however the other 7 still get their full share (which is only xp/8 now... so a slight decrease)

note that this xp cap only applies if you're grouped with a green or grey (or it might be purple from the other side... not sure :))

at level 38 grouped with a 45 doing tanglers Fing was getting 1mil per goblin
when he dinged 39 he was getting 6mil per kill.....
noone else's xp changed...

there are slight differences when levels are close together (e.g. level 30 and 31 will get different xp) but they are small... (not a 6 times difference!)


Normal XP is divided by the number of players...
(this is ALWAYS the case, level of players DOES NOT MATTER :p so if someone says that a lower player will destroy xp for the rest of the group, he is wrong, adding players in a small group does however change the challange code)

Every player within 75% of the highest player in the group, should get the same XP as the highest player in the group...

If someone is outside the 75% range, that person will cap each time if the monster is a challange to the group... But if the monster is not a challange, then the person outside the 75% range will get the same percentage of XP as the highest member of the group gets (compared to his/her XP cap)...

So if the highest member has a XP cap of 10m, and the lowest member has a XP cap of 10k... And the highest member gets 7m for a kill, then the lowest member should get about 7k for a kill...
(this isnt completely accurate, but thats my experience)

Group bonus (e.g. the bonus you get when mobs come in groups :p) is divided a bit different... No real idea how, sorry :p, BUT you have to be within 5 levels of the highest player to enjoy full group bonus... And it might drop very fast if your outside that level range... (this is even true at 40+ and even true if the mob is a challange to your group)

Check this page: (also noted earlier in this thread)


Soo many groups think that a lowbie will pinch xp, he doesn't pinch anymore than any extra player, he will just get less himself, everyone will get the xp as if he was fighting a mob as the same con to the highest member.

If a lvl 50 joined your group and the mob is green to him ,then you all get xp as if you were fighting green mobs.

Lowbies do appear to get more xp in higher groups cos they naturally xp faster at lower levels.

My lvl 20 Bard fightin in a grp of high 30's got 1 lvl in the same time the rest got 3 bubs.


the only thing a lowbie will do is take 1/8th of the total xp...

whether they give back the skill/power to warrant that 1/8th (most of which they won't see...) is upto the group leader...

Roo Stercogburn

My attitude to letting peeps into groups has always been quite simple: let peeps in if they don't con grey (exception: guild hunts) and go have fun - sometimes you have to be careful if going after harder mobs because you need an effective team just to stay alive so you have to be more strict at times. Sometimes yes, I've had unwieldy groups, but most of the time its been a blast.

I have no problem with calculating the effects of game mechanics on xp since it really doesn't hurt to know how it works, I just won't let it rule (or even particularly influence most times) the way I group. In the long run, its more important to have friends in game than a single session of great xp. A lot of peeps that were green to me and still grouped regularly with me are now my greatest friends and allies in game and we have an absolute ball. I wouldn't change that for anything.

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