Great RvR night...and better luck next time Giramas !!!



After all the hard fighting in crim last night I decided to log off near Albion wall, to my surprise when I got there a small group of Mids were also in the area, and one of them spooted me.

He mezzed me and waited for a bit...the other Mids didnt attack
(don't know if they were distracted or Giramas asked them not to attack), either way it was a great 1on1, and I could sleep alot better after getting a good amount of realm pts ;)

Better luck next time Giramas and great duel.
(best way to finish a long hard night of RvR)

PS: Dirty tricks rocks ;)

Memnock -> Level 44 Merc
Naite -> Level 23 Infiltrator


Yep very fun night of RvR. The Dun Crim rearguard action was peachy :)

Lost count of how many hibs I/we killed in the courtyard heheh massacre.

Tip: Dont use the gatekeeper between doors to gain entry to a keep, that mistake u only make once :rolleyes:


I had alot of fun in Albion at the Excalibur and Renaris keeps.

The best came when the Hibs attacked our Relic keep early in the morning. It was quite amusing to see them all dead with only 5 % of the door's strength left. :D


BTW, I was just wondering - was that relic door reset, I know the relics weren't, but did you have to spend the cash on the door?


Originally posted by Zilly
I had alot of fun in Albion at the Excalibur and Renaris keeps.

The best came when the Hibs attacked our Relic keep early in the morning. It was quite amusing to see them all dead with only 5 % of the door's strength left. :D

Unless we attacked again after I logged, before anyone says we're lame for attcking at ungodly hours, we attacked about 10pm-11pm.


We ported over at 10.30, but probably didn't get moving until after 11, which is after midnight for many people playing, and it was probably about 12 by the time the doors were down to 5%, so depending on where Zilly lives this might be construed as "Early morning," athough not "Alb raid time" by any means. The last time we set off at like 7 GMT which is definitely prime time in anyones book :)


Relic Raid?!?

Hehe ..what relic raid? we just ran into the doors really hard a few times..... :p
Pity I never got there. I was too busy trying to stop reinforcemnets arriving and rezzing the dead :(
Good fun though, even if you do die for a seemingly pointless cause.
Thanks to Bee for ending my nights fun..guess i deserve it tho...I think i must be green(?) to you and i got the killing blow on you twice now. Not that night though it has to be said. I was well and truly OWNED.

P.S. I still cant get used to lvl50 not being purp....

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