guessy taking the lead? no that was yesterday tixxx and toxxx getting banned? no didn't happen just inactiveOli7er said:umm afaik this happened more than a month ago already...
grats nevertheless though
Seen them about in TNN today, possibly getting theirs RAs. Definitely not banned.That silly Paladin said:oh yeh tixxx and texxx they not got any rp's for a while now have they been banned? toxxx joined another guild, methinks they been banned for rp farming maybe
Bahumat said:1 Guessy 8,327,235 106,908 50 Die Poesen Prueder Ranger Lurikeen
2 Sorceress Cruelheart 8,302,954 0 50 Nexus Berserker Norseman
hehe sorceress has been number 1 for ages
Ronso said:I laughed so much 2 drops of pee came out
Zelh said:100% agree with my lovely shintari.....add the rr5 friar, rr4-5 theurgist, rr6l9 wizard, rr8 mercenary that sorceress has, with the rr11 zerker, and then tell us who is leading really
Zelh said:100% agree with my lovely shintari.....add the rr5 friar, rr4-5 theurgist, rr6l9 wizard, rr8 mercenary that sorceress has, with the rr11 zerker, and then tell us who is leading really
Lothandar said:Details, sometimes we wonder, are they devils gift?
Bahumat said:whats the names of sorecereess'ss's's'sss'ss alts?