Gratz to Sturm on 50




Took u long u are finally there!!!!
big grats to u...time to work on all ur alts now :pPPP


why grats? made my life hell on daoc...hes a twat



why grats? made my life hell on daoc...hes a twat

takes one to know one isnt it? Just because ppl dislike U,doesnt excactly make them twats.U should stop and think about the reasons why so many ppl dislike u(yes many i can name 20+).

for example : playing Korv's char and killed an alb caster and telling laughing at the caster in a irc channel...which led to this :

<Mat--> why do that
<[BF]Hat[ZzZ]> ?
<Mat--> be a general nob to me at every chance u get..what i ever do to u
<[BF]Hat[ZzZ]> u do the same to other ppl,who havent done anything to u.i dislike that so i do the same to u what u do to other ppl
<Mat--> to sturm or hobbit?
<Mat--> 1. sturm slagged me off for months in game
<Mat--> 2. hobbit was a lamer to the entire realm...
<Mat--> even u admited it
<[BF]Hat[ZzZ]> and everyone else on irc,for example when u played korv,u made fun of ignea
<[BF]Hat[ZzZ]> so what u give is what u get
<Mat--> i made fun of her? lol i was joking...u don't joke
<Mat--> theres a difference
<[BF]Hat[ZzZ]> u dont find the things i say funny,but the ones u joke about dont think its funny either
<Mat--> when i killed ignea it was funny..
<Mat--> thats why i laughed in irc

Saying that ppl are lame without any knowlegde of the reason why they make such actions ,which led to this :
<Mat-> lol [BF]Hatjitjai if thats how you get your rps no wonder u are in top 5
<Mat-> albs suck
<iziz> I'm not used to this!
<Mat-> they got worst casters
<Mat-> worst tanks
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<Mat-> and they behave lame in RvR as i've just seen BF do
<Mat-> ganked 3 mids and spammed laugh on them


<[BF]Hatjitjai> btw dont say emoting is lame when u dont know the purpose
<[BF]Hatjitjai> for example gargo spam kisses at me when he sees my dead body
<[BF]Hatjitjai> is it lame?
<[BF]Hatjitjai> no
<[BF]Hatjitjai> cos i know him from irc
<[BF]Hatjitjai> i dont go around in #cf telling ppl he is lame cos he emoted at me
<[BF]Hatjitjai> this is a irc chan
<[BF]Hatjitjai> not oprah
<[BF]Hatjitjai> if u want to whine go on oprah

To radium u said : <radium\\Zzz> <Mat-> u used to be a nice guy when u were in u joined BF and act nearly as bad as hatjitjai..

The Sturm-Treniel case : Sturm was the GM of Treniel at that time... when Treniel dinged 40(which he celebrated in guildchat by spamming "40!!!!!!" for like 30minutes ) he msgd Huma : I'm 40 now lets leave this guild blablabla,which Huma told Sturm... I dont think any GM like this kind of behaviour from his guildmembers (or am i just crazy?).. So the reason Sturm dislike u is totally to blame on urself,so dont make anyone think ur an innocent angel that always respected fellow members (of a guild)and players of this game in general,thank u

i mean ,read ur own reply on a grats-to-ding post..and u are suprised why ppl dislike u?

Sturm might made ur daoc life a living hell,I'll make ur IRC life a living hell :)

He finds me a twat too,who can blame him :)

well good night :)

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