Stallion said:Gratz to all the Kupo Flux ppl, prob the best players excal/prydwen cluster has yet to have. its an honor having you on the server. uke:
Stallion said:Gratz to all the Kupo Flux ppl, prob the best players excal/prydwen cluster has yet to have. its an honor having you on the server. uke:
Stallion said:Gratz to all the Kupo Flux ppl, prob the best players excal/prydwen cluster has yet to have. its an honor having you on the server. uke:
Grats hells, such a shame some people are too bitter to keep to the required mood in these threads eh?Stallion said:Gratz to all the Kupo Flux ppl, prob the best players excal/prydwen cluster has yet to have. its an honor having you on the server. uke: