Grats albs.. u really are ruining this game.. u are just pure nastyness



Fine.. i heard back sometime maybe 1-3 hibs used wallbug for a short moment. Albs do nothing but exploit bugs. Was fun at dun ailinne taking screenshots with odixarre. ppl just jumping on walls and dropping in. getting messed, stunned, nuked 7 times hugging the wall.
Tomorrow will be busy day when we spam rightnow with our screenshots. You (albs) are nothing but bunch of retarted immature kids and you have ruined this server. Im very glad i cancelled my account. How old are you ppl? Veeshan etc.? Im so good with my rr.. your realmranks are plain bull.
We atleast bother to attack defended fort.. and you put all defenders in walls. Nice going.. i hope you enjoy rvr with your pathetic overpowered classes. As far as im conserned i cannot be bothered with this game much more. Haha.. lets see what herbal etc. are gonna say of albs behaviour now..
Let me guess? You only did it cause some1 else did it first? That just proves your age... and if your physical age is over 18 even one of you... im sure you are mentally still in kindergarten.


No idea what you're talking about, but making an over-generalization earns you this: shut up.

Blue Ix

Without further notice, these are the names of the people that were inside the walls and participating in the rvr when both doors were open to ailinne:


I realize that not all albs do these kinds of stuff or think that a thing like this is acceptable so I'm not going to flame away at albion as a realm. Just take care of these people like other people who has done this before has been taken care of.


I hope u meant what u said, "cannot be bothered with this game again".


"Just take care of these people like other people who has done this before has been taken care of. "

Blue, so when will u get suspended then? U admitted to me u were shooting ppl from inside walls at DC and then bragging about getting 15k rp without dying, wow , u r0x0r

Blue Ix

I love you too Xanatea.

One thing is for sure and that is that you can't keep things separate - what you assume and what is the truth are two different things.

How do you know that I haven't already been suspended? Oh that's right, you have no idea. I had one lucky night where I got 15k rps without dieing once, I remember it quite well - it was a week before I fell down the wall and stayed there to shoot at albs. The night that I actually did abuse the wall thing I posted on these boards that I had done it and that I should get suspended for it, before someone even mentioned it. I even made sure someone reported it.

Now stay off my back retard.

Originally posted by XanateA
"Just take care of these people like other people who has done this before has been taken care of. "

Blue, so when will u get suspended then? U admitted to me u were shooting ppl from inside walls at DC and then bragging about getting 15k rp without dying, wow , u r0x0r


Re: Grats albs.. u really are ruining this game.. u are just pure shit

Originally posted by Uncle Sal
Fine.. i heard back sometime maybe 1-3 hibs used wallbug for a short moment. Albs do nothing but exploit bugs. Was fun at dun ailinne taking screenshots with odixarre. ppl just jumping on walls and dropping in. getting messed, stunned, nuked 7 times hugging the wall.
Tomorrow will be busy day when we spam rightnow with our screenshots. You (albs) are nothing but bunch of retarted immature kids and you have ruined this server. Im very glad i cancelled my account. How old are you ppl? Veeshan etc.? Im so good with my rr.. your realmranks are plain bullshit.
We atleast bother to attack defended fort.. and you put all defenders in walls. Nice going.. i hope you enjoy rvr with your pathetic overpowered classes. As far as im conserned i cannot be bothered with this game much more. Haha.. lets see what herbal etc. are gonna say of albs behaviour now..
Let me guess? You only did it cause some1 else did it first? That just proves your age... and if your physical age is over 18 even one of you... im sure you are mentally still in kindergarten.

lol your rubbish :D

im guessing you definatly died one too many times today or somethin? o well....


doesn't justify it by ANY realm, ban the lot of them and that includes the hibs.or even better knock 10 levels off thier chars :-P


Dun Busted

Have some very incriminating screenies, not going to mention names or details. Would however like to point out that the vast majority of albs were not abusing bugs so don't get mad at alb.

The following is goa's guidelines on reporting bugs using the Right Now system so post any evidence there (whatever realm).

How can i report an harassement or a bug abuse ?

If you have been a victim or a witness of a bug, an exploit and or a behaviour not respecting the Code of Conduct or the EULA on our servers, you can report it using our RightNow interface.
Before taking any action, we will check the information on our server logs (we have logs recording everything happening on our servers, chat, action, transaction, etc).
When you report such behaviour, please include the following information :

Name of your character
Name of the characters not respecting the Code of Conduct/EULA
Name of the characters who witnessed the incident
What was said or done.
The time and day when the incident occurred.
The server and the area where the incident occurred.

If you logged the incident, do not hesitate to include your chat.log file. This file contains information you can see on your screen (default key ‘L’). You can find this file in your installation directory (default c:/mythic/Camelot)



*Na Fianna* Hibernia , Excalibur.


Yeah right. To the thread creator: Mind your language kid.
I didnt post any bullshit on forum when i was chainrooted by hibs in wall. Thats not a thing to whine about. If u got OWNED there just face it, relase, come back and avoid getting OWNED again.
Or......u can delete ur account ofcourse if u think that is smarter.



The underlying problem here are people like you Sal. You whine about albion both as a realm and as individuals without any evidence or credence, and you angrily defend your own realmmates with the same naive enthusiasm and lack of evidence. If people like you would stop being bias regarding abusers and shun friend as well as foe maybe people would pay attention. As it stands now you accomplish nothing except making yourself look imature and childish.

- Odies


Oh, and another thing, Drudge is an armsman who fell off the wall (he didn't land in the wall, he landed outside of it and got killed within 5-10 secs of landing). Just be careful that you don't put all your faith in screenshots 'cause they are frequently misleading.

- Odies


I hope every goddamn cheater and exploiter gets banned quickly and for a long period, even for life. Alb, Hib or Mid, doesnt matter. Its only a shame these ban-times are a joke.. Perhaps they are a warningshot though. I certainly hope so. BAN BAN BAN! DIE! Damnit.. Grr.. :twak:

Edit: ofcourse, only if they are proven guilty. I'd hate for someone to get innocently accused of something they didn't do. :)


Grats albs..u really are ruining this game.. u are just pure shit

oh boy i'm 4 people (seriously doubt torq would do that) mean the whole realm? but we have seen countless hibs doing it but u don't ruin game when u do it? special exception for u ? ahh i see thanks




Bug abusing bothers me...

BUT what bothers me more is your common use of the word retard...

you call youselfs all 'grown up' etc, and go around using words like this which are foul use of words and would make some people very upset...

Guys, calm it...


Edit: my foul spelling

Blue Ix

He was actually _inside_ the wall, loading up his crossbow, as both doors were finally broken.

Originally posted by Odies
Oh, and another thing, Drudge is an armsman who fell off the wall (he didn't land in the wall, he landed outside of it and got killed within 5-10 secs of landing). Just be careful that you don't put all your faith in screenshots 'cause they are frequently misleading.

- Odies


Hmm that keep raid was done by 2 groups from Shadowwolves and Herfølge Boldklub and other ppl showed up doing the defending.

Imo i think we did a good job trying to keep all you hibs away from recapture it!! you did many attemps but failed and you had to release(as some of us) but atlast you could reclaim your keep!! GG

Its was a good fight and not easy to hold.. But im sad that you now are flaming us about bug abusing..

I dont hope all hibs at have the same exsperience at Ailienne!

Cu in emain..


Was most amusing when Torquemada come out of one of the walls into the courtyard and I slammed him/her only to have the freshly spawned guards bash his/her cheating little skull. Made my night :)


ban all cheats .. as long as there is credible evidence.. when hibs sat INSIDE walls screen shots were posted very quickly . and a lot of hibs still tried to justify it ... afaik novamir still claims they all lagged inside and didnt attack lmao :clap: .
i hate cheats etc etc and regardless of realm they play they should all have a very lenghty suspension or banned totaly . cos after all a lot of folks from ALL realms want to play this game fairly . those who dont play fair and like to cheat/abuse bugs grief other players are what the rest of us want to see disapear . im not defending albs but untill i see screenshot evidence then they are inocent untill proven guilty and there is no more incriminating evidence than a screenshot ..if ss's are posted and albs have been bug abusing againregardless of who they are they should be serverly punished...

as for the original poster ,, GET A LIFE you idiot , if you judge a whole realm just by a small minority who have cheated . that gives you no right to tar everybody in that realm with the same brush ,im 100% sure the huge majority of abs play fair/dont abuse bugs .. so dont call us all cheats when only a small part of them do so ..


Originally posted by Paranoid

Bug abusing bothers me...

BUT what bothers me more is your common use of the word retard...

you call youselfs all 'grown up' etc, and go around using words like this which are foul use of words and would make some people very upset...

Guys, calm it...


Edit: my foul spelling

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: well said!


hmm great flaming the hole realm for what 3-4 ppl did'
werent albs the biggest realm with over 8xx ppl in it???
the ppl will be banned for 3 days propobly, yes i have fallen true the wall there, but i didnt take advantage of it, i took my ass back to yard inside the keep asap......
atleast now you know how it feels when another realm does the same as you started to do....

Mousah da mOO
Pikeman at 47
<Dragon Knights>


know what happened to Noblypride ? ........ dont think someone is stupid to abuse those bugs


get your facts straight
- 1 to 3 hibs? have u seen the screenshots Mallus took?
- Albs ALWAYS abusing bugs? pls back that up with SOME sort of proof - this is the first case of Albs hiding in walls in keeps that i've heard of

so we have ppl in our realm that have cheaters too - report them, get them banned and get over it ... how old are us albs? u should ask yourself that question since u cant do anything but whine, overgeneralize and call us 'immature retarded kids' ...

at least WE dont try to defend these cheaters (they lagged and fell in, they didnt want to get killed, they can only go out of the keep and not back into it, GOA's fault for not fixing bugs etc etc ... any of these sound familiar?)

oh yeah btw if u 'cannot be bothered with this game' why bother posting here anymore? just go away :p



Originally posted by Odixarre
Oops i'm sorry i lagged in the wall. :rolleyes:

Some more screens coming :)
m'kay i don't see any alb in wall i just see some who got hit by a spell :) cant even see where its from....
well i can make some of those screenies from a milegate with a cleric but who cares ? find something better to post next time


Just to echo Aikmore - cheers to all for a great battle at the keep defence. I made it inside during one of the lulls in the fighting and hung about through to the end. All credit to the hibs for coming back after being driven off once.

I managed to fall through the wall twice, but as i first fell through between the gates and the second time inside a side wall I wouldnt have seen anyone lurking in the front wall. Its certainly possible that a few could have been abusing this bug and if so i hope you have screenies of this to send in. I myself saw nothing illegal going on but that certainly doesnt preclude the possibility. If there were guys doing it - ban their sorry butts...

(FYI both times I fell I exited immediately - I was damn lucky to survive the gatefall incident as the gatekeeper between the gates
sent me outside where I was mezzed, nuked and hacked....The gatekeeper outside ported me back in to safety with only about 1% health and 3 arrows stuck in me).

Apologies to Danita for killing you twice :) out of the whole Hib army my f8 key picked you twice in a row - wasnt personal =)

Thanks to Katak and Glottis for the fine company and Vroom for the taxis....

Hobbes 41 Season Armsman
<Covenant of Zak>

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