For web design of the newest gaming site Gamerz Arena
O old.EB Guest Feb 11, 2001 Thread starter #4 Buttons and Banners That is what i need for my site and i need to find someone who has 1337 skillz at it
Buttons and Banners That is what i need for my site and i need to find someone who has 1337 skillz at it
P Perplex Guest Feb 11, 2001 Thread starter #5 EB...find a cave somewhere, curl up in a ball, and die. thanks
L luap Guest Feb 11, 2001 Thread starter #6 Do you really expect some l337 gif artist to help you out? Your request for help is too childish and your img link doesn't work. :/
Do you really expect some l337 gif artist to help you out? Your request for help is too childish and your img link doesn't work. :/