Government censorship and propaganda




Interesting reading, I always wondered to what extent governments enforced censorship of things like war, propaganda etc.

I found this one particularly amusing:

"(March 10)….pro-Government rallies are to be given the fullest coverage…if anti-Government demonstrations are shown, it is desired to stress either a very small number of “eccentrics” or shots of social misfits; i.e., with beards, tattoos, physical deformities, etc. Pro-Government supporters should be seen as clean cut with as many well-groomed subjects as possible….subjects should stress complete support for the President’s programs and especially support for American military units en route to combat…also interviews with photogenic family members of participating GIs stressing loyalty and affection…American flags are always a good prop in the background…"

Showing 'misfits' as the people against war and 'clean cut' people as pro war, now THATS propaganda, and I bet you it works .. Wonder if the British government are quite this bad?


lol @ people with beards being considered a force of evil.


Nice article...its a shame they didn't archive all the documents...yes, work is that quiet.


What is not possible, obviously, is to reveal either the name of the conscience-stricken media executive nor the company that employs him. These comments, therefore, can be accepted or rejected by the reader as they see fit.

I can exclusively reveal that the executive responsible is actually Dave, from

And besides, if a privatly owned news firm wishes to adopt a particular political stance it's entirely up to them. This is why you should not base opinions on one source, as you will never get a balanced view.

You may wish to corroborate the above statement by seeking a few more sources.


Whether the government is involved or not, the media (in america particularly) leans STRONGLY towars pro-war/government people. Anti-ware demonstrators ARE shown as rabble of hippys. Granted they are included, but to only show them gives a seriously warped view of the movement.


At the Queen's golden jubilee celebrations, a group of peaceful protestors were forcibly removed from their rightful place of protest beside the route to be used by the Queen's cavalcade (protesting against the monarchy).

This is currently the subject of court action, the police look to be in VERY serious trouble.

At the end of the day, in this country, civil rights are upheld.


Aye, and we've got it much better than Iraq (did), and we have the right to free speech, so we should shut the fuck up.

eheh :/


Originally posted by ECA
lol @ people with beards being considered a force of evil.

Naw only those with Saddam mustaches


Originally posted by nath
Whether the government is involved or not, the media (in america particularly) leans STRONGLY towars pro-war/government people. Anti-ware demonstrators ARE shown as rabble of hippys. Granted they are included, but to only show them gives a seriously warped view of the movement.
I know, they should show the drunks as well:)


Originally posted by nath
Whether the government is involved or not, the media (in america particularly) leans STRONGLY towars pro-war/government people. Anti-ware demonstrators ARE shown as rabble of hippys. Granted they are included, but to only show them gives a seriously warped view of the movement.

depending on what stance you took in this war the uk did seem to have both sides covered more so than any american media i watched.

mirror/bbc - erred on the side of anti war

sun/sky - were pro war

prolly other examples but they were the main media outlets i watched/read

fox news seemed like some trailer for the latest usa war movie :(


Heh, just been reading through a few more..

"(April 4) If possible, pictures of the President with a book or, better, actually reading, are suggested. Commentary about his extensive reading habits…stress important historical and economic works…

(April 5) Presidential visits to military units in the United States are to receive full coverage and to extend past the usual slot time…spots of especially warm receptions are considered very important…

(April 7) Please arrange for photo ops of President visiting wounded GIs….Use photogenic subjects w/good racial mix. Also try for pix of First Lady handing wounded subject a gift…President decorating wounded (in hospital bed) w medal(s) Make sure subject smiles at P. Warm handshakes (if possible.)"

It just seems really pathetic, everyone knows Bush is a bit doolaly so they want to make out he is clever by showing footage of him reading books lol ... the full list is:


You'd be surprised about how many americans think he's fab. He's not retarded, he's just down to earth!


You'd also be surprised at how many people - and this isn't limited to any specific country either - buys all of the above "propoganda" without a second thought. People who see through the hospital shots, etc as pure spin are in a minority.


Don't know why you're in the least bit surprised by any of this.

Evidence? : Swampy.

In the early 80's the Thatcherite government was coming under increasing pressure from environmental groups. Some bright spark had the idea of hiring a PR firm to put a "spin" on these groups.

Eco-Warrior? Eco-Terrorist? These are phrases borne of this exercise - and the idea of environmentalists being long-haired, unwashed crusty twats with extreme views has been so strongly enforced that if you say you're an "environmentalist" nowadays you get greeted with "tuts" and rolling eyes :rolleyes:.....

They've been doing it for years, the fuckers ... :flame:


Originally posted by Scouse
Eco-Warrior? Eco-Terrorist? These are phrases borne of this exercise - and the idea of environmentalists being long-haired, unwashed crusty twats with extreme views has been so strongly enforced that if you say you're an "environmentalist" nowadays you get greeted with "tuts" and rolling eyes :rolleyes:.....

They've been doing it for years, the fuckers ... :flame:

You'll find a lot of "tutting" comes from serious environmentalists who have been pushed aside to make way for the more "active" types.

Environmental movements have lost their way nowdays, they ignore basic scientific fact and spin that which supports their views. Most of the original pioneers of the environmental movements have turned their backs on the NGOs because of the slanted political agenda they persue, which is not necessarily good for the world in general.

Whilst people are quite happy to point out the "conspiracy" of government, they are less likely to observe the same tactics coming from the more extreme eco-movements, the hidden bank accounts, the dodgy donations, the support of very extremist activists, the criminal pasts of those in charge, etc, all the stuff of big capitalists and seedy government secret departments is there too.

Check out what people like SHAC get up to, who definitely don't need anyone to "label" them, admittedly they are an ultra-extreme example, but not exactly a group shunned by many mainstream activists either.

I can't comment on the personal hygene of most environmentalists, but I can say a majority representing "official" groups do tend to be extremists.


Jewish media control determines the foreign policy of the United States and permits Jewish interests rather than American interests to decide questions of war and peace. Without Jewish media control, there would have been no Persian Gulf war, for example. There would have been no NATO massacre of Serb civilians. There would be no continued beating of the drums for another war against Iraq.

By permitting the Jews to control our news and entertainment media we are doing more than merely giving them a decisive influence on our political system and virtual control of our government; we also are giving them control of the minds and souls of our children, whose attitudes and ideas are shaped more by Jewish television and Jewish films than by parents, schools, or any other influence.

after reading this at the end that article made me loose quite a bit of faith in the writer. sounds like just more conspiricy , unless the jews are really in control of america as he states


Originally posted by Durzel
You'd also be surprised at how many people - and this isn't limited to any specific country either - buys all of the above "propoganda" without a second thought.


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