got a question from a friend of mine here


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
a friend of mine means. Infils are UNDERPOWERED, and SB'S er overpowered.
he means that it is because it's for LA hitting more than Alb off-hand, I think this is rly funny, been trying to explain to him infil is overpowered, but no.

it's annoying me aswell, that he can't understand whats overpowered.

post some things here that maybe will get this person to see that infils are more overpowered.

he is not registrated on FH. he's pissing me off :(

how can he say that LA is good, it's crap

and he means they are omg wtf pwning infils, cause some few sb's run around with haste. if Muh reads this, plz say some words, you're the guy that knows this class best of everyone


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
oh, he just said, NS and SB is 20% better than infil:eek2: lal.... lal....

lal.... lal...


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
The most retarded thread of the year award goes too...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
Good Things:

*2.5x Spec

*The ability to choose between pure STR modifier or STR/DEX modified weapon.

*Saracens having both Neutral resists VS thrust, and more heat resists than the Norse/Koboldt/Frostalf/Valkyn's, cause of the 5 Racial.
Saracens having the second highest combined STR/DEX in the entire game[130 Starting] (On par with the Firbolg, and 5 below the troll [135 Starting]

*Lets "pretend" every assassain is fully buffed with one buffbot, and uses 1 item charge activly. the Shadowblade will still be short on AF from the AF buff, or not have it at all, if he chooses to haste himself. (And even if he does equip a Stardrop while af charging, he will still be a few points short afaik) so again, point to the Infiltrator.

*Infils can choose to have a battler offhand, or even on their back, wich is a big plus. (Not having it in mainhand, as a Shadowblade, or berserker for that matter must, means, no switching it off, to reset it's charge timer. I know shadowblades can choose to go Battler Mainhand, CTD Offhand, or Malice Mainhand, CTD Offhand, Battler on the back, but I have yet to see it, especially the last, considering the massive usage of LW's.

Bad Things:

* Useless RR5, yes, even compared to the SB one, imo.

* Having to spec 50 Thrust for a Stun Style, Whereas the Shadowblade can get this at 39 LA or 39 Sword, leaving the Infiltrator handicapped to Composite speccing.

Good Things:

* Superior hitpoints, both due to higher con race (Norseman) and to the shadowblade hitpoint bonus over the other assassains.

* Superior stun duration, altho on a folowup style, with composite speccing, and some RR, it should be high enough WS to land it quite alot.

* Is Resistant to one of the Infiltrator's weapon of choise, the Thrust weapon.

* Better offhand damage.

Good Things:

* Is weak to one of the Infiltrator's weapon of choise, the Slashing weapon.

* Is alot more affected by a 118 point Str/Con debuff, than a Thrust wielding Infiltrator.

* Must equip batter in Mainhand, meaning it's charge will be reset when changing to LW/Back weapon to apply/reapply poisons.

* (Read Infiltrator's Good Things #3)

(I cba to add the fact that the SB is able to do a Two-handed stab, this is not a bonus in my book, with today's arties, brittleguards, runthrougs for slow CD, 1 less poison hitting due to no offhand, etc.)

In my opinion, looking at the basic facts, the Infiltrator comes out on top of these two.(Nightshades easily come out on top of all three, at RR5+ Due to obvious reasons ;d)
BUT at high RR's, with both having tons of tools, it will be alot closer, imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
Airwalker said:
oh, he just said, NS and SB is 20% better than infil:eek2: lal.... lal....

lal.... lal...

Oh my god, are you drunk or just plain retarded? jævla sopp..


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Hib stealth sucks :

* Remedy removes 10% HP flat-out from the Nightshade. An already low HP-class looses another 10% by using their RR5 RA.
* Desperate Bowman is broken, and can be countered by a Stun-feedback.

They could give Hib-stealthers a self-dead RR5 RA and shadowblades would still whine, they nothing but whiny bitches.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2004
Airwalker, then you can tell him that sb:s get a penalty on the mainhand damage when wielding an offhand weapon. Not sure, but think it's ~20% or so with 50 LA, and more if you're specced lower.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 6, 2005
at high rr sb are uber BUT infils are even more op at high rr :)

except Meduza he is a adding gimp :m00:


Puppet said:
Hib stealth sucks :

* Remedy removes 10% HP flat-out from the Nightshade. An already low HP-class looses another 10% by using their RR5 RA.
* Desperate Bowman is broken, and can be countered by a Stun-feedback.

They could give Hib-stealthers a self-dead RR5 RA and shadowblades would still whine, they nothing but whiny bitches.
Is that a poor attempt of sarcasm or just stupidity? :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Puppet said:
Hib stealth sucks :

* Remedy removes 10% HP flat-out from the Nightshade. An already low HP-class looses another 10% by using their RR5 RA.
* Desperate Bowman is broken, and can be countered by a Stun-feedback.

They could give Hib-stealthers a self-dead RR5 RA and shadowblades would still whine, they nothing but whiny bitches.

rofl :)

such fishing ;)

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