Got a few questions about Alb/Excal



I've played on hib for ages, but unfortunately my lvl 50's are gone now (don't ask /sigh). I've played several hib mages to rr5+ and fancy playing something a little less squishy. It's currently a pain in the arse to level a tank in hib - and hybrids don't really get much of a look in (no det) for rvr. Anyway I'm wondering what things are like over the fence in Albion.

1) Are there 3x tank 1-2 ice wizzy pb groups in albion? Or does everyone use necro PL bots? (I'm lucky I have 2 accounts so I could do that, but I'd prefer to group and meet people...)

2) A number of albion classes have piqued my interest, are any of the following in demand for RvR?

Cleric, Reaver, Friar, Minstral, Merc

3) Is the realm curently overpopulated? I know albion has a larger % of the player base, but is there room for everyone or are people falling over each other? I guess there ought to be room in PvE - however I susepct the emain zerg must get a little tiresome (well there is always Odins and Hadrians).



1) bit of both
2) reaver or cleric
3) not any more than mid


I'd say cleric more than reaver - reavers are good, but the fotm gank group setup doesn't believe in hybrids with no det.

Cleric's are always always always in demand :)

in both PvE and RvR (unless yer smite in which case you're tarred and feathered and ran naked to the milegate ;))


Cleric man...i rolled mine to be in our Tank groups, now we are planning on making a PBAOE setup for rvr and more leveling cos im still needed in PBAOE ;p

sweet imo :)


for soloing u cant beat a reaver and if u get a buffbot like u seem to be able to do u will have awesome fun.
u r pretty much a solo god.
When i had my reaver it was possible to pretty much own eeverything 1v1 and u wuld expect to win. quite possible to kill 2+ alot of the times. My record is 2ns,2bm and a bard at same time.
However saying that getting grps can be a pain in the arse as people only want mercs, however they are useful against hib pbaoe grps and i wuld say they r a fun class. However ur gonna get a grp far more easily with a cleric.


Clearic, Minstrel or Merc are all good choices and you wont have any problems levelling any of them or finding groups.

Reavers and Friars are good classes, and capable solo, but as you have already stated yourself, Detirmination tanks are more favoured in RvR.

Clearics are always needed, now more so then ever with so many being BB's now, some find them boring but if you fancy a change of pace and something different then you may enjoy it, and being chain wearers they are a little less squishy then what your used to.

Minstrels will always be wanted simply for there speed if nothing else, and they are arguebly one of the most complex and versatile classes around so you'll never be bored.

Mercs, there a tank with Det, like armsman but hit faster, thats all there is to it. If you fancy trying a tank there a good choice for RvR.

And despite common belief the population situration in Albion is not that bad, but be prepared to start hating necro's fast as they tend to be covering most popular exp spots.

Which is another point if you have 2 accounts, a level a necro fast then powerlevel your class of choice with the necro on your 2nd account, which is the done thing these days by the impatient.


yeh if u want a slot in any rvr grp anywhere u cant go wrong with cleric, minstrel or merc. lots of mercs about now but i dont think we're anywhere near to having too many, yet ;)

minstrels and clerics always needed, be it tank or caster based grp. on the population thing, alb is at bursting point tbh but hey its your money :)


If you have a bbot, then I would recomend minstrel because you are always wanted in groups, but you can *solo* too... I know soloing as a stealther doesn't really exist tho :p

Like the ppl say, cleric always wanted. Merc, almost always needed. Reaver is very fun, but not so wanted. Paladin also a good choice for pve or pvp :)


1) Some dedicated pbaoe groups exist - but mostly within close knit guilds - the random pickup group which will try to pbaoe if it can is more common, and the bot PL situation is very common and causes real difficulty when looking for groups below level 40.

2) Rejuv Cleric, or maybe Minstrel. But mainly Rejuv Cleric.

3) Not really. Certainly not for levelling (unless you happen to be a 46+ cabalist), in RvR there is a shortage of hibs, but the differences between mid and alb are overstated.



1/ seems people do start pbae exp grps all the time. even peeps post on here to form a reguler pbae grp.. u wont really see proper pbae grps untill you hit higher lvls when u goto AC n other such higher lvl exp spots.

2/ cleric mins or merc imo . all sought after for grps in rvr and pve due to there dmge / skills they bring to a grp. reaver and friar are very good classes in pve and small scale rvr (not much wanted in grp due to no Det ,

3/ when u say realm overpopulated , ermmmm in some ways id say yes in some no . in rvr yes alb does have an abundance of people (to many), but in pve due to the large exspense of places people can exp now , sometimes grps can be hard to find . Ac / Keltoi / Catacombs / Barrows are main exp hotspots imo ... but even if realm was overpopulated ATM as your starting new realm thats a good thing cos u wont be running around for hrs looking for a grp :)

p.s thinking aboiut it if i were you i'd roll a merc or mincer.. yes alb needs clerics , but due to you etting your chars wiped u will have to roll from lvl1.... and in this day n age grps are EXTREMELY rare .. and as a rejuve cleric (unless u go smite till 20 n respec) u will take a long time to get to the lvls that most people have chars. some people will say 1-20 is easy if you task. and yes thats correct IF you know albion :) if your a total newb to albion then u will again find it very hard finding all the mobs for your Kill tasks :) hence taking u a long time in total .

end of the day choice is yours :) you wanna heal ? u wanna support grp and occasionally solo rvr.... or u want your death spam in rvr with a merc :) the choice is yours , cos imo all 3 of those classes have different rolls in rvr and will suit different playstyles.


1) it r first after lvl 40+ in ac (avalon city) u will see pbaoe grps coz its r first there theur got high enough earth to have good pbt and sorc got ice debuff

2) nobody inv friars in grp more :/ but like the others said merc, mincer and cleric r most wanted RvR classes (maybe except from pallies)

3) when albs dont have df most of the good xp spots r camped even if there r good alternatives to some of the spots like dales of devwy instead of barrows

and gl and welcome to alb :)


Originally posted by Flimgoblin

in both PvE and RvR (unless yer smite in which case you're tarred and feathered and ran naked to the milegate ;))

admit it fing, thats why wer smite.


Originally posted by ChillyDawg
admit it fing, thats why wer smite.

just because it's why you specced that way doesn't mean it's the same reason I did..

(ok ok so it _is_ the same reason.. but hey - I like tar. What can I say?)


Originally posted by justintime
I've played on hib for ages, but unfortunately my lvl 50's are gone now (don't ask /sigh). I've played several hib mages to rr5+ and fancy playing something a little less squishy. It's currently a pain in the arse to level a tank in hib - and hybrids don't really get much of a look in (no det) for rvr. Anyway I'm wondering what things are like over the fence in Albion.

1) Are there 3x tank 1-2 ice wizzy pb groups in albion? Or does everyone use necro PL bots? (I'm lucky I have 2 accounts so I could do that, but I'd prefer to group and meet people...)

2) A number of albion classes have piqued my interest, are any of the following in demand for RvR?

Cleric, Reaver, Friar, Minstral, Merc

3) Is the realm curently overpopulated? I know albion has a larger % of the player base, but is there room for everyone or are people falling over each other? I guess there ought to be room in PvE - however I susepct the emain zerg must get a little tiresome (well there is always Odins and Hadrians).


1) it happens

2) all those except friar is valid choices for rvr altho beeing a reaver no det can be a real pain. merc cleric minstrel always in need.

3) yep abit too many albs here on exc :(


Cheers for the info guys, gonna give alb a try to see if I like the classes :)

[edit typo]


Re: Re: Got a few questions about Alb/Excal

Originally posted by bult
all those except friar is valid choices for rvr altho beeing a reaver no det can be a real pain. merc cleric minstrel always in need.

Oh okay .. so basically saying a friar SUCK ?


Re: Re: Re: Got a few questions about Alb/Excal

Originally posted by Deletium
Oh okay .. so basically saying a friar SUCK ?

i guess so yeah :i


or well, not useless but there is better classes to fill up the group with instead ;o


Re: Re: Re: Got a few questions about Alb/Excal

Originally posted by Deletium
Oh okay .. so basically saying a friar SUCK ?

in "have determination or be fucking essential" rvr, yes.


Albion has 42% population on this server make a mid or hib.

If population becomes too unbalanced then ruins game for all realms inc. albion


the best one for leveling is the friar... even

for rvr
Clerik :eek:ften but not allways wanted

Merc :atm easy to get in but still not allways, can solo in some sit

Minstrel : everyone need speed, ad if u will not invited i the only ov 3 char able do solo good...


Originally posted by Silenzio
the best one for leveling is the friar... even

for rvr

Please tell me you're joking! There's no way a Friar is the fastest class to level solo.

Clerik :eek:ften but not allways wanted

Clerics are ALWAYS wanted in PvE and RvR groups - especially characters that strike a sensible balance between Rejuv and Enhance. I'll take a frickin' Pepsi Challenge against those Smite specced bitches any day of the week :)

Merc :atm easy to get in but still not allways, can solo in some sit

Never played a Merc - they look pretty cool though :)

Minstrel : everyone need speed, ad if u will not invited i the only ov 3 char able do solo good...

Minstrels 4 teh win! They are superb fun to play :) Shame they can't heal like a Hib Bard, but never mind :)

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