
  • Thread starter old.Jaxx Hammerr
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old.Jaxx Hammerr

Is there a english part to GORRE because im sick of this NOW FRENCH HAV 4 SERVERS! [a test one] and we have 2! for crying out load!, why cant u just put us a "GORRE" test server up, it will make things alot better!, we can go on all three realms then!

:puke: TO SERVER'S!


Gorre is to test the new patch and as the only part of the new patch that needs testing is the french and german parts. So they will change the langue of gorre as needed with the odd bit of english. Also the is no point in makeing alts on gorre as when they change from french to germany the database will change as well and the will be lots of roll backs on it as well :)


Read the announcement first please

Perhaps if you'd read the announcement first you would have noticed that Gorre is a test server for all three languages and it just happens that, at this moment in time, they are testing the French translations.

Tomorrow it might be in English, or it might be German, or it might still be French.

I do wish people would actually read the announcements properly before flaming GOA over something they have actually, for once, told everyone about.

As to a third English language server, it would be nice but until the numbers go up on Prydwen and Excalibur, it's not gonna happen.

They have already said there will be plenty of crashes, rollbacks, server wipes etc because the idea is to test the 1.48 patch before implementing it on all the other servers so Gorre is really there to mess about in and check for bugs, not to provide an alternative server for the English speaking players.

Wordy aren't I ;)


cant see why they let ppl play on it, i cant see any joy about it if ur char gets wiped from time to time?


Cos its cheaper than paying real testers?

old.Solomon Kane

The only thing you could complain about with Gorre is that GOA are using you to do thier job, and I think you'd have to be pretty sad to say that!

GOA are too slow at implementing the new patches, we know that, and so do they. (I doubt if Mythic are laughing thier nuts off about it either)
By opening Gorre they get free bugtesters. Ever wanted to be a Beta tester? Use Gorre - it's the same thing.

The more people who use Gorre the faster we get the next patch ... obvious when you think about it ;)



Originally posted by tilde
cant see why they let ppl play on it, i cant see any joy about it if ur char gets wiped from time to time?

Because the idea is that any bugs and or translation problems/issues are ironed out on Gorre before they go live on the other servers.

And while it would be nice if they had the patches fully tested themselves, I'd far rather they open up Gorre for people to mess about in and discover the bugs than they do nothing and patch straight away and we have all the problems we did with 1.45.


One thing gets me with DaoC out of the games I have played Online nearly all of them have a language selector, you would think with todays computers they would have some way to identify what your country is. I know when I played EQ they had a lot of options for other languages and they never had a problem so what the hell is so hard with changing it to english to french or german is beyond me. Only thing I can think of is someone at Goa is having trouble with translating english words over..

And before you say its hard to do then ask yourself this why is it you can get 90% of games today with more than 1 language on it and you never hear of any other Game makers complaining we will have to hold this game back because of traslation problems. Something is very wrong here..


Probably because other game makers made the game, and so included the translation process in the estimate for how long it would take to make, and also would be translating probably as they did the game rather than translating someone elses program


Originally posted by tilde
cant see why they let ppl play on it, i cant see any joy about it if ur char gets wiped from time to time?
Character databases from our regular servers are put onto Gorre...


Gorre is not meant as a permanent server

Gorre was afaik opened to enable others to help test the patch, thus helping find any bugs or inconsistancys faster, and thus enabling the testing stage of translation to go faster, because obviously if you have 100-200 people testing a patch rather than 10-20 it should be done that much faster.

When enough players play the two english servers to require a third to balance the numbers then I am sure GOA will set one up, however atm even though Excalibur and Prywden are as busy as the FR and DE servers, adding a third server will result in further dilution, and either 3 servers which are underpopulated, or the two present servers staying basicly unaffected and the new server becoming almost ghostly.


Aeiedil. Right on bro... I fail to grasp how some think that we still need a third server and don't see this simple reasoing.


gorre servers pointless.... completly..

players wiped at any time, then changing the languages..

well errm say u make a player.. gets deleted, waste of ya time.. ok i make another. wanna test early player creation

oh damm they changed language i dont understand ne thing.. oh wel sod gorre.

and how can u test say the new battle grounds you stand little chance to get to level 20+ and whats point if its gonna take u week or 2 to do it. and then few days later u get all work deleted.

cant they concentrate on patching, which is what players want.


Silence you numpty read the Gore notes, It says depending on what language they test depends on what database they will have set. To put it realy simple for you, if you have a lev 25 excal cha and they test english patch, your char will be there on Gore :)

Personaly im waiting for that 1-2h that they think ok lets let english have a look, so i can see if anything changed for my char and what the BG looks like (though it will be empty)


Silence, let me be blunt (excuse insulting tones please), are you an idiot or is there a brick wall blocking your vision? Let us go through these points you made

gorre servers pointless.... completly..

players wiped at any time, then changing the languages.. .

How else to test other languages but to change the language on the server?
well errm say u make a player.. gets deleted, waste of ya time.. ok i make another. wanna test early player creation
Gorre has 3 charachter databases, one at any one time, and they are of the "main" servers for all 3 languages. When a language is being tested, that languages main server's database will be used, thus enabling people of all levels on that server to use their charachters on gorre, however because the charachters are not interlinked any changes done on gorre will not be shown on your main character, if that makes any sense
oh damm they changed language i dont understand ne thing.. oh wel sod gorre.
You dont HAVE to play gorre, its just there so that you CAN if you want to try and help
and how can u test say the new battle grounds you stand little chance to get to level 20+ and whats point if its gonna take u week or 2 to do it. and then few days later u get all work deleted.
Basically already covered. Battlegrounds arent everything, and there are plenty of those people, or alts of people, at those levels on the main servers
cant they concentrate on patching, which is what players want.
AFAIK this is probably one of the last stages before the patch. They have most likely finished translations, and opened the test server to the public to try and speed up the testing process to test for inconsistencies in translation and to make sure the patch functions properly, so as to avoid the sort of problems in the 1.36->1.45 patch which no doubt many players who were on then will remember. What the players want always seems to be changing, and GOA are trying their best from what I see to deliver. Looking at other posts the events that people were crying out for have started to arrive, the patch is near, and the test server is open. Cheats are being dealt with once they have been proved to be cheating, and yet still there is more flaming. If you are so concerned with GOA getting back to what they are doing, why not wait patiently until gorre is onto the EN\Excalibur database and then do some testing in a language you understand with your already-leveled charachters, rahter than elongating posts addressed to GOA, which if all where read would probably not atall help the patching progress.

Erm, that turned out rather long winded, cant be bothered to see if it all makes sense, I am sure the basic idea is in there somewhere :)


Okay since Aeiedil commented on you full post already, I just had to quote this...
Originally posted by Silence
cant they concentrate on patching, which is what players want.
Are you a fucking moron? That's all that comes up to mind...


Originally posted by Silence
well errm say u make a player.. gets deleted, waste of ya time.. ok i make another. wanna test early player creation

... sorry Silence, but that sounds so comic coming from a player who re-rolled of his own accord about 4 times in less than a week. In fact, why not ask GOA for a job as a tester... if anyone is going to create alt after alt after alt it's certainly you ;)


If I was on Excalibur or Avalon, I'd promptly download the Gorre stuff to check out the new materials and their locations, prices, etc. I can't wait to lay my hand on some netherium stuff. Likewise, I would send my little scout-alt to the battlegrounds asap. That would mean 1-2 evenings of toying around with the more obvious new stuff, and I think that's a nice OPTION if you want it. Nobody asks you to go and play Gorre. You can do it if you want.


bah, i dont think i can go to the battlegrounds on my druid :\ is about 2k rp too much? :s



20-24 BG - R1L3
25-29 BG - R1L6
30-35 BG - R1L9

not 100% on those numbers but fairly close.


Originally posted by SFXman
Okay since Aeiedil commented on you full post already, I just had to quote this...

Are you a fucking moron? That's all that comes up to mind...

Nice productive post SFX. I doubt very much he's a moron, since he's at least tried to rationalise his statements with his reasonnings behind them, no matter how flawed *you* decide they are.

Just laying into someone with insults however doesn't cut it with me. These boards are becoming increasingly vicious, with people circling other peoples posts like sharks, waiting for something to bait them into savaging people. Its making these forums less civil by the second. If you disagree with his post, fair play, dissect it like Aeiedil did, but don't just sling mud.


*strokes his knives*

Guarenteed to work on disagreeable posts aswell as albs and mids ;)

old.Gombur Glodson

havent read all the post so I dont if this has been said or not.
But Gorre is also a nice place to test new chars on, since you can play all 3 realms without having to buy another account so you can get a char to lvl 10 and see if you like them.


is it me or does everybody here hate each other?

peace man...



Gorre is there for stress testing as well as mere language issues. Sure, GOA could test themselves, but you can't simulate what happens when 2000 people log on and start interacting like they do normally.

Why a translation needs stress testing is beyond me though, the original code was tested by Mythic, merely replacing English with French isn't going to change server stability, you'd say :)


Well, part of it is checking the translations to make sure there's nothing really wrong that is going to mess things up. But mostly it's to make sure that the patches provided by Mythic to go from 1.45 to 1.48 don't introduce any show-stopping bugs. Remember the 1.38 to 1.45 one introduced at least two (casters nuking for negative damage and healing mobs? more testing would have found that.).

It's tempting to say that there should be no need for testing because GOA is just applying the patches that Mythic already used weeks/months ago. But it isn't true. Mythic provides binary patches specific to GOA's servers, and they can have all-new never-before-seen exclusive euro bugs for our playing pleasure.


Originally posted by Damini

Nice productive post SFX. I doubt very much he's a moron, since he's at least tried to rationalise his statements with his reasonnings behind them, no matter how flawed *you* decide they are.

Just laying into someone with insults however doesn't cut it with me. These boards are becoming increasingly vicious, with people circling other peoples posts like sharks, waiting for something to bait them into savaging people. Its making these forums less civil by the second. If you disagree with his post, fair play, dissect it like Aeiedil did, but don't just sling mud.
It is just funny how some have such an damn hard time grasping simple ideas and extremely obvious things. I mean... GOA IS getting on with patching by doing this.

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