Gorre is back to avalon database




Well I'm not one for flaming GOA but in this instance I think the people playing on the English language servers have been shafted.
The French server Brocelinde was patched to Gorre for a week, as was Avalon, we get three lousy frigging days with Excalibur patched.
All this has done is made people realise how much fun the battlegrounds are and how pants things are now we've gone back to playing without them.

So boooooo to you GOA, unless of course you are planning to patch 1.48 live tomorrow and are just testing a final bug thing on Avalon.


French and German Servers are the ones that actually need the testing not English. They probably had little need to test the patch on English servers at all as they already know it works. Maybe they were trying to be fair? :rolleyes:


why we testing the patch anyway its just gonna be exactly the same as the US patch isnt it?

They should just sort it out and put it in the game now.

Id much rather play the battlefields and have itemised dungeons than play a empty battleground for x amount of time we get gorre.


why we testing the patch anyway its just gonna be exactly the same as the US patch isnt it?

They should just sort it out and put it in the game now.

Id much rather play the battlefields and have itemised dungeons live than play a empty battleground for x amount of time we get gorre.


It is not the same as the US patch as they have to integrate it into one and this can get the patch fuxored too.


Hmmm they said we would be able to play on Gorre until the patch day..

Well I don't count on the patch this week anymore now that German language is being tested again...


Nah they said we could play it over the weekend..

Was nice to be able to get to the battlegrounds (even though Murdaigen was almost deserted... waah) but the sooner they test the stuff they fixed, the sooner we get it on the live servers.

There will be more things broken in German/French versions, the English version has a lot less translating (think it still has some: armor/armour etc.) and really is only a checking the character databases update properly (no items go walkabout, vault stays where it is etc. etc.)


I've got my fingers crossed for tomorrow. :(


Guys please remember why we have Gorre. It is not to give a preview of the patch, and an equal amount to all. It is to test if everything works as intended before we throw it live.

The German and French versions have a much bigger potential for bugs and thus they must be tested more in depth. The reason we bring the French and German versions up again for a very short time, is to make sure the fixes work as intended. Over the weekend we found a few bugs in the English version as well but they should be sorted out now.

I'd like to thank all for helping test the patch, so we have to deal with fewer unforseen problems when we release it.


Aye but if we're testing it, surely we deserve some kind of information about how the testing is going, what bugs you found, when you're taking databases offline, how long it'll take to fix the bugs etc.... (And yes, I know GOA always said they wouldn't give us step by step progress reports, it would be nice though)

I'm glad everything is sorted with the English translation and you're nearly finished with the other two languages. :)

I have a question, what kind of population did Gorre get over the testing period? When I checked, the server it didn't seem too full, perhaps you could let the other servers test the next patches? :)

Bleri McThrust

English version was bugged slightly.

The two I saw where Snowdonia Keep doors and switch, cosmetic maybe but still bugged (this had been fixed when I looked again.) Also the Secret Orders quest. This would get as far as step 6 then stop :(. When I last checked it was still stuck.

Should imagine there were more problems.

BTW I decided to get one of those thingies for Realm Points to see how they worked. I couldnt make it work lol. I equipped it in my quick bar but when selecting it all that happened was a message saying u cant attack with that or something like that :(


Originally posted by old.cerebus

I have a question, what kind of population did Gorre get over the testing period? When I checked, the server it didn't seem too full, perhaps you could let the other servers test the next patches? :)

I'm assuming you mean use the Prydwen database rather than Excalibur
(if not then who would want their game to go away for 4 days with no saving whilst they test on their server?)

Problem with that is you'd get even less people...

if 5% of the server population decide to try out the test server...

5% of 2k is more than 5% of 1k ;)


The evening they copied Excalibur to Gorre we had a couple of hundred people on it messing about. I was only on that one time, although I had a nice long session (and a lot of fun). I think it got a fairly good test, although we weren't able to take either a keep or a relic (with our group of 8). :p


Patch day tomorrow, thread is now officially useless so let's move on :)


:gets all excited: My first patch :D

Can't wait

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