And what a lovely morning it is here in Finland aswell. Hope that your morning is as nippy and bitty as the last day of november here. Talk about it being november, something's missing. We're heading for christmas faster then a speeding bullet running away from superman, but the white substance that we associate with winter is gone. And no i don't mean heroin. I'm talking about snow. Yes, the cold frosting of this cake is somewhere up there, but it just doesn't want to pop in for some tea and biscuits. Couldn't be happier myself as this means i only have to tread through the threaded thing for two weeks when i go visit my familia in El Toro.
But let's get down to business like the good man once said. Don't know who he is, where he's from or what he does for a living but i like him allready. The News today.
BBCi: "Nine more foreigners have died in attacks on allies supporting the American-led coalition in Iraq."
I think they would get the point allready,don't you? I mean...i've been known to crash a party or two, stay for the extra beer, maybe even hump the wife but i sure as hell know when to f*ck off. And when you get shot, bombed, yelled, flung donkeypoo at...you should be able to get the tiny hint that's lingering in the air like a supermodels lingerie when you get her drunk enough.
I'm just going to come out and say it, you know, just for the common good since some people just don't get it:
Get the f*ck out of Iraq.
If they shoot at you, they don't want you there! It's nothing personal... hell, come to think of it, it's 100% personal!
From CNN: "NORFOLK, Virginia (AP) -- The USS Cole and its crew of 340 pulled out of port Saturday for the destroyer's first overseas deployment since it was bombed by terrorists three years ago in Yemen's port of Aden. "
Now give a good warm handful to the brave souls on that ship. Afterall, their going to sea! Evidently to hunt Al-Qaida again....or something...
I'm just curious, did Osama own a speedboat like that drugdealer from Miami Vice? 'cause i really don't see the need for a oceanforce to hunt Al-Qaida. Hell, only time those things see combat is when they dock and someone runs into the ship shouting "Eloliuuuli oblblb luuuuu!", before pressing the red button, blowing himself up and making a big mess. Then they fix the ship, they go on a cruise and again dock at some port for the local terrorist to run at. Perhpas this is the fragile ecosystem that just keeps the whole "USA against Al-Qaida" thing alive.
Oh, said USA...*cough*....USA! USA! USA!
There, the daily dosage of patriotic fun towards a country who's acting like a spoilt brat because someone stole the YELLOW truck from the sandbox...*breath*...is done.
I can be patriotic if i want to. Even towards the USA when i'm living in the United States of Finland. What else would they be...stupid yanks. (not 100% of them are stupid, so if you're american in any way, i don't mean you)
What else, what else....oh this one's nifty!
CNN: "BEIJING (AP) -- China plans to land a human on the moon by 2020, the country's chief space official said in comments broadcast by state television."
Ok, here's the deal. You know those japanese cartoons? The ones with school girls, tenticles, odd old freaky men being kungfu masters and giant robots the size of a building block fighting because it's the "way it's been"? You know, henta...ahem...anime! Well, every single anime i've seen, that involves japanese or chinese going to space, has a huge motherf*cking spacestation in them that can shoot tiny lasers into your coffeecup...and explode the whole continent of iceland with it! So, i really don't want those guys in the moon, or in space at all! Nothing personal here, but a 50.000feet-million-ton-target-my-butthair-lasercannon isn't really what i want orbiting this little place i call home.
Now then, to sports.
From BBCi-Sports: "Find out who England will..."
Ok, that about covers sports and there's more of it then i ever wanted to know. Not to mention it's football. Not saying soccer 'cause some Idjit Ammamoron The Third from Winchester might get his nickers in a bunch *breath* JUST because there's a simple way of separating two sports. Incase you don't know, the expert football players say that it should be called football instead of soccer. This issue seems to grow bigger and bigger every minute that passes and soon it's gonna be the size of the bleeding titanic! How daft can you get. Gees. It's not like we call it "stupidball", just want to call it soccer 'cause it's a way to separate it from the american football.
Darn, forgot to sign off. Heh, these things happen once in a while, even for Teh Seel. So, from whereever Teh Icefloat is floating...as it always does...this is Teh Seel saying..."Goooooooooood mooorniiing Barrysworld!!"
Actually i don't have a "familia", only some cousins and El Toro is actually the countryside of Finland, but it sounded cooler. Sorry for misleading you.
Actually, i don't hate other nationalities. Much....except USA. Sorry but you just ask for it. If you're associated with USA, then i don't mean YOU ofcourse, mean the other guy, the one you don't like....yeah him. Eww.
But let's get down to business like the good man once said. Don't know who he is, where he's from or what he does for a living but i like him allready. The News today.
BBCi: "Nine more foreigners have died in attacks on allies supporting the American-led coalition in Iraq."
I think they would get the point allready,don't you? I mean...i've been known to crash a party or two, stay for the extra beer, maybe even hump the wife but i sure as hell know when to f*ck off. And when you get shot, bombed, yelled, flung donkeypoo at...you should be able to get the tiny hint that's lingering in the air like a supermodels lingerie when you get her drunk enough.
I'm just going to come out and say it, you know, just for the common good since some people just don't get it:
Get the f*ck out of Iraq.
If they shoot at you, they don't want you there! It's nothing personal... hell, come to think of it, it's 100% personal!
From CNN: "NORFOLK, Virginia (AP) -- The USS Cole and its crew of 340 pulled out of port Saturday for the destroyer's first overseas deployment since it was bombed by terrorists three years ago in Yemen's port of Aden. "
Now give a good warm handful to the brave souls on that ship. Afterall, their going to sea! Evidently to hunt Al-Qaida again....or something...
I'm just curious, did Osama own a speedboat like that drugdealer from Miami Vice? 'cause i really don't see the need for a oceanforce to hunt Al-Qaida. Hell, only time those things see combat is when they dock and someone runs into the ship shouting "Eloliuuuli oblblb luuuuu!", before pressing the red button, blowing himself up and making a big mess. Then they fix the ship, they go on a cruise and again dock at some port for the local terrorist to run at. Perhpas this is the fragile ecosystem that just keeps the whole "USA against Al-Qaida" thing alive.
Oh, said USA...*cough*....USA! USA! USA!
There, the daily dosage of patriotic fun towards a country who's acting like a spoilt brat because someone stole the YELLOW truck from the sandbox...*breath*...is done.
I can be patriotic if i want to. Even towards the USA when i'm living in the United States of Finland. What else would they be...stupid yanks. (not 100% of them are stupid, so if you're american in any way, i don't mean you)
What else, what else....oh this one's nifty!
CNN: "BEIJING (AP) -- China plans to land a human on the moon by 2020, the country's chief space official said in comments broadcast by state television."
Ok, here's the deal. You know those japanese cartoons? The ones with school girls, tenticles, odd old freaky men being kungfu masters and giant robots the size of a building block fighting because it's the "way it's been"? You know, henta...ahem...anime! Well, every single anime i've seen, that involves japanese or chinese going to space, has a huge motherf*cking spacestation in them that can shoot tiny lasers into your coffeecup...and explode the whole continent of iceland with it! So, i really don't want those guys in the moon, or in space at all! Nothing personal here, but a 50.000feet-million-ton-target-my-butthair-lasercannon isn't really what i want orbiting this little place i call home.
Now then, to sports.
From BBCi-Sports: "Find out who England will..."
Ok, that about covers sports and there's more of it then i ever wanted to know. Not to mention it's football. Not saying soccer 'cause some Idjit Ammamoron The Third from Winchester might get his nickers in a bunch *breath* JUST because there's a simple way of separating two sports. Incase you don't know, the expert football players say that it should be called football instead of soccer. This issue seems to grow bigger and bigger every minute that passes and soon it's gonna be the size of the bleeding titanic! How daft can you get. Gees. It's not like we call it "stupidball", just want to call it soccer 'cause it's a way to separate it from the american football.
Darn, forgot to sign off. Heh, these things happen once in a while, even for Teh Seel. So, from whereever Teh Icefloat is floating...as it always does...this is Teh Seel saying..."Goooooooooood mooorniiing Barrysworld!!"
Actually i don't have a "familia", only some cousins and El Toro is actually the countryside of Finland, but it sounded cooler. Sorry for misleading you.
Actually, i don't hate other nationalities. Much....except USA. Sorry but you just ask for it. If you're associated with USA, then i don't mean YOU ofcourse, mean the other guy, the one you don't like....yeah him. Eww.