Good tactics in Emain this afternoon



Everyone seems to enjoy complaining about the "lack of tactics" in Emain these days, but I don't think the situation is so bad as some claim (people rarely pull portal keep guards these days, for instance, noticed that?). A case in point was the excellent Albion performance this afternoon, where around 20 Albs did a good job at making the Hibernian frontier unsafe for the enemy. Did all kinds of nifty things, including flanking, feints, diversions, and three successful keep raids (though both Dun Crimthainn and Dun Ailienne were quickly retaken). And all this in a group of people from many different guilds, all working together like clockwork! I think that most people (including me) were surprised at what we could accomplish with a little organization and leadership.

Good work all those who participated! And thanks for making the effort, I hope this will mean even more such tactics in the future.

/salute Albion :clap:

P.S. And yes, I am writing a chronicle detailing this glorious afternoon. It may take the entire weekend, but I hope to post it in the RvR forum soon. D.S.


Cant do more then agree with u there Belomar, a true poet and a very good minstrel in the other tasks then writing, I also wanted to thank all ppl out there for working so good, sad I had to leave before Ailienne raid


Hrmmmm maybe...:)

The hib zerg today was pretty depressing tho...not blaming hib, they should really design emain better. What are you supposed to do when theres 40 hibs sitting at amg ? Didn't see one sorc from alb mez if there were any there..ppl just run, its depressing...

/me waits for 50 retards to say : "Now you know how it feels lolroflmfao"


I went out tonight for my first session of rvr and although I didnt do alot (whacked some doors) it was great fun and good to see so many people working together :).

old.chim aira

yeah it was great fun, too bad i had a guildhunt, but let's do it again sometime;)


Chronicle update

Spent the night writing and had hoped that I would be able to post something today, but this turned out to be a truly huge task, trying to fit in all events and all the good people who participated. :) It currently looks like I will be writing the chronicle in four separate, but related, parts, and post them separately (Zoyster didn't want the stories too long, and besides, there is a 10000 character limit on posts here).

I hope to be able to post something on Monday at the latest.

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