Good show Hibernia!



Thank you for last nights massive war in Sauvage.

Eventhough you failed, it was a brave and massive attempt, and well organized.

Fast keep takes, and fast route to excalibur, made for a quite intimidating siege. I consider it bad luck you didnt get first door down :)

Was Massive Fun! but please dont repeat it! :p


Originally posted by listepik
Thank you for last nights massive war in Sauvage.

Eventhough you failed, it was a brave and massive attempt, and well organized.

Well organised hehe.. it was a case of, albs killed us on first successful legion attempt in over a month of tries, we got mightily pissed and got pretty much everyone in the whole realm to come kick some alb butt, was completely spur of the moment :D. Pity your defensive forces were just as large as ours was rofl


Was dam impressive how you Hibs were able to muster up such a force so qick (I was one of the people on way to slay Legion when we saw you Hibs on him, tho I fell through a hole and ended up back in Cotsworld, tbh I dont see the prob, thats what u have to put up with in DF, THO the other thred started by an Alb about flameing us is just silly)

Shame the Uber Guards do so much damage, you all deservd so much more for you attempt on Excalibur, and for a while I thought you had it, we were retreating back inside, next thing Guards pop, take down a few of you and we Zerg back

Well done tho on a fine showing


im sure someone in irc had mentioned it or someone just happening to be playing prydwen hib on their 2nd account noticed alot of people in df.. and i for one dont like giving people xp deaths let alone zerging people and stealing there kill on a huge mob like legion that u all know takes ALOT of organisation and anyone who attacked there imho is a sad twat who i hope to be jumping on there corpse in the not so distant future.. and no its not suprising about the force it was a pre-arranged legion raid and as they are rare alot of people came.. sry flame this all u want but im still very pissed off about it


Originally posted by old.Patrick-S
and no its not suprising about the force it was a pre-arranged legion raid and as they are rare alot of people came..

Legion raids aren't rare, they'r on all the time, what is rare is for people to actually bother to turn up for them, last night was the first one in over a month that enough people actually turned up for. Usually a legion raid either degrades into a prince raids cos of massively small numbers for legion, or we try legion and get ganked by the first adds that spawn.. Was nice to be winning for once, for all of 30 secs, before albs AoE mezzed us and ganked us all


ahh ok Mal sorry ive only heard of 3 mustnt be on most of the time they are planned lol :)


Well if you ever see abbadon in df it means there's a legion raid being attempted, don't think he ever goes in there unless he's doing one :D And respect to him for all the crap he has to put up with leading them and for doing them again and again even when no one turns up for one, which must be more than a little demoralising


Originally posted by old.Patrick-S
im sure someone in irc had mentioned it or someone just happening to be playing prydwen hib on their 2nd account noticed alot of people in df..
Sry to dissapoint you but this was no planned attack on hibernia. Our Raids are planned for the week on sun/mon. Was just extremely unlucky timing on your part ... had you started your raid 30 mins later it would have been albs at legion and yes I am possitive hibs would not have a second thought about attacking.



Originally posted by -faith-

Sry to dissapoint you but this was no planned attack on hibernia. Our Raids are planned for the week on sun/mon. Was just extremely unlucky timing on your part ... had you started your raid 30 mins later it would have been albs at legion and yes I am possitive hibs would not have a second thought about attacking.


Yep we wouldn't, cos after our hours of preparation for it we'd not let you kill him in peace so that we get a nice 24 hour respawn to wait to complete our raid :D

doesn't make it any less lame tho :flame:



:flame: Take me off the roasting pit! I was not even there :) :flame:

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