there was a healer movie from usa from pac healer pov with radar. never did get the whole thing downloaded at host was killed. was best pac healer i ever saw. yes radar but when ur talking about 40 or so hibs charging you it was very impressive.
Imo alot of, if not all, Valgair's movies are excellent display of how pac healers should be played.
meaning having the best auger behind your back so you dont have to heal ? xD
there was a healer movie from usa from pac healer pov with radar. never did get the whole thing downloaded at host was killed. was best pac healer i ever saw. yes radar but when ur talking about 40 or so hibs charging you it was very impressive.
Best paccer movie ever was Teh_Dynamic_Duo - Valgair and Demodar - paccer and shaman duo rocking it up - has to be seen to be believed hehe
Any of the Maelstrom movies with Valgair on healer are well worth looking for - some filenames I found on my hdd's you could search for are:
All those are with Valgair pov
Naepvs1.1 is the vid you're referring to I think.
do you have that movie reno? if so do u wanna host it?
and why are you surprised manish? if you saw the movie you would see what i meant. anyways manish i dont have anything to worry about from a useless article like you.
there was a healer movie from usa from pac healer pov with radar. never did get the whole thing downloaded at host was killed. was best pac healer i ever saw. yes radar but when ur talking about 40 or so hibs charging you it was very impressive.
meaning having the best auger behind your back so you dont have to heal ? xD
Valgair <3
<Brite> i remember when neoD[ml] went LD and we had inc, and Madi's voice on vent was in shear horror OMG im gonna have to heal! DEMODAR YOU HEAL!!!!!!
Have to say we obviously won that fight
Boomer obviously the best auger there ever was, the difference when grouping with anybody else is highly noticable especially playing a front line class, ive had boomer keep me alive sometimes when i was 99% sure of death (and i ESPECIALLY remember the time vs your group elkie with several MoCs and boomer just coming out of mezz deep in the back)
But boomer was paired with the best paccer there ever was. Simple. Cant take anything away from either of them, madi was able to play the way he did because of the quality of players he played with, boomer, joor and to a lesser extent alkz You would see a difference in playstyle if grouped with one of these second rate augers mentioning no names ;P
As for learning pac from valgs movies, best way is experience really dont try to carbon copy someone, especially valg he has a shit weird setup ^^ although watching will obviously help you out. Play a bit find out what you use and then spend a long time getting the optimal keyboard setup.
ive been playing vs valgair and booomer since they were rr6 so dont tell me what they are capable of , since i know it better than most ppl that still post here
now if ppl didnt understood that what i said was simply a joke
ur problem not mine
<3 boomer
<3 valgair
Find those links ya big dwarf hunk of lard
Saw that movie also. Cant say I was the least impressed by his "skills" due to him radaring. Not hard to notice what direction incoming from when you can watch on a radar etc. Luckily he deservedly got banned.. And rerolled still claiming to be best healer on seer boards.
Sad that he is one of the few I remember from reading those boards some 1½ year ago now..
His video is not about the radar. He got banned for it, started again and made other movies without radar afterwards, so that "skill" point is a bit moot.
I saw his newest movie and I think he's a very good player due to his positioning and battlefield overview during combat. I also tend to agree with him a lot while on VN ^^
Filefront is rox <3 4k/bs whoop whoop!