Good Luck all and take care


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
As most of you know, my wife has decided to leave DAOC for good (Avenhar). Well her and I started to play the game together and the very first guild we joined was TDF. After a few months in TDF we decided to make the guild Blood-Lust and it was a very succesfull guild that was made with the real friends we met playing Ultima Online. Well since the fall of Blood-Lust, most of the real friends we played with left the game for good and the game hasnt been the same since. Yes you meet new friends and old friends, but the fact is the game still isnt the same.

DAOC has changed alot since I first started playing the game. Before you use to be able to zone into a dungeon and get spammed with grp invites, now you have to wait around for 3 hours to find a grp even with the right class. The leveling of artifacts and getting them has become way time consuming along with MLs. Well for over about a year and a half, I logged into DAOC just about every night to play the game or help others in the game and have put my real life aside while doing this. I know my kids probably think they dont have a father, or maybe think I dont have a face since all they seen of me was the back of my head (JK). Well the fact is, you cant balance the time needed to do all of it, in real life and in game.

Well in the end of all this, I would just like to say thanks for all the fun TDF and all x BL and anyone else I have met along the way. Its time for me to find out what real life is all about again and spend time with my kids.

In the next few days I will be logging in and clearing out the house I have and will be selling the house (927), so if anyone is interested in it, leave a message or PM me when you see me online.

Good Luck to all of you in game and in Real Life



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Enjoy the big wide world m8, was good to know you when we were all DT allies.

Take care, enjoy the kids.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 7, 2004
/WAVE ! Cya, was fun the hours i had with ya guys in AC while lvl'ing my wiz ^^ sad to see ya go, but now go enjoy the pleasures of life and ya kids ^^
Hope to cya someday, somewhere =)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
GL in all you do Hend - and all the best to your better half ;)

Cheers m8.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Cya m8.....all the best for you and the missus IRL (o:



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
bye bye heinrich...another guy I remember being there from the start :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Daws said:
bye bye heinrich...another guy I remember being there from the start :)

Hehe it's Hendrich that's quitting, not Hienrich - Same class, similar name - we got confused a lot ;)

Hienrich is still alive and kicking (kinda ;) )

Bye bye Hendrich, good luck with that scary real life thing ;)

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