Good Guilds



Lo! im new to Mid coming from Hib Excal and am looking for a good mix RvR and PvE guild. Is there any1 out there could give me a few pointers? thx


Nordic Fury have a fair mix of both, ofc I'm biased....we do have Zarff tho ://


check out guilds and their alliances...

if you want us to give some optionsit would be wise to precise if you prefer a large, medium or smaller guild; if you plan to roleplay and what you mainly expect of your new home guild...

...whichever direction fate will lead you, we wish you bravery, valour and success within our lands...

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


The best thing to do IMHO is to group in PvE and take a note of the people you like and come back time and time again to play with, THEN note their guilds, check site, XML (as much use as that is) and forum - go from there.

Nordic Fury ARE a good bunch btw :).

/edit and I aint in NF so no bias ;)


The Savage Conclave is a great bunch on all fronts. They take good care of their juniors in PvE and have regular Guild Events that are either RvR or PvE oriented. They are big enough, such that you should never have a problem to find a group. Unless you make a shadowblade <pokes tongue> or a Shaman: everyone and their sister has a buffbot there.

They also have a number of RvR characters which are extremely good (I'm not going to name any because I know I'll forget some).

The Amazons of Midgard are an extremely nice and friendly bunch, a bit more roleplay oriented (which is not difficult, because, let's face it guys at SC, you suck at RP :)). I love them all, particularly the Hagall crowd (you know who you are).

Edit: Oh. And welcome to Midgard !

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