Good Game?



can someone please sugest a good game im bored with all mine it has to have a good single player aswell as agood online game.
im thinking of buying X-Wing allaince and Starlancer can anyone suggest any other games?
Nice to see you nice


Giants citizen kabuto, a machine hog but it is VERY fun to play. Online play is good aswell.

It is a cross between a RTS and a FPS game. In a multiplayer game you might start off and you go out and get a smartie (little bloke with a big head and a scottish accent who builds your base) he builds a pub and sits down and has a beer untill you command him to build something else, some buldings require more smarties. When they do a job they lose energy ad have to go to the pub and eat vimp meat (you have to go out and kill them and collect the gibs) Buldings give you better defence, better weapons, and more polygons to slow you framerate.

There are 3 sides in it aswell. The meccs have rocket launchers and things like that but the reapers can summon twisters in an enemy base which is fecking funny (i might post a screen shot in a min) watching everyone getting sucked up into the air. It is awsome.

Then there is kabuto which is a HUGE monster, he just eats people and can punch the ground and send shockwaves in every direction.

If you can stand the stability problems and you have the machine for it, it is tremendouse fun.


Aye, Giants is great fun. One of the most original and freshest games I have played in quite literally years. I have yet to get round to playing it online tho, mainly cos i'm wayyy too busy.

Another suggestion would be Hitman. This game really does its job in sucking you into the plot. You really feel like a hitman, sneaking up to people in backalleys and cutting their throats etc. A class game. This doesn't have multiplayer support (yet?) but I did hear a rumour not so long ago that there is some multiplayer functionality coming it's way in the not too distant future.

I played Gunman Chronicles solidly for about 2 days, then stopped. I got bored because essentially, you are doing the same things over and over, just in slightly different configurations and scenarios. You kill 4 human baddies with lasers. Move on a bit, and you have to kill 5, with super lasers. Essentially it's all the same. I did however love the tank thing (CS Development team: note, this is how a HL vehicle SHOULD be, not the half-arsed lame attempts you made at an APC).

Another really original game i played is Oni. It's not actually released until jan 29th, but I procured myself a copy from somewhere ;) but I like it enough to buy it when it is released. What makes it so different is that it's essentially a FPS, but it contains beat-em-up elements. You can attack enemies using punch/kick/flip attack combos like tekken or something. The further into the game and plot you get you learn new attack combos and moves, like the "Triple punch Haymaker"! heh. I loved that part of it so much that I never bother with the guns any more, I just run around doing serious kung-fu shit to all my opponents.

[Edited by Perplex on 21-01-01 at 13:06]


Reviewers didn't like Hitman though, have to admit I might see what its like.

Oni does look fairly good and I might dl the demo.


It's sheer class. Pointed several of my mates at it after i'd played it, and they are now hooked :) The reviewers must have been smoking crack


hmm... .Giants sounds interesting... i think i'm gonna have a look for that.... gunman doesn't appeal to me at all... old engine = old game... i don't wanna go through half-life again with different scenery...


I loved Hl soo much but I still found GC very good even though the graphics engine may be a bit dated, they certainly didn't look it.

B&W which comes out on the 23rd Feb is looking like a damn good game, only time will actually tell though.


well probably the most successful game this year will be tribes 2. Mainly because tribes was so successful and it is one of the best multiplayer games around.

HL was amazeing, I completed it 3 times, but there are so many triple-A titles comeing out this year i can't afford GC.


I have a good game for you. It's called x-tet - tetris but using naked people - you have to fit them together rather than blocks etc :) Funny sound effects too.. if anyone wants it I'll mail it to you :D


X-Wing Alliance is immense.
If you are a Star Wars fan you will love it.
It is sooooooooooo absorbing :)


If you haven't played Deus Ex yet, get that. I got it at Christmas and I'm still playing it, which is unusual for a predominantly single player game.

Really looking forward to B&W.

I share misgivings about Gunman Chronicles but I won't knock it yet as I haven't played it.

I read a review of Hitman after playing the demo, and it pointed out all the faults I noticed in the game. But then I thought "so what?". None of those problems detract from the game a great deal, and it seemed like a lot of fun.


Deus ex is a very good game if you don't have it yet, single player is very good and has a rich story line and the new multiplayer patch is great. (i love snipeing with the infa-red augmentation)

I have had it since december and i play it quite a lot. Occasionally going back for another blast. Currently at a hard bit. I am in the underground war bunkers and i can't get past the troopers gaurding the bunker where they are holding some people. (i can't remember the name of the gang) but i am doing it to get there respect so the leader can put me in contact with some person. Vague i know but i havn't tried it in a couple of weeks.

Anyone care to help, I have no Bio electricity, that is why it is hard, otherwise i would use run silent.


I got Deus Ex and to be honest it looks like crap. FPS is in the toilet, and the animations are poor. I have also shot blokes in the head and they have'nt died. Maybe its my machine (which it should'nt be coz I just upgraded to an AMD 800)

I got Project IGI too, and that suffers from the same graphics problem and no save option. Also the enemy AI is a tad shit (ie: shoot a guy and the bloke next to him does'nt notice)

Maybe my machine don't like D3D.


I`ve completed Deus Ex, with all the endings, and it`s a SHIT HOT game! Havn`t tried it online yet tho.


Deus ex isn't built to be a FPS, it is a RPG/stealth shooter.

And Project IGI is good, AI is thick as pig shit but they are good aim and those tanks and helis are damn hard to get past.

The graphics on Progect IGI are awsome, you can't have seen the F16 fly past and blow up the sam on level 8 i guess. Watching it fly off in to the distance i got shot by some dood left back in the base :) (didn't die though)

Deus ex has pretty poor graphics but it is only things like textures. The maps are pretty atmospheric.


anyone know a web-site where i can have a look at Giants ??

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