Gombur is TEH HAxx0rZZ!!



I wanted to check my total post count, so clicked my profile button, only to be shocked stunned messmerized and completely blown away that Gombur has secretly found his way on my buddy list!! :eek:

Is this some secret part of your über secret ultimate plan of complete pie domination Gombur?!
I just KNEW you were only pretending to be cute and purdy!!

I bet you even hacked Brannor's account!! :eek6:
It all becomes so clear to me now!!



Here, I'll reply so you don't feel left out...

And you should be grateful too, getting a reply to a shitty thread like this one :flame:

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Pixie.Pebr
Here, I'll reply so you don't feel left out...

And you should be grateful too, getting a reply to a shitty thread like this one :flame:

pixie.pebrs first flame!! You go, girl!



I'd like to say sorry...

I did not really mean what I said above, it was a spur of the moment thing.
You know, having a bad childhood, growing up with parents forcing you into wearing tight, colourful pixie-outfits and taking you for walks around the town...

I just have a lot of frustration built up and needed to get rid of some.
I am really, really sorry slapmesilly..., I did not mean to hurt your feelings...

And thank you, Sicko. That is a lovely picture, once more :)

/em snorts some pixiedusts and goes to sit in a corner :(

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Pixie.Pebr
I'd like to say sorry...

I did not really mean what I said above, it was a spur of the moment thing.
You know, having a bad childhood, growing up with parents forcing you into wearing tight, colourful pixie-outfits and taking you for walks around the town...

I just have a lot of frustration built up and needed to get rid of some.
I am really, really sorry slapmesilly..., I did not mean to hurt your feelings...

And thank you, Sicko. That is a lovely picture, once more :)

/em snorts some pixiedusts and goes to sit in a corner :(

... now you ruined it!!!:eek:
*rips pixie.pebr's faerie wings off*

old.Gombur Glodson

ARrrgh!! Please stop doing that!!

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
ARrrgh!! Please stop doing that!!

Does it arouse you in a strange, inexplicable way, Gombur?

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