


Got one question, how do u make gold for new stuff in this game.
I am now at lwl 10 and my stuff is gray/green. As a minstrel its time for me to get some nice studed but as the most i ever goten so far is 60 silver that gona be hard.

Now if this was ultima online i would have goten my tamer and 4-5 drags and made some mills of gold easy but in daoc ?

What the best way to make some gold? and how much can i expect to have to pay for a sett of studed armour and a decent sword.


what i think is best is looking for mobs that u can kill and gain money. dragon ants are a good way to go. they are blue at lvl 6 and get better (dragon ant soldiers etc) and they drop 70-90s loot items. i would go there if i didn't have money. but if u are looking for xps go to the spider in blk mtns S where the loot is un-sellable. stay at the ants for as long as you can, sell when ur pack is full and u shud be ok.

Kylock 3x season Armsman
<The Brethen>


:eek: :eek: just msg me in game and i'll give u sum $$, why dint i think o' that = /

Kylock 3x season Armsman
<The Brethren>


Not sure if the offer was serius, My post wasnt ment as begging just a question about how the economy worked in daoc ;)

Then again if it WAS serius i wouldnt turn u down as i need re replace my armour prety soon hehe :clap:


Llo m8,
You can message me or Moody ... can always craft you a good set of armor for free. No problem.

From lvl 10, start in Mithra (overcamped but ...). I didnt go for big xp there, just looting by killing blues and greens for 3 to 4 lvls. Got me some nice gold there.


it depends what class you are, as a theurgist i could easily solo marsh scrags, which droped money more than loot(avalon marsh), at aroung your lvl, and by lvl 16 forest smugglers up near snowdonia station are a good sorce of money.


Do killtasks, very easy and quick as a minstrel. U will be rewarded with 5s and a good amount of xp for each task ;)

Try pk.bridge in lvls 7-12, then West Downs- there are also some at brigde to camelot city and u can also do tasks in avalon marsh.

Good luck! :)


Kill Task

Do as Tilde mentioned before, especially as a minstrel you can get to lvl 20 fast and you get nice cash on the way. As far as from my Experiences you dont have to worry that much about crap armor when doin Kill Taks and fighting blue/yellow solo mobs.

PK Bridge, then West Down. After that just follow the Road and try the Guard Tower at the entrance to Camp. Forest. If you dont get any more Kill Tasks there head back to West Down. You can ask the three Guards wandering from PK Bridge to the abandoned Tower behind West Down and the solo Guard wandering from that Tower to Camp Forest also.

Coin reward goes up with your lvl.

All the best



Asuming you are solieng and you refuse to take gifts:

I think the economy of this game works best if you do all the quests you can get your hands on, they usually give nice items. The items will substitute for any bought item. If you are unable to get a desired item from a quest you go to a crafter, who will be cheaper than merchants. Furthermore the crafted items will be effective longer due to the higher quality of them. There are also mobs/dungeons where you will get usable loot.

Go to this site to learn more about, where to find the needed items.

Cost reduction is the our guild's answer:

I'm not sure how it works in other guilds, but in ours we have a lend-items system. When a player feels he has something for the guild (an item), the guild stores it in the guild vault ( will come in next patch). The item is then destributed to one who needs it, when it is no longer of any use to him he returns it to the Guild Vault.

This way the members save a lot of worrying about items and economy.

So in my opinion it is all about ressource allocation, and minimizing the your costs. Where as othes feel that you need to increase your income.

Order of Camelot

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