gold bags and same reward


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 2, 2004
i know the guys from goa have read about this topic before but isnt there a way to change the system of what you win from your hard earned gold back so you can choose what armour piece you want?
its not very often at all i get to win a gold. and only to recieve the same armour piece is really annoying.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
yeah i hear this a lot. i think considering the changes they have made to lost vale (THANK YOU! i'm so sick of wasting 1.5 hours to get nothing from what, 15 bosses?) they realise the current issues with loot. the contribution needs a long hard look at for starters, but a simple thing like the above would definitely help as well. i know a bunch of people who got 4-5 gold bags in IC raids and got the same piece over and over.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Just making it so what bosses drop in PvE is repairable would do wonders for dungeons, I wonder if adding more bags to keeps would make a difference..probably just more choo choo :( How about Players at a certain RR drop all anni set items? ;o


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 28, 2008
How about Players at a certain RR drop all anni set items? ;o

"Hey megam8s on mIRC #crossrealmingtards, I've just got my char to RR Eleventythree. Come farm me for your set itamz!"


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
i know the guys from goa have read about this topic before but isnt there a way to change the system of what you win from your hard earned gold back so you can choose what armour piece you want?
its not very often at all i get to win a gold. and only to recieve the same armour piece is really annoying.


Simple change, can't see any issues with it.

Additionally, again an old subject, but please allow us the option of not rolling on loot bags. Sickening when i win a gold bag which is useless to me and wander off with the cash when i know a lot of players need the items.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Just making it so what bosses drop in PvE is repairable would do wonders for dungeons

really good idea.

"Hey megam8s on mIRC #crossrealmingtards, I've just got my char to RR Eleventythree. Come farm me for your set itamz!"

as if anyone would ever do shit like that. even if they did, the chance to drop would mean they'd get reported/caught well before they got any gains from it.

why are you so bitter/judgmental of people using irc? it's a great tool for furthering the development of the community and i have NEVER seen it used for anything underhanded.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 3, 2004
If you are using a guild group you can turn on master loot. Only 1 in your grp needs to win a bag then and they can send it to who wanted it.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 3, 2004
Aren't they BoP though?

yeah but if you set masterlooter on the grp. then wait to see who wins a bag and swap the master looter to the winner they can send it to who they want in the grp/wb. The bag then contains loot for the recieving class. Least that is how it works on PQ bags so I assume same on keep bags.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 2, 2004
yea. but still doesnt give you the piece you need, what is what i'm griping about.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 3, 2004
yea. but still doesnt give you the piece you need, what is what i'm griping about.

True but you can be disapointed with the contents more often by masterlooting ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2008
as if anyone would ever do shit like that. even if they did, the chance to drop would mean they'd get reported/caught well before they got any gains from it.

why are you so bitter/judgmental of people using irc? it's a great tool for furthering the development of the community and i have NEVER seen it used for anything underhanded.
it happend in star wars galaxies and quite a few other games with rewards for PVP as by fight clubing every1 gets what they want. in SWG for example when the jedi ranking system was in a group of players controlled the entire rank system by fighting a set group of people who agreed to just die. they added deminishing returns to killing the same person and that just made these groups go larger and include more and more people.

so realy no good can come from getting a high reward for something that is so easy to setup and exploit.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Its happened in DAoC, WoW and all the rest where there is a set reward for killing enemy players. The smarter ones don't get caught, only the greedy ones.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 28, 2008
why are you so bitter/judgmental of people using irc?

We've discussed this issue before in another thread, where I believe I made my standpoint quite well known.

The answer to the question posed is that I'm neither bitter nor judgemental, but I do have an opinion which would seem to be at odds with yours. I shall attempt to explain my objection to the use of mIRC as succinctly as I can.

Restrictions to ingame cross-realm communications are a deliberate part of the game. I would presume mainly to prevent smack-talking, but I would also presume with the intention of preventing the easy passage of information from one side to the other regarding movements, tactics, etc. mIRC is a third party application being used by some to bypass ingame restrictions and possibly gain an advantage over those that do not use it. To my somewhat literal mind, this represents a breach of CoC and EULA.

In addition to this, because not everyone uses mIRC, it fosters a culture of elitism. You are either part of the opted 6v6 pre-arranged fight community, or you are not. From discussions I've had with some re-rollers, this has resulted in people being excluded from warbands because their gear/spec/rank is considered inferior. It is a not inconsiderable factor in their decision to migrate, thus contributing to the imbalance and decline in population on K8P.

I conclude that mIRC is indeed a very useful tool for creating a community, but the resulting community is inbred, exclusive, and elitist. If you consider this a positive step for the wider game community, then you are of course free to disagree and form your own informed opinion, but I have said my piece as requested and will not approach the subject again in this thread.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
i've never ever seen someone excluded based upon any of the factors you described. moreover, the kind of people (like you) that think this generally make the divides from the (as you put it) "elite" players by building up a wall around THEMSELVES with their judgmental behaviour, making them unapproachable and meaning in the grand scheme of things they feel excluded and ignored or whatever.

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