going to throw together a kick ass clan. Need a few **Good** players.



alright, heres the chance for all of us who didnt get the chance to join a clan because they're already full, to rise up and show them what they're missing out on.
we need a few (8?) **good** (note keyword - good) players. thats anyone who comes first/second in ffa games in over 80% of your games.
want lpbs.
want a good sense of humour aswell. none of this; i gotta kill them, my life depends on it..
anyone that comes third in games will also be considered because well, theres potential.
so if your interested in throwing a clan together, of some of the meanest quake 3 mercenaries that never got into a clan because of numbers only or just couldnt be bothered, this is your calling.
if your genuinly interested, or know someone who might be, mail me - directly - dont just post a thread. (jon2@mcmail.com for those of you that dont know)
oh and, no time wasters please.


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