Going to start a Pally on PvP



I think, not sure, could any of you experienced paladins give me some tips, how to spec etc. I played a hero to 50 and same with a eldritch, stealth classes don't fit me, so im gonna give a healing class a chance. Don't know anything about them whatsoever but i know pretty much about tanks etc, and that u need to raise both 1h and 2h spec to raise your 2h minimum dmg etc. So any tips would be appreciated, thanks. Btw is paladins wanted in groups and so on? not that i have any problems grouping since i get my own groups most of the time, but in a chart from 1-10, where would you put the pally? ok ok enough, give me some tips ;)


Paladin is pretty much the ultimate aggro-holder, a dual-wielder churning out styles and taunting can usually pull aggro off, but.. that's an extreme case.
As to the rest, can't offer any expert advice, sorry :p


Well, even tho I'm not a big RvR fan and will not play PvP ... I can still give you some small advice on paladins.

Personally, what we are good at is keeping e group on its feet. Mobs however are a different world compared to PvP situations but the basics of the paladin won't change. As I see it, don't expect a damage role as a paladin, go high chant (would say up to 48) and keep groups alive with +200 AF boost (reduces damage by at least 100 hp), a twisting heal (and yes, twisting it with 46 hp per tick can add up during a long fight) or just add about +40 damage to each group member. And when they go for you, high shield and parry will keep them off long enough for any caster / damage tank in your group to bash some skull or you can use defensive skills to protect your main nuker/healer. If they fix resist chants, tactics may change of course depending on the groups you're facing.

But again, more experienced players might differ in opinion and strategy. Let them have a go at it.


From a pvE point of view paladins are without doubt one of the best tanks and can indefinately hold aggro with heal chant pulsing ,BUT they are not exactly a healing class and while i heal 41 a pulse when you are being hit for 200+ it doesnt make alot of difference. Problem occurs is that pallys are not exactly big damage dealers even 2h and armsman and mercs heap alot more. My pally is sword/board and as such is more defensively inclined although u do get a good 9 sec stun with slam however with resists and changes to purge its not often u will get a full 9 sec stun.
Bear in mind that it is pvp and from 10 onwards you are more or less either going to be defending yourself or attacking someone else. I would seriously only consider a pally PvP if you are going to be a regular grouper. Levelling wise you will find it much easier as a sword/shield pally.


pally is very wanted in grp´s, as he is about the best aggro holder u´ll get. there aree several paladin posts of different sorts here, try and read them, should be something good here and there :), on a scale from 1 - 10 I´d put him as something like 8, a few classes being abselutely neccessary at times, and with few who plays them. in my xp days the sorcerer and pbt theurgist are examples of theese, dunno how that is today tho.

as for how u play, I only know 1H/shield paladin, so if ur doing a 2H pally, u may wanna play differently.

when u get in grp, usually (usually means there can be exeptions) u put on your heal chant, guard the person most likely to take aggro from you, and protect a caster/cleric.
when u pull a mob, use taunt style to make sure u get the mobs aggro. u dont need to use taunt style more than two, maybee three times, heal chant should take care of the rest. if however u loose aggro later on, use taunt style again, to regain it´s aggro, if u r out of endurance, twist chants (meaning use battle, shield, and heal chant in quick succession, when u used all 3, repeat).

if ur fighting several mobs, try to save endurance for other mobs than the first, if thats too hard/impossible for some reason, twist to get their aggro. if u get too much aggro all of a sudden (like when several mobs resist sorcerer mezz, they tend to aggro to you cause of heal chant), change to armour chant, giving the others an oppertunity to get some mobs off you (altho it´s not always needed, pallys can survive an insane amount of aggro at times, healing, blocking, parrying, being guarded, cleric healing u, the mob missing, etc, etc)

u need to tell other s/s tanks, that they need to guard you (no, not all of them at the same time dummy :) ), as main aggro holder u´ll be happy when ppl block for you.

once u get slam, use this to keep cleric/casters alive, if u have the end for it. a cleric using insta heal is often found dead shortly after as it´s hard getting aggro off him/her. slamming the target gives the grp some time to kill off the mob, and can save a lot of lives.

I would go highlander paladin, with:
10 con
10 str
10 quick

some will argue that briton is better, they may be right, they may not. I´m highlander myself, and I dont regret it - well not yet anyway :)

speccing would be:

slash 44
shield 42
chant 46
parry 3

allowing all the chants that are worth the points, a decent dmg output (as far as pally´s go), and slam. parry is low, but this is somewhat being dealt with by the shield spec, 42 will go to at least 50 with items and RR.

one thing u should know is that as u get to lvl 50, items will have done a lot for you, allowing u to max both str and con for sure (170 str, 200 con). so try and keep an eye out for which items with bonusses to theese u can remove without going below ur max. I found out that I had about +40 to con which was not being used. change some of theese items, to items with bonusses to resists and together with the RA that gives 3% resistance to magin, u´ll get very good resistances, remember ur chants can also be used to raise resistance. I got heat, cold, body, and energy all at more than 30% atm, before using chant, and before any1 buffing me with resists (with a body resist buff I get 56% body resist :) )

another RA u should get, actually it should be the very first u get, is faith healing - about 1200 HP heal to all in grp, intantly, usable in combat. will not only save lives on rvr, but also on pve. just notice that u´ll be getting aggro from each and every mob ur fighting immidiatly. first time I ever used it I didnt really consider that, with FH being a realm ability and all - got aggro from 6 caellich guards (red/purp con plate wearing, angry woman with a severe problem against strangers), killing me in about 5 secs

also try and get items that give + to hit points instead of + to con. still make sure str and con is capped tho. ur dex may not get capped, but it wont be far from it, and quickness is quite hard to cap (hence +10 quick from the beginning). try to get reasonable amount pf stat in those.

paladin on pve:
u can get and hold aggro very easily. the defensive capabilities of the paladin means he can survive a lot of aggro, and the heal chant and taunt styles ensures he can hold aggro with even infiltrators in the group. at times the paladin must lie down his life for the group, getting aggro from more mobs than he can handle to save the life of one or more others - learn to live with this, others may not be able to get that aggro as easily, most of the times, paladin will survive. often ppl will tell u to use damage chant, but depending on the group, healing chant is more often than not the most wise choice of chant.

solo - u can solo blue cons to no end, never rest. the twisting capabilities of the paladin´s chants enables him to fight several, actually up to 3 or 4 blue cons, emerging with his HP bar at max. as the enemies dwindle in numbers the healing chant beginsd to raise the HP again, thereby enabeling u to move on the the next blue cons at once (pallys are the ones shouting - endurance is for sissies like armsmen :) ). yellow con can be done fairly quick too, but not at all times of the game, at some lvl´s yellow con requires a bit of rest, altho not neccessarily long periods of resting.
oranges can be soloed for part of the game, they do however require large downtime, so are not advisable. (still remember when I got jumped by an orange con with my HP bar down to where I couldnt even see any HP, heal chant made me come out of the fight with about 5% HP left, killing the rooter (loong time ago that was) :) )

if money is needed - go solo green cons, they drop fast, and u´ll never need rest, so a fair amount of money (or seals from DF) can be made quite fast.


pallys are not healers pallys are not healers pallys are not healers
pallys are not healers pallys are not healers pallys are not healers
pallys are not healers pallys are not healers pallys are not healers
pallys are not healers pallys are not healers pallys are not healers
pallys are not healers pallys are not healers pallys are not healers
pallys are not healers pallys are not healers pallys are not healers
pallys are not healers pallys are not healers pallys are not healers
pallys are not healers pallys are not healers pallys are not healers
pallys are not healers pallys are not healers pallys are not healers
pallys are not healers pallys are not healers pallys are not healers
pallys are not healers pallys are not healers pallys are not healers
pallys are not healers pallys are not healers pallys are not healers
pallys are not healers pallys are not healers pallys are not healers
pallys are not healers pallys are not healers pallys are not healers


(faith heal doesnt count)


Oki thanks for the replies, i know how to play a tank as i said but could need a bit more help with spec lines, why 48 in chant and not 46 etc, dont wnat to be a dmg dealer but a good protector with Guard on mages. Ah well its always to try out a new class im sure it will be loads of fun and thanks again. (Gonna get so owned in pvp i guess :()


I'll come nuke your for 500 with my runie. Payback time ;)


i once solo'ed a yellow with no endurance and 10% health :D


a bit more help with spec lines, why 48 in chant and not 46 etc

Going up to 46 in chant gives you :
- highest end regen
- highest damage add
- highest heal chant
- second AF boost.
Now, if you decide to go up to 46, might as well go for 48 since the additional 95 in damage/shield do nat make a world of difference.
The 38 based AF chant has a 99 point value while the 48 chant has a 127 base value. I feel it makes a difference but it depends on the way you play. Pure heal chanters or damage chanters may not want to go for it. No matter what they say ... a paladin can be played in many versatile ways, each having his pro's and contra's. Finding out what you like best is important, as well as analyzing your group when killing.

You will get loads of tips and hints from all kinds of directions, often contradicting each other based on personal views. The best way to exprience it is still to roll one and try out. It is a very fun and fine class to play imo.


Lot of people here seem to forget this is on PvP server. You can group with any class from any realm. Sure Pallys get dmg chant, but so do skalds. Bards get end regen, and can heal. Oh, and skalds and bards both get mezz, and speedsong. And skalds can actually fight. Also pallys healsong is a nice way to cover for Albions lack of healing, as not many clerics are rejuv. On PvP there will be lots of Healers and Bards (I think) as these are both considered good PvP classes. With more healers available to groups, the role of the healchant pallys is diminished.

Bottom line is Paladins are so good because they are from Albion, they have utility and abilities noone else in Albion gets. But on a PvP server their skills can be performed by classes who offer more.


can a skald twist?:)

can a bard fight whilst benefitting the group?:)

I would have to say the best thing about the pala, is that it they perform when there is no end spare<im not sure how much end chant or end song comes into play, but that would be still to our advantage> we are the duracell bunnies of daoc, some times thats handie, as tanks go we aint that bad @ fightin we get owned sometimes <well i do, but dont we all? there is always a class that ownz your weakness>, but with the improved shield and parry in future patches, they cant be a bad choice for pvp, and the biggest plus imho is REZ=) any rezzing class is going to be accepted with open arms me thinks=)

BTW i have seen very few v good 2h pala's, and plus whilst writing this im more and more inclined to go and roll a bard=P<for pvp>

Sighfi teh pala

<all class's have a place, just have to conform to a role>

Freedom in a limitation?:p


Thats my pally Tyka

48 chants
41 slash
42 shield
8 parry

im very happy with him, in 1vs1 i can win all the tanks. I have problems with tanks who hits fast and deals lot of damage (BM and zerkers). If a warrior hits me 100 and i hit 80 (without style) but at same time i heal myself 46. Then i have the longest 1vs1 fights and a lot of times i win.

In group im a rock(plate +42 shield). I die fast if a caster hits me but all people do :).

Against casters slam is cool, you can almost finish a caster if u slam him).

So the problem is the damage, you say you will no solo in PVP, then Paladin is a nice char.

The low damage is the problem but with crafted weapons and RAs (strengh) my damage is not bad now.

Another nice defensive pala would be

45 slash (50 with items,etc)
42 shield
45 chants
8 parry

almost the same but more slash. I tested yesterday a 2 handed pally and i was lost. A lot of people owned me easy and fast.

Peach Ns killed me and that was too much. A solo archer or assassin cant kill my shield tank.

well good look ¡ Shield Pally !


paladin can take more damage than any other class in PvE.


48 chants isnt realy worth the speccing to, imo.
For 48 chants u get the last Armour Factor chant. anything over 48 gives u the extra Resist wards which arent worth it, as most will agree.
my current spec is:
44 +15slash
42 +15sheild
46 chants
3 +15parry.

the 3 parry isnt all that bad as mastry of parry boost you up.
I was recently thinking about respecing to:
39 slash
46 chants
42 sheild
26 parry i think it works out at.
i dueled another pala with this spec just to test how it worked out. i was doing about an extra 10 dmg unstyled if i remember correctly.

Also i think i read somewhere if parry is too high, then your sheild block rate will drop, not sure if this is true. think i saw it on the vnboards somewhere. but dont take that as gospel.
parrying more than blocking wont be effective either, as u wont be able to chain off the Riposte/bedfuddler combo.
Riposte does high dmg when used after a block.
befuddler stuns for 6 or 9 seconds cant remember.

never played on pvp server but a general tip is spam Body and Soul resist wards when fighting SBs/infs/NS has it is a nice nerf to their lifebane. as its on body resist line.

First few Ras u should be aiming for would be:
Purge - You cant protect a caster if mezzed
Aug con
Aug Dex
Mastery of blocking
Mastery of Parry
Avoidance of Magic
mastery of pain
Empty Mind is cool for those MoC situations
Avoid pain is also cool for those zerker groups.


Pvp? ....my zerker whoops a red con pally on pvp...

pvp best are casters wif pet enchanters .....bds ...necromancers ....sorcs

if u want to be a tank u need to be one that deals pure damage that takes down people before they take you down
Like a zerker or maybe a merc ? ...


I dont have a palla but i have played some with my friends palla(lvl 50 rr5 with full mp sc armor and weapons) .... I dont have many things to say S/S palla and go :
50 slash (highest ws u can get and still CRAP )
42 shield
38 chants
10 parry
That is an semi-offensive palla that gives him good defensive abilitys without giving away ws and damage cause pallas ws and damage is CRAP. Highlander palla with 65 slash (50+15) ws is 1075 o_O and the damage to casters with sc suit is around 150-180 with amethyst with mp sabre and rr5.Atleast that is the damage i did to domain and memeerf and its low .
Btw the damages on casters and the ws is when u are unbuffed.
Still pallas > everyone on duels and on solo rvr :p ... FH+IP+twist chants.


Originally posted by **Aligro**
i once solo'ed a yellow with no endurance and 10% health :D

I solod lots of reds without losing a single hp when fight is over, after 5 minutes that is :p


In my opinion, the best paladin spec would be:

39 Slash
42 Shield
48 Chants
23 Parry

This, however, requires you to auto-train slash and chants to level 48... so you're gonna need some powerlevelling! :p

You could go 46 Chants 26 Parry by auto-training Slash and Chants, but that wastes 22 spec points, whereas you only have 2 left over with the above spec... ;)

For PvP I'd definitely recommend 48 chants, though... the extra af can be a life-saver.


uhmm, why did I write + 10 quic further up, should have been +10 dex :)

nerf me when I´m tired...


Originally posted by old.chesnor
Lot of people here seem to forget this is on PvP server. You can group with any class from any realm. Sure Pallys get dmg chant, but so do skalds. Bards get end regen, and can heal. Oh, and skalds and bards both get mezz, and speedsong. And skalds can actually fight. Also pallys healsong is a nice way to cover for Albions lack of healing, as not many clerics are rejuv. On PvP there will be lots of Healers and Bards (I think) as these are both considered good PvP classes. With more healers available to groups, the role of the healchant pallys is diminished.

Bottom line is Paladins are so good because they are from Albion, they have utility and abilities noone else in Albion gets. But on a PvP server their skills can be performed by classes who offer more.

I'm guessing you have a)never played b)never grouped with c) never seen a PvE fight with. a palidin right ?

Though heal chant does heal in group no one takes a pali for that reason they take one because with heal chant a palidin will always hold agro on any mob AND with plate + shield + AF chant when they get agro they can take much much more damage than any other tank from any realm. and then you add end regen and you have a VERY group friendly class.

I dont usualy flame posters but that was just silly, made me laugh my butt off.


Guys this was ages ago, some people enjoy bumping old threads that got no meaning i suppose..

Thanks again.

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