Goddam Goa!!!



Damn you GOA , I have waited 6 months for my new password and they finally send a reply saying,
'fuck off you dirty Hib',
so I reply saying Hibs aren't dirty, and I recieve an e-mail saying all my chars have been demoted to lvl 5, cos they think I smell.

Well that one got my goat up, so I replied that from now one I would be paying the 6 month sub instead of the 3 month, and therefore would be keeping a few groats in my pocket rather than theirs.

Their reply was quite frankly out of order, from now on I can only level a blade spec caster, who has to be called TwatMcTwatty Gaylordofthebum.

If this carries on I'm seriously gonna have to think about cancelling my sub, do you think I'm being a bit hasty, or like me do you feel GOA have overstepped the mark this time?


What the hell? This thread popped into my profile as a subscribed thread...freaky BW thingy happens again! :eek7:

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