GOA's multi realm Campaign



as most of you know by now GOA is adding a multi realm Campaign.
They added several event NPC's. so far only sorcerers could talk to them (in Albion that is). They just been upgraded with a new dialogue and this is what I get when talking to them now:

Image here

(they all say thesame at this time, tested it with one in barrows, Barfog, Snowdonia, Odins and Breifine)

There are also some new NPC's in Camelot.

If anyone know's more new NPC's or has other info, do share it ;)


There is a drunken Kobold, who spawn near the forge in Camelot. I dunno if its an old npc or new, neither do I know in wich time intervals it spawns


No ide what most of this jibberish means, but a quick search for information on the only proper name in this text (Forseti) gives this info:

In Norse mythology, Forseti is the god of justice. He is the son of the god Balder and his mother is Nanna. Forseti rules in the beautiful palace Glitnir, which serves as a court of justice and where all legal disputes are settled. Glitnir has a roof of silver that is supported by pillars of red gold.

And since the passage refers to the "father of Forseti", take a look at the (much larger) entry on Balder here.

Nice one... The gods make you immortal and what's the best idea that they can come up with for your function then? Using you as a dartboard... Typical... :rolleyes:

So at least one part of this text fits with the DAoC pseudo-mythology.

Bridge Trent

Has anyone tried saying anything to them, I read somewhere (maybe on the official site) that there are trigger phrases not highlighted like the usual quest ones. There seems to be a few words in quotation marks. Maybe there are triggers in the paragraph which they will expand on.


Just an observation...

The dead slave is refered to as giving birth.

But his/her/its children are refered to as 'his mischevious offspring'.

So either....

There are 2 slaves being refered to.
The reference to the slave giving birth is wrong, and really means the dead slave was born, or was fathering children.
The 'his' should be a 'her'.

Or something else entirely.


The father of monsters is often referred to as Loki (The Norse trickster god) who's the father of Fenris (The Wolf), the Norse serpent and the goddess Hel.

Its through his trickery that Balder was slain and because of him that Balder was unable to return from the dead.

Further more, the mother of the above monsters was a Giant.

The Yawning Rock is a mythological place where a whole generation of people went to hide inside a rock face. The same yawning rock was used by Merlin to get Arthurs knights (reinforcements) to him for the final battle.

Following the battle no one could find either the rock or merlin.

My guild (Dark Phoenix) are currently researching this and more will be posted on our web site forum (www.thedarkphoenix.com)


Loki or Loke as his correct name is the bad apple in Valhalla is the god that survives the doom of Midgård(Ragnarök is the norseapocalypse) because he has allie up with the enemys. Loke is a shapeshifter that have all kind of diffrent evil acts. If somethings is going on in the land of midgard you can bet that Loke is behind it. I will delete my wizard if not Loke has a big part in this event =)


From GOA's DAOC site...

Campaign and events:

Just a short word from the story team who wanted to congratulate the players giving their best during the numerous events happening lately as well as trying to really be into the investigations and the plots.
Regarding the campaign, most of the elements are now in game and the various plots are growing slowly. More than a hundred of NPCs/monsters have been added to the three realms since the 1.48 patch.


Correct me if I'm wrong but we've got, what? 4 NPCs whose location has been widely published, if we assume a third of the hundred are in Albion - that leaves 29 to find!


Doesn't neccessarily mean they are all visible yet


There were at least 5 new NPCs in cammy yesterday or the day before who were there for a short while and then left, there were, after that, a few new merchants:Fish merchant and some others. I don't think all the new NPCs are permenantly in thier place, I think they spawn and disapear at certain times of the day.


tons of new npcs started to pop in midg about 14 days ago, spend hrs and hrs to try and find the beginning of the link with xuthos and no luck, sop I guess it aint on yet,,


And also all these messages u get from time to time, today in Lyonesse I got the message: Mithras tourch of light shines again or something like that (not really like that)

Something is surely happening, hope I am there at the time when it does


Originally posted by Rhuric
And also all these messages u get from time to time, today in Lyonesse I got the message: Mithras tourch of light shines again or something like that (not really like that)

I think that is the message u get when someone attack the named caellich guard in lyo...when those "pillars" spawn and start throwing fireballs at u.


Really looks like Loki got something to do with this event :)

In midgard there are some new npc's around, found on that's named Follower of Loki and some other npc's that belong to Hel..
Also talking about some strange organisation I've never heard about (can't remember the name now)..
These events really are cross-realmed :)

DroP DeaD

I got somewhere!!!

I was on my cleric and in the Retreat in Avalon where there are 2 new girls beside the cleric trainer. I talked to them and got somewhere... At the end of it all you say Sir/Ser Gleran (in Humberton keep) to the taller one of the 2 and she says "You kow him? I have had no news" or something and <Sobs> after that I got nowhere. I went to Sir Gleran and he would not answer to her name so I got no clue what to do now... Try update me if anyone gets anywhere with this one. ~:]

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