GOA: Where's my sound?


Neural Network

Been playing some hours to day with the new patches installed, on the original game (no SI), when suddenly some or most of the sound effects disappear. I couldn't hear the fammiliar running steps or the when people were being hit by monster. Also the guy I were grouping with complained about the missing sounds, and he had SI installed.
Anybody else?

Indiana Jones

aye, the music and ambient sounds sometimes disappears
i had to reboot to get it back


Yeah someone else posted the solution - see the thread called "Quickbars and sound" further down the page.

Would personally give my right arm to play with no sound - more fun than sitting pressing refresh and spamming all the forums ;)

Tesla Monkor

Sound is turned OFF by default when you patch. Click on the second button in the Personal menu (The one showing your stats) and play with your music/soundsettings. :)

Indiana Jones

that's not what he and i are talking about

i played SI with sounds and music, when after a while i don't hear anymore music or ambient sounds. No more waves hiting the shore, no more frogs at night,....
...sure the frogs and so can be annoying...but absolute silence except for the footsteps and the spells....not very amusing either

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