GOA to Player language.



Hello everyone,

(Good day you rich trusting sons of...ahem..i mean customers.)

The process to update the servers for the coming of Shrouded Isles started this morning around 3am GMT and, as planned, the servers were shutdown around 7 am GMT.

(We shut down the servers.)

As we briefly explained yesterday, the installation of Shrouded Isles is not like a usual patch.

(We have a basketball game at noon.)

Many software modifications are needed but with them come many network architecture and server modifications as well.

(And we still have to beat the Uber Dudes in Battlefield 1942)

Our plan, as published yesterday, was a long patch day, with servers being back up late in the afternoon…

(We told you a time that was roughly three hours too optimistive)

As you can imagine with the title of the news, we encountered a quite important problem.

(Ok so 12 hours...)

We were supposed to receive the last files needed for the installation of Shrouded Isles on the production servers at the beginning of this week.

(We actually didn't test the thing at all..sorry..forgot...)

These files are compiled and distributed by the Mythic's teams but, since the beginning of the week, a heavy snow storm is striking the area of Washington (where Mythic's office is located), preventing many members of their team to go to work and among them, the ones taking care of the patches.

(John had a birthday and mythic crew spent most of the night out and Billy can't get to work because he has one helluva hangover.)

We did not receive some of the key elements yet and the launching process of Shrouded Isles is therefore delayed.

(It might be 15 hours..honestly we don't care...we lost the basketball game..)

We are now facing two options :

First, we can follow the plan, hoping that Mythic will be able to send us the needed files this afternoon (around 3 pm GMT with the time zone difference). This would allow us to open the production servers with Shrouded Isles this evening.

(The first. We can piss everyone off like we did before.)

The second option is to cancel the current procedure and switch the servers back to 1.54 today and wait for the missing files knowing that in this case, Shrouded will not be released today.

(The second. We sit on our asses, play SI on our private server and wait like the rest of you. Damn it's a good add-on...)

We picked the first solution and decided to stick to the plan. Our teams are ready to work late in the night if needed to open the servers with Shrouded Isles and the patch 1.57.

(We have a good group going on and´bob wants to get to level 50)

Of course, we will keep you informed throughout the day.

( Of course , we will keep you informed throughout the day. Mmhm)



that was a great read


Maybe ive missed something. How can they do option 1 when they dont have the files?


Originally posted by Erekrose
Maybe ive missed something. How can they do option 1 when they dont have the files?

old news thread from GOA:

The teams of volunteers (French, English & German) are currently testing on Gorre, which is running version is 1.57 and Shrouded Isles currently. Many things need to be tested and we still have a long road ahead. Many bugs were already reported and are being worked on. Everyone is on the edge to make sure that everything will go as smooth as possible and be ready for the release date.
- http://camelot-europe.goa.com/news/newsarticle.php3?id_article=742

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