Goa surprises!



Actually they don't, once again they screw the customers over :p

This time I was in bg1 with my shade at level 24, it was the evening when hibs took the central keep from albs, twice I might add, the albs got it in between.

Well, anyhow, I hit the doors of the keep, I hit the guards of the keep, I hit the lord(ess) of the keep, and we got the damned keep, but no bg keep take quest :(

So I kindly ask Goa (used rightnow), if they could please enable the keep take quest, since it was clearly visible (in logs they have I'm sure) that I should've gotten it, like other hibs in my group did.

But the reply was quick and ignorant:
We are sorry, but we can't help you with .. blah blah blah.

Can't, or WON'T, that's the real question in my opinion. The silly bastards at Goa are obviously set on a no-help policy, I reckon that a bg keep take quest ain't the end of the world, nor will I stop playing just because of it, but maybe next problem that arises is enough to end my contract with Goa (of course, keeping in mind that I'll still be paying them 'cause they take the money even if you cancel your subscription :p)

Well, I would just like to hear if anyone had this keep quest problem, if so, did you get it solved?


Think you need to capture AND defend it for about 10 minutes or something.


the other realm needs to have it controled for 30 minutes.. then once u kill the lord u should get the quest completed text .. tahts what i did.. in bg0 bg1 and bg3 :) ..


Well, as mentioned, OTHERS in the same raid in the same group got the quest.

As far as I know that's sufficient to say that I should've got it.


Originally posted by old.Mirandalia
Well, as mentioned, OTHERS in the same raid in the same group got the quest.

As far as I know that's sufficient to say that I should've got it.
Were you capped out of the BG? ( had more RP than the current cap ). If so you won't get the quest.

Or where you dead at the time, or outside the keep - when the keep was taken?


Originally posted by Whisperess
Were you capped out of the BG? ( had more RP than the current cap ). If so you won't get the quest.

Or where you dead at the time, or outside the keep - when the keep was taken?

Was it raining? Was there a smiera-gatto near the MTK? Did your char have red enamels on? Was your char facing north? Or east? Did you eat a hamburger -just- before the keep was taken?

EDIT: Just adding to the quote.


Well, atleast my suggestions affect wether or not you get the quest.

Believe it or not - some people are actually trying to be helpful.


Originally posted by Whisperess
Well, atleast my suggestions affect wether or not you get the quest.

Believe it or not - some people are actually trying to be helpful.

This a multiple choice question? I choose...



IT's not harming the thread -that- much. Chill. :D


Were you capped out of the BG? ( had more RP than the current cap ). If so you won't get the quest.

Or where you dead at the time, or outside the keep - when the keep was taken?

Not capped, still not capped (10 rps to go)
Not dead.


do /quest and check if it shows up there or not (if you haven't already). It seems very strange that everyone else got the quest but you didn't... maybe you've already done it and just forgot?


you hadn't nipped off outside the keep to kill some incoming albs/mids as they came across the bridges as the keep fell? :)


I need to stress these point it seems:
-I was INSIDE the keep
-NOT dead
-HITTING lordess
-Alive when lordess died
-Saw the message of hibernia taking keep
-No message of quest received
-/quest shows no remarks of the keep take quest (done it on animist, know what to look for)
-I haven't done the quest before.

I did EVERYTHING that is required to do the quest, but still did not get it, and Goa failed (fails) to help.

So, I gather this is an isolated incident, that it hasn't happened to anyone else before?
Which just shows the lack of customer support that Goa provides, if one user has a problem, ignore it, 10, ignore it, 100+ maybe we'll look into it.


Were you within range of the keep at the moment the lord died?
EDIT: oh, in that case weird ???

ie it says You have entered Thidranki in the top window

Whether you hit any doors or guards is irrelevant. You can port in during the siege and step onto the island at the moment of capture and get the quest even though you did absolutely nothing. Conversely you can kill most of both doors, most of the guards and most of the lord, run out of range when lord dies and get nothing.


Originally posted by old.Mirandalia

I did EVERYTHING that is required to do the quest, but still did not get it, and Goa failed (fails) to help.


First ur realm Must hold the keep for over 45 real time minutes

u have to hang arround the keep for atleast 10 min

u have to reach the realmpoint cap for that battle ground


Originally posted by Silenzio

First ur realm Must hold the keep for over 45 real time minutes

u have to hang arround the keep for atleast 10 min

u have to reach the realmpoint cap for that battle ground
Not our realm...
10min timer, bollocks!
Reach realmpoint cap to gain quest, bollocks!
Did you notice I said that other got it while I didn't get it?!

From mythic

1. Participating in a successful raid on a central keep that has been held by the enemy for at least 45 minutes. When the enemy's banner has been raised at the door of the keep, you should get credit for taking that keep by killing the Keep Lord. If the banner hasn't been raised yet and you take the keep, you won't get credit for taking it. Double check your list of completed quests with the /quest command before you leave the battleground to confirm that you did it correctly. There will be a message to you if you did it correctly.
Successful Keep Raid must have:
Ø Enemy in control of Keep for at least 45 minutes
Ø Enemy’s banner has been raised at the door of the keep
Ø You must be within radius meaning you should have seen a message that you have entered <insert keep name>.


you don't have to stay around the keep a certain amount of time after capturing it afaik, here is what the patch notes from the 1.60 notes (when this was first introduced) says:

Experience for Battlegrounds

We've added a system for experience rewards for completing each battleground. Basically, when you complete a battleground, you can go to a new special NPC that will give you a medal. That medal can be taken to another new NPC and turned in for a significant amount of experience points.

To complete a battleground, you must achieve three objectives (note that only the keep raid must take place in the Battleground, the rest can be achieved in standard RvR):

1. Participating and living through a successful raid on a central keep that has been held by the enemy for at least 45 minutes

2. Being at the realm point cap for that battleground

3. Being in the level range for the battleground, plus one level.

Please note that the realm points need not all be earned in the battleground - they can be gained in standard RvR as well. Once players have participated in a keep raid and reached the required Realm Point level, players go to a new NPC in their home city and receive their medal of valor.

You can only receive the medal for a battleground if you are within the level range for that specific battleground, plus one level. For instance, you can only receive the Thidranki medal if you are between 20 and 25.

note that from 1.61 and onwards you can be dead during the raid, as long as you are within range


I do appreciate help, as long as the helper takes the time to read all of the information so that there isn't another one:
did you try this? (while it had been tried)

And your help is clearly displayed by your last post.



long time no see!!



Did you actually see the banner that tells you the opposition had held the keep for 45 minutes?

And yes, those talking about holding for 10 minutes are talking crap.


Well if others got the quest and she didn't ... tells you something about the keep being held for enough time by the enemy


2. Being at the realm point cap for that battleground

You dont need to be at the realm point cap anymore either. I just got a Thidranki keeptake medal on level 21 Healer with ONLY 125 rps (nowhere near Thid cap, just wanted MCL).

Mirandalia you were screwed, they owe you a medal. :(


Originally posted by tildson
Use Rightnow
So I kindly ask Goa (used rightnow), if they could please enable the keep take quest, since it was clearly visible (in logs they have I'm sure) that I should've gotten it, like other hibs in my group did.

But the reply was quick and ignorant:
We are sorry, but we can't help you with .. blah blah blah.

Although I guess I'll try again, bitch about it, what's the worse thing they could do? Close my account? :(

For Thana:
Hello dear friend, been kinda inactive this summer (played some bg alts mostly, that's it), but moving to study apartment this coming saturday, so will catch you in-game for some more serious chats if you still have an active account :)
/hug /kiss



Don't play too much anymore, no longer an unemployed gimp and motivation for playing is a bit down atm.. But i'm still around from time to time! :) cya in game :)

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