GoA - Rightnow - solved


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Nice GoA people,

Can you please give a short explanation when you have "solved" a rightnow bug report, i dont want anything exciting just some text saying:

"passed to mythic for investigation"
"We have investigated and cannot find a problem"

For the last 5 bug reports all you have said is that "you will investigate further" and then 3 days later the rightnow question has been closed as "solved" without any feedback.

I am getting a bit disillusioned as i know you need rightnow requests to find bugs in game, but there is no point in me doing it if it appears all you are doing is closing the call, without resolving the issues. It makes me wonder why i bother.

So tell those nice Elves in technical support or whatever department it is, to close off the call correctly instead of just solving it. It will makes me feel more appreciated, instead of talking to a brick wall.



[GOA] English Servers GM
Jun 8, 2004
Yes that is a stock answer no you won't get anything beyond that because as you so eloquently pointed out we pass these things on to Mythic. We do not make changes in the game code we fix what is allowable within our contract with Mythic and hand the rest over. Most of the bugs that we report get sorted either with hotfixes you guys never particularily know about or get worked into a patch.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
THis is the way that RightNow works:
You submit a query, and get back an autoconfirmation email.
We reply to your query as appropriate. At this point the RightNow is set to Waiting which means that we are waiting for you to either update the question or accept it as solved. 48 hours after it was set to waiting it will be automatically set to solved if you haven't updated it.
With things like bug reports, cheating reports etcetera we don't usually provide additional details to the person who reported it. We'll tell you that we've recieved your report and will either investigate it or pass it on to the relevant people (in the case of bug reports). Unless it's a specific bug (i.e. one that only affects your character) you won't hear from us again.

In short, if your question is set to 'solved' it doesn't necessarily mean that the bug has been fixed, it just means that the report is no longer updating.


Luver of Buckfast
Dec 23, 2003
howdy goa chaps you guys started updating ur cvs yet? ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Requiel said:
In short, if your question is set to 'solved' it doesn't necessarily mean that the bug has been fixed, it just means that the report is no longer updating.

Maybe its just the wording then when someone tells me it is "solved" it usually means that the problem does not exist anymore.

So solved does not actually mean solved, if so why use it?

I wouldn't normally be allowed to close a call withoutout letting the customer know the reason why the problem was closed or solved or that i had refered it to another team.

Doesn't "solved" give a false pretense that the problem has gone away.

I have never used right now, but any customer/fault reporting tool that automatically closes or solves a call, with out the owner (e.g. support technician) also verifying that it can be closed, would lead to a lot of calls that have been solved without actually been solved? ;)

Since we all like use analogies "there have been no reports of terrorism in the middle east in the last 48 hours so we can flag this problem as being solved"

has it been solved?



English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
scorge said:
Maybe its just the wording then when someone tells me it is "solved" it usually means that the problem does not exist anymore.

So solved does not actually mean solved, if so why use it?

I wouldn't normally be allowed to close a call withoutout letting the customer know the reason why the problem was closed or solved or that i had refered it to another team.

Doesn't "solved" give a false pretense that the problem has gone away.

I have never used right now, but any customer/fault reporting tool that automatically closes or solves a call, with out the owner (e.g. support technician) also verifying that it can be closed, would lead to a lot of calls that have been solved without actually been solved? ;)

Since we all like use analogies "there have been no reports of terrorism in the middle east in the last 48 hours so we can flag this problem as being solved"

has it been solved?


I see your point but you are missing mine.
If you send in a report about a bug that affects everyone - a geometry hole, a pathing bug, a broken quest for example. We need to pass it on to another team to resolve as it's a bug in the coding and the coding needs to be fixed. For this type of report, we respond saying thank you for the report, we've passed it on and it will get fixed asap. Then it gets set to solved after 48 hours. The problem has been passed on and will get fixed regardless of the status of your RightNow. Because it's not possible to give a definite timescale for this type of fix and it's not feasible to contact every single person who reported this bug and inform them it's been fixed, this is as far as we go with regard to letting you know what's going on. The problem is set as 'solved' but our technical team will still be working on the fix - possibly in conjunction with Mythic.

If you send in a report about a specific bug that only affects your character and isn't universal - for example you have an item with the wrong stats, you can't advance a quest or your house isn't displaying your guild colours properly, then we fix it and set the report to solved when it is solved and you have been notified. In this case the coding doesn't need to change, it's just a problem in a database which we can fix individually.

Does that make sense?


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Please remind that RightNow is a Customer Services Support Tool and wasn't build by either Mythic or GoA. So 'Solved' is RightNow language for "The issue has been dealt with", which in this case means that GoA has forwarded it to Mythic.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Requiel said:
I see your point but you are missing mine.
If you send in a report about a bug that affects everyone - a geometry hole, a pathing bug, a broken quest for example. We need to pass it on to another team to resolve as it's a bug in the coding and the coding needs to be fixed. For this type of report, we respond saying thank you for the report, we've passed it on and it will get fixed asap. Then it gets set to solved after 48 hours. The problem has been passed on and will get fixed regardless of the status of your RightNow. Because it's not possible to give a definite timescale for this type of fix and it's not feasible to contact every single person who reported this bug and inform them it's been fixed, this is as far as we go with regard to letting you know what's going on. The problem is set as 'solved' but our technical team will still be working on the fix - possibly in conjunction with Mythic.

If you send in a report about a specific bug that only affects your character and isn't universal - for example you have an item with the wrong stats, you can't advance a quest or your house isn't displaying your guild colours properly, then we fix it and set the report to solved when it is solved and you have been notified. In this case the coding doesn't need to change, it's just a problem in a database which we can fix individually.

Does that make sense?

If though you can reply to a righnow question with .."we will check the server side logs and investigate further".

then surely when you "solve" a problem you could also use a generic reply with:

"this information has been passed to mythic for further investigation"
"this issues is resolved in the next patch"
"we were unable to recreate the problem"


I understand you cannot give a timescale from when a problem will be fixed, i am still unsure why its not feasible to tell a customer there problem has been fixed? Is it due to lack of resources?

yet again even if you replied to the customer with

"your problem has been corrected in patch 1.XX"

if someone has the decency to report a problem surely you could respond in kind when you have resolved the problem, even if it is a generic reply, at least then they know that it is being dealt with?




Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Daedalus said:
Please remind that RightNow is a Customer Services Support Tool and wasn't build by either Mythic or GoA. So 'Solved' is RightNow language for "The issue has been dealt with", which in this case means that GoA has forwarded it to Mythic.

with rightnow you can change the resolution codes e.g. in progress, solved, closed, resolved etc


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
scorge said:
If though you can reply to a righnow question with .."we will check the server side logs and investigate further".

then surely when you "solve" a problem you could also use a generic reply with:

"this information has been passed to mythic for further investigation"
"this issues is resolved in the next patch"
"we were unable to recreate the problem"


I understand you cannot give a timescale from when a problem will be fixed, i am still unsure why its not feasible to tell a customer there problem has been fixed? Is it due to lack of resources?

yet again even if you replied to the customer with

"your problem has been corrected in patch 1.XX"

if someone has the decency to report a problem surely you could respond in kind when you have resolved the problem, even if it is a generic reply, at least then they know that it is being dealt with?



If you report a bug you do get a reply saying that it has been passed on to the appropriate team for resolution. If the issue is reolved in the next patch or an upcoming hot fix then we tell you that instead of sending you the 'will investigate' answer.
The normal standard answer for bug reports reads as follows:


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are working with Mythic on closing all reported bugs in the game and this will be added to the list of issues to deal with.
Thank you once more for your assistance.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

Once we have replied to your report and forwarded the details to the appropriate team we set the report to Waiting which means it will be closed automatically in 2 days unless you update it with additional info.
Bear in mind that many people may have reported the same bug and it simply isn't feasible to reply to each of them when the fix is implemented. Usually these fixes are announced on our News page in the case of issues that affect a large number of players.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Zenythe said:
Most of the bugs that we report get sorted either with hotfixes you guys never particularily know about or get worked into a patch.
Mythic seem to document these changes when they make them, whereas GOA rarely mention them at all. When you do mention them theres rarely any details given of whats changed/fixed.

Any particular reason why?


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Because in most cases, the hotfixes that Mythic apply to their servers are already built into the patches we bring live. Occasionally there is an issue which is fixed separately and these are normally documented in the Friday News. Most of the Hotfixes we run are either to do with Goa content and background or are 'stealth' fixes to close exploits which we'd rather not advertise.
Since NF, the only hotfix we've run that hasn't been announced on the news is one that fixed Cursed Bindstones in Midgard. Everything else has been documented.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Requiel said:
If you report a bug you do get a reply saying that it has been passed on to the appropriate team for resolution. If the issue is reolved in the next patch or an upcoming hot fix then we tell you that instead of sending you the 'will investigate' answer.
The normal standard answer for bug reports reads as follows:


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are working with Mythic on closing all reported bugs in the game and this will be added to the list of issues to deal with.
Thank you once more for your assistance.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

Once we have replied to your report and forwarded the details to the appropriate team we set the report to Waiting which means it will be closed automatically in 2 days unless you update it with additional info.
Bear in mind that many people may have reported the same bug and it simply isn't feasible to reply to each of them when the fix is implemented. Usually these fixes are announced on our News page in the case of issues that affect a large number of players.

must be just me mate all i ever get is this "is under investigation" i get no follow up about it passed to another team or that it is fixed in a later patch :eek6:


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
scorge said:
must be just me mate all i ever get is this "is under investigation" i get no follow up about it passed to another team or that it is fixed in a later patch :eek6:

are you reporting people exploiting? if it involves someone else's account they won't give out details of what's going on with it....


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
are you reporting people exploiting? if it involves someone else's account they won't give out details of what's going on with it....

nope only reporting bugs as per requiels bit above

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