Goa + Pr



Short n sweet.

Played many many MMMORGS.

Some have been oog games..some terrible...all with varying levels of customer PR and support.

Just a bit annoyed that IU havnt been able to renew my ccount for 4 days now due to some problem with the 'Goa payment server'. It keeps insiting I try again within a few hours.

Anyways..regardless of any Email I said(I must add that all correspndanc from me has been polite and constructive)..im still sat here with the same problem. The GOA server dosnt want my cash ;p.

Sort it out GOA. We accept you dont really do much in terms of work yrselves(you have a few translators trying (badly) to translate others hard work in the shape of Mythic coders). but surely...a working payment site is high on yr 'we ought to do somethign about that list' ?

Rant over.
This is a once only grumble post. the usual losers who just start arguements on threads go play somehwere else.



Never press the back button while on that pay site .. got that "try again" stuff a couple of time because of loading the previous page ..


Ive never touched the 'back' buton. I as well familiar however with the phrase :
There is a technical problem with the Payment Server. Please try again later

Generic Poster

Try the following:
Write out your problem
Feed it through a word processor, like MS Word.
Correct all typos
Send to GOA via RightNow

I'm sure your response will come faster, without GOA having to hire additional translators to decipher your strange language.


It's a payment service Generic Poster, not right now. Doesn't require much accurate typing, or in fact your sarcastic and not particularly witty comments.


Leave GPoster alone.

All games have those people who wont reveal their true 'in game' identitiy..but choose to be an arse under an alias on the games forums.

Seen it for over 6 years...always 2 or 3.



Originally posted by Lochlyessa
It's a payment service Generic Poster, not right now. Doesn't require much accurate typing, or in fact your sarcastic and not particularly witty comments.

Actually, you need to ype pretty accurately while using the payment service, or you can find it can be rejected :p

(just ignore me, feeling a bit funny, first day back at work for nearly 2 weeks, and nearly 24 hrs DAoC straight yesterday (went from 46 to 48 :) ) so I have a lack of sense today lol)


Heya Vayasen m8,

I had the same infuriating problem a while back, i found that the payment site requires your cookies to be disabled.

You may have tried this already, but i saw no replies including it so thought it may help.

All the best, hope to be healed by you soon



Originally posted by Generic Poster
Try the following:
Write out your problem
Feed it through a word processor, like MS Word.
Correct all typos
Send to GOA via RightNow

I'm sure your response will come faster, without GOA having to hire additional translators to decipher your strange language.

lame :eek7:

Generic Poster

Originally posted by vayasen
Leave GPoster alone.

All games have those people who wont reveal their true 'in game' identitiy..but choose to be an arse under an alias on the games forums.

Seen it for over 6 years...always 2 or 3.


I am helping you and this is the thanks I get? :rolleyes:

On these forums, you are only as good as your words and if you type like someone having a spasm at their keyboard, it doesn't reflect well on your person.

I've mentioned this before after giving up on reading one of your previous threads, yet you continue to make typos of criminal proportions.

With most people I would ignore it, but as the GM of Albion's largest guild, you have a duty to the realm to present yourself as someone who can at least... type.

Good day and happy typing.


Originally posted by Generic Poster

I am helping you and this is the thanks I get? :rolleyes:

On these forums, you are only as good as your words and if you type like someone having a spasm at their keyboard, it doesn't reflect well on your person.

I've mentioned this before after giving up on reading one of your previous threads, yet you continue to make typos of criminal proportions.

With most people I would ignore it, but as the GM of Albion's largest guild, you have a duty to the realm to present yourself as someone who can at least... type.

Good day and happy typing.

you see, this is why your a complete fucking twat. first you wernt trying to help, you were trying to be an arse hole, job well done. second, what has having spasms got to do with anything? maybe people cant be arsed to try and impress people like you with their great typing abilities, most people just want to post a simple message, not try and look totaly great infront of a load of strangers you couldnt give a shit about.

and he has a duty you say? shit i thought this was a game were talking about not some real life thing.:rolleyes: :sleeping:


I find it odd that so many people got problems with paying. Havent had any problems what so ever when i have wanted to pay. In with the numbers and log in 2-3 min later. Works superb


For about the third time...let me shed some light.

When I play...im often running around at the head of 1-3 guild groups...and often with anything of 1 - 5 fg of other albion guilds following(ish ;p)

Top that off with my guild talking...and the NUMEROUS /sends I have ploughing in during RVR (some1 confirm this pls ;p)......and what u have is some1 who dosnt give a rats ass if his 20 100 WPM are spelt incorrectly.

Especially when its some1 ..who is ..lets face it...a moaner on the boards who dare not even reveal his in game name (coz he knows he would get laughed at a lot 'in game'.


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