goa? pftt >< --V



I was camping the rune masters at the Middy frontier wall,using my albion supiror interlect i deiced to go afk whilst making foodstuffs. Out pops a little red norseman who takes up on the situation to get some free realm points :s
So, i ask a goa cleric who was sat next to me just moments early if thers any chance of a res: "No, try asking someone else"
oka oka, mabe your busy killing that norsmen, ill w8 till your done
/who gods cool, 4 of ya and ones lvl 50, cant take too long


5 mins and much goa running lata norsemen dies to wondering monster agroo (fedri or somthin).

You say: any chancae i could get a res now?
Goa cleric: No

trys asking another one...

You say: any chance of a res, i died just to your right there
Goa person: Sorry, cant c u try asking <an other goa person>

im lying litteraly 10 feet away from u, how can u not c me? heh, didnt know my stealth whilst dead was that good, been a cleric n all....

So whilst the 4 goa ppl sit around just below me, they leave me to auto release, thx guys!

Now mildly anoyed i head off to lyon to try and get ina xp party

Goa cleric: Your lucky we didnt res u
<redb leaves game to post moaning thread on bw forum>

soz, not normaly one to anoy but this just really pissed me off ><
goa, a guild ive looked up to and respected for the months ive been playing now.....well...ill shush...

Ah well, mabe i just caught u all at a bad time or somthin, perhapes more to it than i releasie, kek
anyways, off to that xp group

lata yo--


GOA as in Guardians of Albion ? Otherwise it seems rather confusing.

The rest of it is just a typical RvR situations.. clerics refuse to spend power on your silly soul. Its typical and nothing to be upset about. Although i dont actually understand the last comment < Your lucky we didnt ress you. > I cant work out what this means.
As for other stuff all realms are as yet to learn how to help eachother out in these situations. and dont worry this is going to be followed by a lot of if i were there i would have ressed you :)

Jaas Mallai

/who gods cool, 4 of ya and ones lvl 50, cant take too long

I assume from this that this is Gods of Albion and not the Guardians of Albion as the Guardians of Albion no longer exist, we merged with Circle of Power to form, wait for it, Guardians of Power (weren't expecting that were you!).

Ta muchly




I turned up in that exact spot as you were getting killed there 2 days ago, we killed the mids, then looked for your body (to rez) but you had released.... so not all Albs would leave ya m8 ;).. its a long trek to yggdra.



Thanks for this nice thread, not getting what u are trying to accomplish? Hell I dont even know who you are?
I dont even know if this is true...
What do u think guildmasters are for? Too look cute? (I know im good at that) but you mightve talked to us about this first...

Now u just flaming the entire guild, Im sure they didnt mean to leave you dead there, if they did then let me have at least the chance to have a word with them.

But i wouldnt have a clue what you are talking about here, plz talk to me about this when you see me...and plz as fast as possible coz this did annoy me.


Well once again we see a thread that did not need to be posted here but could have been posted on Gods of Albions own fourms. Would have been nice if you had given your name or Guild so we knew how you were.

Hey Hito when you gonna come back and play some cs at Wireworld?? Godfathers sucks now and gets his ass kicked by all the little boys :D


Originally posted by Jaas Mallai

I assume from this that this is Gods of Albion and not the Guardians of Albion as the Guardians of Albion no longer exist, we merged with Circle of Power to form, wait for it, Guardians of Power (weren't expecting that were you!).

Damn i am sooo old i start forgetting simple facts :p


If this is Redb the cleric, he was guildless last time I saw him, I guess GoA have lost their chance to get a damn good cleric :p :clap:


hmmm :s

O well, mes sorry i guess, mabe this was just a pointless flame post but thats how anoyed i was at the time :(

as for gm...

"Hi there, could u just tell me who your gm is so i could moan at them about you?"



Re: hmmm :s

Originally posted by Redb.HIHI!
O well, mes sorry i guess, mabe this was just a pointless flame post but thats how anoyed i was at the time :(

as for gm...

"Hi there, could u just tell me who your gm is so i could moan at them about you?"


When playing one of my alts a level 30 minstrel from some guild started killing my mobs, doing mob-trains getting several groups killed and was generally quite rude and childish. I asked this person to stop a few times and when she didn't I decided it was time to contact her GM. A /who guild worked out fine and I contacted the highest level member I saw. He directed me to the GM who I later had a chat with about this.

Thats one way to do it I s'pose.

I do agree that the clerics behaviour that you explain above is very strange tho. I would probably not contact their GM for this either ... I mean, what do you say? 'Hi I want to complain that 3 persons from your guild wouldn't res me' ... alrighty. They did nothing abusive. They were just rude and selfish I s'pose...

their choice - your choice can now be to not help these guys again if you ever see them dead or in some other situatio nthat requires help. Don't get mad, get even ;)


yeah, get even. kill em, and refuse to rez em!



who were they?

that doenst seem logical.

I understand if your upset, I would be too but could you flame the people who didnt res you instead of the guild?


Next time go afk near Mid pk and then ask for a rez.

I wasn't one of the 4 ppl you mention, if I was i will had rez you, but not all ppl will rez a pearson that is smart enough to go afk while in a rvr zone.

I don't think you went afk in the plain or in the midle of the road, so you propably were in some trees. Maybe that was the reason they didn't see you.

Is not good idea to blame the entire guid for something like this. But what the hell i'm sure those ppl had some reason for not rezing you.



His name is Redb, and the reason why he didn't put his guild on is cos he's unguilded.. And since GoA asked him to join their guild a few days after.. well heh, just seems weird to me. 'Nah, we wont res you, but you can join our guild so you can res us, ta!'. Dunno why i'm bothering with this, cos i dislike posting flame threads, but I've never known Matt (redb) to refuse a res to anyone, even Najwa :\ or in fact not help anyone, so I woulda thought they at least coulda used a quick 3 sec res on him. But anyway, as he said they prolly had their reasons.. mezzed or something for 10 mins, something like that. Just a shame Purge wasn't out then, or that their cleric hadn't given em intel buffs :\


this is dead thread allready sorted and doesnt concern anybody anymore since GoA is dead


yes and sad it is :( :( :(

this is my 5th guild where the main guild peoples leave....

Im cursed!

anyone want me in their guild? =)



griffons have and still are takeing alot of GOA good members i know our guild is slowly stoping requiting members atm but we are all here farky ozzy mags - u know the lads :) im sure you would get a big welcome from myself and fellow griffons

Talk to me in game - about it then chat to lamagra

This is one guild i can 99.1% bet on it wont fall appart never had a fall out with anyone and GM is a star

Hell i have never swared ! - now isos is that like me ?
There aint 1 guild out there that would get me to join them now i honestly think GK is a bomb really fun alot of nice peeps too

now come on ya 10ft giant monkey and join us :D

come get drunk on the computer with me again some night and get lost in camp forest lol


Yeah Isos come and find us, thats if you can with all that hair in your face


haha sure, but I got a haircut so I dont have that much hair in my eyes anymore =)

we'll see about guilds.... and Im soon lv 50! only 6 dots left
lv 49 have so far been a walk in a peaceful rosegarden wiht some dead mids lying on the ground

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