I was camping the rune masters at the Middy frontier wall,using my albion supiror interlect i deiced to go afk whilst making foodstuffs. Out pops a little red norseman who takes up on the situation to get some free realm points :s
So, i ask a goa cleric who was sat next to me just moments early if thers any chance of a res: "No, try asking someone else"
oka oka, mabe your busy killing that norsmen, ill w8 till your done
/who gods cool, 4 of ya and ones lvl 50, cant take too long
5 mins and much goa running lata norsemen dies to wondering monster agroo (fedri or somthin).
You say: any chancae i could get a res now?
Goa cleric: No
trys asking another one...
You say: any chance of a res, i died just to your right there
Goa person: Sorry, cant c u try asking <an other goa person>
im lying litteraly 10 feet away from u, how can u not c me? heh, didnt know my stealth whilst dead was that good, been a cleric n all....
So whilst the 4 goa ppl sit around just below me, they leave me to auto release, thx guys!
Now mildly anoyed i head off to lyon to try and get ina xp party
Goa cleric: Your lucky we didnt res u
<redb leaves game to post moaning thread on bw forum>
soz, not normaly one to anoy but this just really pissed me off ><
goa, a guild ive looked up to and respected for the months ive been playing now.....well...ill shush...
Ah well, mabe i just caught u all at a bad time or somthin, perhapes more to it than i releasie, kek
anyways, off to that xp group
lata yo--
I was camping the rune masters at the Middy frontier wall,using my albion supiror interlect i deiced to go afk whilst making foodstuffs. Out pops a little red norseman who takes up on the situation to get some free realm points :s
So, i ask a goa cleric who was sat next to me just moments early if thers any chance of a res: "No, try asking someone else"
oka oka, mabe your busy killing that norsmen, ill w8 till your done
/who gods cool, 4 of ya and ones lvl 50, cant take too long
5 mins and much goa running lata norsemen dies to wondering monster agroo (fedri or somthin).
You say: any chancae i could get a res now?
Goa cleric: No
trys asking another one...
You say: any chance of a res, i died just to your right there
Goa person: Sorry, cant c u try asking <an other goa person>
im lying litteraly 10 feet away from u, how can u not c me? heh, didnt know my stealth whilst dead was that good, been a cleric n all....
So whilst the 4 goa ppl sit around just below me, they leave me to auto release, thx guys!
Now mildly anoyed i head off to lyon to try and get ina xp party
Goa cleric: Your lucky we didnt res u
<redb leaves game to post moaning thread on bw forum>
soz, not normaly one to anoy but this just really pissed me off ><
goa, a guild ive looked up to and respected for the months ive been playing now.....well...ill shush...
Ah well, mabe i just caught u all at a bad time or somthin, perhapes more to it than i releasie, kek
anyways, off to that xp group
lata yo--