GOA News and information Take 2)



Since my last thread GOA have put up a thread to the News Section, Thank you.

But let us take a look at the definition of news:

/nju:z/ plural noun (usually treated as singular) 1 information about important or interesting recent events.......

the last news post was on the 5th may (8 days ago), obviously nothing important has happened since then, and since then they have no recent developments, what has been going on in GOA for the last week, Surely something must have occured. Maybe its time they brake out the gimps. :)

Is the news a token effort, or will they actually make an effort to tell the community what is happening

Dont hold your breath.

All hail discordia!!



exscuse my error, it should be 10 days ok, didn't see they were using the US date format..


We dont need a news section tbh

Mythic have a news section on their main site that gets updated once a month, if that.

Their feedback to the players comes from the Camelot Herald.

GOA said they were closing the forums to work on the EU Herald equivalent, but I have not heard or seen anything yet. The herald is where I would expect a weekly update similar to what Sanya does that answers questions aimed at GOA and these questions should be sourced from GOA's "preffered" forum, being right here in BarrysWorld.

Also a regular update on patching and translations, what they are having trouble with and is eating up their time, etc.

There is no harm to either party to tell us if you are having trouble with a particular aspect of patching, infact it can only make the GOA - Peon (Read: the ALL KNOWING Customer relationship better:D )


Camelot Herald is coming with 1.48 :rolleyes: "woops, did I blurt it out?"


Alot of people would gain surprising insight, would they just check the relevant sources. the official home page does in fact state, that it will be up with 1.48. Its all there. go have a look :D



Originally posted by SFXman
Camelot Herald is coming with 1.48 :rolleyes: "woops, did I blurt it out?"

So 1.48 -IS- coming out? :p


If you have a translation program try going to French or Germany parts. The French seam to get more updates. below is the translation of the German up date and gives more information on how long the translation will take. Have a read and see what you think of it
News and plans for the future

Many of the projects become like so often simultaneously ready. Here is an overview over the coming changes and plans for the future.

1.48 readings

It become be no secret the 1.48 the next version for the DAoC servers.
The translation for the French as well as for the German servers is still in the walk.

Mythic puts us a compiled version with many separate files, objects, dialogues of the NPC, monsters, key-words, etc, comprises the coming Patch 1.48 all Modifizierungen of the Patches to the disposal and in this case 1.46, 1.47 and 1.48. universe these files goes through a translation-process, a lengthy and sensitive phase if one wants to get the context of the game-universe and the translation.

Let's take an object for example:
All names of an object must be translated in all files identically, the further in the NPC dialogue-files if it is mentioned by a NPC. Still it must become guarantee, that monsters have felled is named that the object right, otherwise one finds a " Briganten " of that after the translation a " Banditenohr " lets fall although a " pickpocket is required ear " for a Quest.

The problem becomes even more clearly, if one looks at the key-words, they must agree precisely with the words to find them/her/it in the Questjournal of the NPC is or in the normal dialogues of the NPC. Like you can see it is not done with the translation, everything also needs his/its time and the following tests.

If the translation is ready, the tests can begin on the servers. This calls on similarly much time like the actual translation, if not longer. The translation should be ready next week. We therefore still have some days of the translations and the tests before us before the server becomes on 1.48 gepatchts.

Like you you certainly can think we won't let individual servers further-run Pat ettes and others on the old version. For this reason, also the English server doesn't become gepatcht before the German or French servers although no translations are required.

Test servers

Already like some will know Gorre of not only the servers is that we to test about the translations uses, also specific problems of the European servers are checked here. , In order to find these of tip more quickly, and, to reduce the time between the Patches, we think whether the test-servers make accessible the players. We will relay information to this topic schnellstmöglich.

Please heed, we think about it:)

PvP servers in Europe?

How already announce still polished Mythic the technical and gameplay referential changes for this server momentarily and we are, as also you, stretched like it very much will be. If the U.S. become consider version of the PvP server we online whether we also add a PvP server the European server.

Funktionaliät of the Camelot chronicles

Mythic has made available us new script for the Camelot chronicles.
And the Web-team works exactly in this moment on it. With 1.48 will find its many late information over guilds as well as their positions, whose members, Federal-points and much more…
In order to be able to use all these new " candies ", the servers must already be switched to version 1.48, therefore you must a little longer on it waits. Our chart-colleagues work on something of …großartigem:.

Events and team reorganization

Many new faces here with GOA, Camber has recruited diligently new Game masters, translators and Kundendienstler. We still look for prospects and will still reinforce our team to become just about your needs. Of course, the " new " require a time of the Eingewöhnung.
We therefore structure the Event-Teams about a better cohesion the Events, the background-history as well as that script again to get between the servers.
Soon, there is more information to this topic.


My bad I gave up checking GOA Home page months ago due to lack of useful info, if its on there I aint read it.


Why do us english people seem to be informed the least in every goddamn case?! PLEASE GET MYTHIC TO HOST THE ENGLISH SERVERS :(


Originally posted by SFXman
Why do us english people seem to be informed the least in every goddamn case?! PLEASE GET MYTHIC TO HOST THE ENGLISH SERVERS :(
aint going to Happen lets face it

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