goa killed my leveling :)



just like to say thanks goa, when you FINALLY pull your finger out and manage to do something good, it's too good to be true, now i'm all for the events, great things, but why THERE, and why NOW?!

i was getting levels damn fast until this bloody event turned up, the only place i managed to group at was the skeletons at that bridge, was lvling very quick, loving it, then goa decide to make it off limits to xp groups, effectively killing THE best xp spot for about three levels in either direction :(

so, i go to keltoi:

me: got room for a lvl 19 minst?

group leader: sorry were full.

me: ok, you should turn your looking for members flag off then.

group leader: it won't, it's bugged.

me <fumes with anger at the one possible thing useful for grouping in this damn game turnes out to not even bloody work>

so, i try the other flagged group in keltoi.

me: got room for a lvl 19 minst?

group leader: sorry were ful... etc... etc...

so, i decide to find a goup somewhere else, which consists of fumbling around with the /who 20, and /who <insert various zone's here> etc... which yields more "sorry, not xping" or "no, were fine thanks"...

well, i then decide to make my own group: "sorry, questing", "sorry, i'm at this event, this is cool!", "no, your too low (came from a lvl 20! armsman) the xp will suck".

anyway, i'm peeved, goa just slaughtered any ability to xp for me, so i dont know when i'm gonna bother even trying to level this character again, maybe tomorrow i'll have a look, if this persists then the char is un-levelable since soloing even one yellow means sitting for so long that it's pointless to even try (and this is with the best player crafted armour and weapons i can get for this lvl), great stuff! :(

what i'm saying is... i'm glad that events are finally happening, but why can't they just THINK about the effect that they have on the game, you can't just stick hundereds of aggro mobs on the best lvl 15-20 xp spot in the game (almost the ONLY lvl 15 - 20 xp spot that anyone is willing to go to) and expect everyone to be happy, there are TONS of places they could have done something like this without having this sort of effect :(

personally i'd be perfectly happy grouping to hunt in tepoks mines... but NOBODY is willing to go anywhere near that place :(

Generic Poster

Don't give up the struggle, soon you'll be in popular demand.(lv30+ at pygmies)

If you have Instruments raised fairly high, you can charm goblins at the entrance of Keltoi. Make one fight for you, while you rest ;)


Originally posted by SoulFly Amarok
unnecessary whine.

probably but that doesnt mean i'm any less irritated by having my lvling absolutely killed by a totally unexpected event :p

still nice to see one happen though. just prefer it to happen somewhere else that's all :)

i'd charm goblins... but they're orange, i have max instruments but can't do that yet. have no access to +instrument items yet, only the lvl 20 epic flute but that's sort of beating the object if i need it for charming :p swords come in handy if your fighting with the mob :)


ok, so this is no longer a problem for me personally since when i logged tonight i've gotten to lvl 21 and the skeletons are no longer really viable. i managed to get an absolutely excellent group in keltoi, got half a set of chain armour too :p not to mention plenty of cash. anyway, it still stands, any lvl 15ish characters have been robbed of one of the best xp spots (and considering most players here, ONLY xp spot) in the realm, just a shame they coudnt have placed them somewhere else that's all...

nice event though :)


strange one i dont know albion so well atm (hibby refugee), but my lvl 12 Min can solo yellows easy and downtime is really low, i play healing song 2.

maybe i will find the next few lvls harder, anyway i got max instruments and have access to all abilities except for ae mez, not sure when that comes in.

I expect this char to be very popular now as i have powersong, so all u mages/healers inv me to ur grp :)


lvl 12 Minstrel
400 tailoring

- Pathfinder -

You rely on the Group function to find grps? Gawd, I have never met someone who actually uses it (I tried a few tims, no success). I've always made groups by either joining guild ones or messaging people who I assume are levelling ;)


your a minstrel, the most groupable person in the game, the majority of minstrels I speak to just go afk and leave pow song on in groups, without being chucked out. Try being a scout.

SoulFly Amarok

yups, I know how hard it is to solo some xp with a minstrel (check my sig[/cries])

But if there's an evening, when you jsut can't get a group, is it worth it to post it on bw :p

And events are event and they rarely take place, so expect people to go and find out what is going on in our land :D


ok, long post, apologies in advance for the people this catches at work who get sacked, ha!

well, you'd be surprised just how little you use powersong as a main role, i found myself usually just hitting the bongo's during downtime only, the rest was mezzing adds (even short mezzes, at lvl 10 etc... help immensely, and will save the group many times) and going into meelee with the tanks.

last night i was playing mana battery though due to the group being unusually caster/healer heavy, it was simply for once worth more to the group that i just play mana song and assist the sorc in mezzing than actually do anything :) fine by me, makes a nice change, it wasnt one of those /afk xp sessions though :) had to help out that sorc with my insta stun :p

basically we soon found that mezzing mobs normally was utterly beyond the question... too many tanks for that :), i think in the first two hours i managed to get ONE mezz to stick without the tanks breaking it before it reached two seconds duration :p later on though we were killing fast enough so that it made no real difference. basically when the add came we and the sorc were both sure enough of how each other were working that we didnt need to even speak, i'd just stun the add, then take aggro from the second etc... the first add would suddenly sprout zzzzzz above it's head (thanks to the sorc who had already been casting mezz at the same mob anyway) :) then because i can take enough hits from purp's/red's that we had plenty of time for the sorc, or a tank, to sort the second add etc... without it being a prob (most times we only had one add anyway though), once we had the stun/mezz thing going those mezzes stuck due to the mobs being out of reach from the tanks :), i think tanks and mezzed mobs are like kids and biscuits, if you dont want them to find their way to each other, gotta keep 'em out of reach :D

all this time i was basically playing power song, as such, with the easy mezzes, good power (better now even since i got power song 2 when i trained, max instruments too) mean't basically zero downtime except for when our group periodicaly cleaned the entire ant room :)

the reason i was annoyed about the event, isnt that people went there, i did too, people SHOULD go there, if they have no interest in these thing then they're missing something important from the game :) i was simply annoyed that in this realm nobody around that lvl seems to be willing to xp anywhere else but there and the sailsbury giants nearby (which you outlevel for grouping by aboout 18), now, if people were willing to hunt tepoks for instance, fine by me, love dungeons, interesting places, the fact that lvl 16 mobs can drop loot which sells for 30 silver a go isnt exactly a bad thing either :D but nobody does, and i may add that if i wasnt a minstrel i almost certainly would have been too low a level to have grouped in keltoi last night, i would have been totally stuck, which i'm sure is the position that many lvl 17 - 19 are in now :( considering that goa would have only needed to put the undead a bit to the north and none of this problem would have happed is irritating :p but i guess events are supposed to effect peoples gameplay in a large way, so i can live with it :)

by the way, i could tank fine at lvl 12ish as a minstrel, but over the lvl's i've seen my ability to tank drop considerably, i just take too much damage to make it even remotely efficient, i've heared that the conbination of chain, and in a few lvl's time, the more advanced combat styles, does give you the ability back again later, i hope so :)

anyway, i AM glad about the event happening, like i say, just wish it hadnt be EXACTLY on my only viable xp spot :)

By the way docwolf, if scouts are anything like rangers i can say right now that you have one HUGE lvling advantage over me in that particular situation (although i'd agree that minstrels are generally much easier to level), that is that you CAN solo efficiently enough to make it worth bothering with, i can't, right now, if i can't get grouped i cant xp at all... my ranger can take yellow/orange mobs with zero downtime other than getting end back for 15 seconds every five kills or so because he can kill the mobs before they ever reach him, just kill them constantly in no time at all, minstrel? it takes me ages to solo a yellow, then i'm almost dead after so it's dangerous, and the amount of downtime is just stupid. if i COULD solo then i'd do that if i couldnt get grouped one night, but i can't, THAT's the problem :)


Originally posted by old.Charonel
well, you'd be surprised just how little you use powersong as a main role, i found myself usually just hitting the bongo's during downtime only, the rest was mezzing adds (even short mezzes, at lvl 10 etc... help immensely, and will save the group many times) and going into meelee with the tanks.
That all changes as you get higher level. Above level 35 I almost never tanked in groups, powersong and mez were FAR more useful.
Also tanking ability drops steadily as you level. The real tanks get plate armour and are better and combat (and the combat difference is more pronounced at high level). Soloing yellows is possible with low downtime, but you need to use a pet and that eats some of the XP up.
As for tepoks, there's a reason no one goes there - it's insanely dangerous. Personally I quite like this, and the xp there is insane at level 20-30... if you don't die. ;)


Charonel and any other lvl 20ish - 21 minstrels could also consider the groups of 3 trees in forest sauvage. They will con green to yellow but you can mes 2 of them and kill them one by one quite effectively - mind you I made sure I got 15 slash for the 2nd part of whatever chain it is and slash works great on trees :)

Xp from this is pretty damn good due to a great group bonus and decent camp bonuses as well since few people xp in the frontier.


hunted those with my ranger while bored in forest sauvage one day :) was fun, but they were green/grey :p

i wont get 15 slash till lvl 23 anyway, but i know the style you mean :)

but in tepoks loot from lvl 16 mobs sells for 30 SILVER EACH!!! i really want to go raid there :p can solo entrance mobs but not good. :)


I might go to tepok's, see if the bossman himself is a match for my uberskillz. ;)


at level 19 i made 10 bubs of exp kill tasking with my minstrel in 2 hours do taht then go back to keltoi :)


yeah but by lvl 19 kill tasks have long become extremely inefficient unless you get them at the south plains towers... they're also extremely boring :p soloing in general is, i'm grouping from now on and that's that, but i WOULD like to be able to solo well too :)

even with my ranger, soloing i only have the energy for one level, by then i just dont want to see another mob for days :) no way can i get several levels in a row doing that, because:


xping is bad enough without adding the mind numbing ennui of soloing into the equasion :)

EDIT: i bet you didnt get three chain drops during your tasking eh? keltoi has other benefits than xp :D


hehe yeah i see what you mean.. being a minstrel Kting is dead fast though and you can always chat in guild while youre chopping away
i was only power levelling my minstrel so wasn`t interested in drops so yeah see waht you mean there can be crap if it`s you`re main character

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