GoA having a Barrel of laughs?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Remembering this thread....

And then reading this thread...

I also made three barrels for me hunter which was very dull... but got me thinking....

Is this Mythics / GoA's solution to the buff bot issue? “IF” they added buff bot level buffs to Alchemy then we ALL can buy barrels of them (except Vamps I noticed!) .....

Or is it a solution to those who don't have a BB and Mythic / GoA keep BB's (and revenue) but non BB users use Barrels instead...

Isn’t this how SWG works?

Oh and what also made me smile..... every stealther (all seven) class can do Alchemy…

FG's will love it too... as stealthers will spend time out of RvR making barrels for themselves and to put on their CMs (so the can continue to afford making them!)...

All guessing of course.... but better than making YAGT!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Keep up :)

Alchemist since Friday can now make Barrels.

A Barrel is nothing more than a container that can consist of 100 charges of one "buff" type e.g. End, Heal, Haste, Power, Buffs etc.... A barrel takes up 1 inventory slot.

For instance a Barrel of 14% 10 minute haste* would give a Shadowblade / Hunter around 16 hours* of haste and would cost "around" 350g to make.

* I assume one can make haste.... I've made Heal, Power and End for my hunter.
* up to 21 hours if using 25% buff duration bonus

New GOA quest : The Old Alchemist

Many elders take it for granted that in olden times things were much better. Even if quite often their memories are embellished by the passage of time it would be ill-considered to completely ignore them. Indeed, in these troubled times for the realms, the hastiness with which new processes are put into practice is to the detriment of old methods long proven to be useful. Thus, nowadays alchemists, who are always ready to experiment with new potions could learn many things about their art directly from the mouth of the old man who, leaning on the table where the experiments are carried out, observe them with a mocking expression.

This quest, which begins in the Capital cities, will particularly interest alchemists even though it can be completed by anyone of any level.

Mythic have always said they would never do this.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Stlong Conspiracy Theory

Maybe they just thought it would be good to add barrels to the game to make potions a bit less of a fuss to use ...

Not everything has a deeper, darker secret reason you know

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