GoA give info are our servers safe ?


Bleri McThrust

Last Saturday a German managed to spawn a mob and take a relic.

Last night on Prydwen, Uber Epic mobs were spawned at ATK in Emain.

3 Germans were banned for the Avalonian RR, but obviously that hasnt stopped the problem :(

What they did was high visibilty but what they could have done/do could be devastating for the game as a whole :(

We need some official word that this game will NOT go the same way as others sadly have :(


sounds like they had access to a GM account... Anyway its hard to do such things without goa will notice the change in logs.

Take it as a experience, id wish it happened on excallibur cuz it would be damn funny to have GG or summit at DC in emain.

Oh and this aint that bad.. seen WAY worse in other mmorpgs :)


worst thing that could happen would be them forcing a roll back, that would be annoying :)


yip.. yet imagen making some nutz mobs at amg emain.. al 3 realms would fight it hopefully :)

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by living
sounds like they had access to a GM account... Anyway its hard to do such things without goa will notice the change in logs.

Take it as a experience, id wish it happened on excallibur cuz it would be damn funny to have GG or summit at DC in emain.

Oh and this aint that bad.. seen WAY worse in other mmorpgs :)

Did they have access to a GM account ? That would be the best answer tbh.

And yes Ive seen worse in other mmorpgs :( Thats my concern. If they got acces to a GM account how and whats being done to prevent it happening again ?

If it was some other way then we also need to be told.

Someone spawns Uber mobs. Whats to stop them spawning anything else ? Having Apoc at ATK can seem kinda fun but not trusting that the item X player has is legit isnt :(

An anology from another game I once played was that a GM gave there account information to a trusted player. That player spawned mobs and his grp killed them untill they got the items they wanted. Within a few days the player economy was shattered. Within a few weeks when it finally came to light player confidence was shatered.

Ok so GoA dont name and shame but whats needed here is someone to actually stand up and tell us what went wrong and that it cant happen again.


the latest official statement from goa in german can be found there: h++p://daoc.foren.4players.de/viewtopic.php?t=65593

and there: h++p://

(thank you game.net, that i cannot post links...)

a short translation:

- it WAS a third party tool (!)
- goa worked with mythic to fix the hole
- it wasn't a GM or a GM account involved
- all ppl that use this tool get banned by goa (... wow ?! i think they get a free month ;P )



Originally posted by ayny
the latest official statement from goa in german can be found there: h++p://daoc.foren.4players.de/viewtopic.php?t=65593

and there: h++p://

(thank you game.net, that i cannot post links...)

a short translation:

- it WAS a third party tool (!)
- goa worked with mythic to fix the hole
- it wasn't a GM or a GM account involved
- all ppl that use this tool get banned by goa (... wow ?! i think they get a free month ;P )


omg oO

Bleri McThrust


So what we really need is an English GM Kemor or Zargar to give us an English version of events (including the Prydwen affair) translating through Babelfish is not to clear:(


It's really annoying that just becouse the previous server that got hacked was German GOA only give info in Germans. This concerns all GOA's customers. And the silence (for all who can't read Germans) only make it worse with all the speculations and nutty rumours. :(


Anyone who can't read german...(me included) just do the obvious thing. Go to www.freetranslation.com Simple.
Anyways, using that link, this is that german shit...in english. :D

Hello together

During the last days, there was some confusion in the player partnership with regard to the incidents on Lyonesse on Saturday. With the posting of yesterday we wanted to give you a little overview over the current situation.

How its certainly noted would like to have we in this matter and at this time not too many information publish around it not into hands of such arrive to let that it misuse could. To be sure we take the concerns of our players seriously and decided more importantly are win can that us than the few information that someone to your worries concerning the security of DAoC if we report more exactly over the occurrence.

The events of Saturday are unfortunate and we discuss it intensively with Mythic Entertainement.

The occurrence on Saturday on Lyonesse was caused in the deed of a third-party manufacturer tool, which was used by 3 people. This tool gives the chance certainly things the variation of the speed of the character, that a normal player can make during the normal game flow, to players to release always.

None of the functions that used became are for GM access level or more highly reserved. Therefore we could taken place exclude through the type as well as this Event from the beginning that it concerns herewith a GM account.

Through the type as well as these tools are work we in the situation, player that it used for find and become it just as ban like we that with the Konten made have that on Saturday involves were.

We are aware that this is only one temporarily solution and work therefore how already mentions to stop with Mythic together this permanently.

Further a certain trip through the world of DAoC wishes the German GM team!


Originally posted by lairiodd

What do you mean you cant post links ?

you need to have posted atleast 20 posts (iirc or otherwise something similar) to be able to get an avatar and post links. This isnt actually that hard to achieve allthough midly irritating if you just started here and you want your first post to contain a link :p


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
worst thing that could happen would be them forcing a roll back, that would be annoying :)

That would suck imo :(


GOA claim to have fixed it?

Wouldnt be surprising if they havent, they made various claims in the past without fixing anything at all.

How surprising that GOA choose not to mention this on their website. Seems theyre so desperate to make themselves look good they wont admit to problems.


Originally posted by Draylor
GOA claim to have fixed it?

Wouldnt be surprising if they havent, they made various claims in the past without fixing anything at all.

How surprising that GOA choose not to mention this on their website. Seems theyre so desperate to make themselves look good they wont admit to problems.

GOA claim nothing. It's a Mythic problem since Mythic program the game (GOA don't).


Originally posted by driwen
you need to have posted atleast 20 posts (iirc or otherwise something similar) to be able to get an avatar and post links. This isnt actually that hard to achieve allthough midly irritating if you just started here and you want your first post to contain a link :p

it's done to prevent people registering just to post an advertisement or similar.


Originally posted by ning
GOA claim nothing. It's a Mythic problem since Mythic program the game (GOA don't).
Learn to read, youll see the CLAIM by a GOA employee cut'n'paste into this thread that the problem is fixed.


If our servers are safe...*giggle giggle snort!*

What you think is gonna happen? Evil boogieman named Jim-Bob Ultimate Mayhem coming through your monitor? :D


No server is safe, in no place at no time. Simple as that. If it is there it is crackable and exploitable.


Originally posted by Draylor
Learn to read, youll see the CLAIM by a GOA employee cut'n'paste into this thread that the problem is fixed.

Learn german, you'll see that GOA said they are working with Mythic to fix the problem.


the "german affair" seems to cause big problems :p
the registration servers and the customer service
in Europe are now down for atleast 3 days and there is NO
official information wtf is going on or a ETA for the servers

3 days where new subs (like me) cant activate the free month and play and 3 days where nobody can log in and do all
the ness stuff to PAY for the abo.

no backup system online , no offical statements
email to abo@goa.com is wasted time, they do not answer

guess they have a very strange definition of "Customer Service"

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