GOA Forums now officially closed



This just posted on the old Announcements page:

There we go, forums are closed...
Gamemaster Posted: 2002-04-25 12:59

Joined: Feb 20, 2002
Posts: 256
From: Mars
Hiyas folks & ladies,

The forums are now closed except for this announcement forum.
You can read them but not post. Tonight, they will be gone completely.

Mourn them for some time, but not too long. The European DAoC community is strong and we need to keep going. A forum without a community is nothing, it's you who make the forums interesting or not, wherever you go, you will bring a piece of the DAoC community with you. If you are looking for new home, know that BarrysWorld has a place for you to meet and talk, with nice forums. Zargar & I will hang around there often and hopefully we will see you there.

The news from now on will be published on the main page of our website and we will add a new “link” section in the coming days, with both fan sites and player community sites.

See you around everyone, good hunting

GM, English servers, GOA.
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[ This Message was edited by: Kemor on 2002-04-25 13:01 ]

/em sheds a small tear then moves on.


I don't want to bitch or anything so please don't take this the wrong way if you read this Kemor, but what exactly does a [GM, English servers, GOA] actually do?

I never see GM's in-game by using the /who command etc. the only in-game support of sorts are the advisors (helpful unpaid players)
I never see events on the English Servers

So would somebody care to enlighten me?

I know this post sounds like I'm 'having a pop' and will probably spark off flames etc but it isn't intended that way, I'm just curious.


They sort out people's problems, such as being stuck and /stuck not helping, or bugged quests etc.

The reason there have been no events yet (according to the announcements forum) is that 1.45 doesn't support events, but they can, and apparently are, working on them so that when events are supported properly by the version we are running, they can get some moving along. Although they said that they can't add some things, like new mob skins etc, only Mythic can do this. I can't remember exactly, but the post should still be there if you look quickly :)

Oh, and you can't see them using /who even if they're there I don't think.


Officially close, 1 minute of silence...
:D Well anyway here we are in teh BW forums which I have found great!


So much for them closing at the end of the month. 2 days they waited. I pity anyone that's been away for a few days and relies on those forums for info.

Way to go GOA



Originally posted by Sar
So much for them closing at the end of the month. 2 days they waited. I pity anyone that's been away for a few days and relies on those forums for info.

Way to go GOA

You do know why they closed them so early don't you? Because people heard about the real reason for the closing of the forums and started posting about this and somehow making the forums even worse publicity.


and i start on the new BW forum with a wrong username coz i cudnt type cragster properly and cant b bothered making another account


:) hehe im stupid


Originally posted by crqgster
and i start on the new BW forum with a wrong username coz i cudnt type cragster properly and cant b bothered making another account


:) hehe im stupid
Hahaha, nice one crag :D :D
Were you drunk or something? Maybe not since you had two typos in that message aswell ;)

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