GOA customer service name and address???


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
further to flims request for a better title :)

well what can i say -

some nice alb got me suspended for 3 day for bowing - whoever it was remember you reap what you sow!!!

since then GOA have been ignoring my requests for information.

I have to say that GOA's customer service is the WORST i have ever encountered! -

Does anyone know the name and address of who you can write a letter of complaint to?

I have asked them for information of the offence, i dont consider bowing to someone after an ml3 raid abuse (well it was about 10 times)

but there are some saddo's in this game (im struggling to stay within FH COC here ) its quite sad that an alb would have reported me

The biggest problem is the fact that they have ignored my request for further information, i cant see anywhere on their COC, where it says we dont respond to you if you are suspended.

nope - at the end of shanessa's ml3 raid - he went ld and took about 15 mins to come back in - so there was a sorc there saying summat like 'im the king' so i bowed about 10times (ish??) - there was NO lotto going on - we were all sitting there stuck to suli waiting for shan to come back - THAT is the only incident that i can think of - there were other people there emoting at the time - just a bit of harmless fun whilst waiting


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Only thing I know about really is the Rightnow service, and there aint any reson why they shouldent be able to give you a fair answer if you make a post on how it happened, without adding any insults ofcourse =P


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
Tbh i think its silly that GOA punish people for using from what i can make out a "deliberatly put in feature" of the game. If it is such a bannable offence then why do they allow emotes at all?

If its to add a rpg feel to the game, they need to request from Mythic some extra code be written so you cannot spam any number of emotes within a time limit, the same as /y.

Unless they clearly state in thier CoC that it is against the rules to emote people a number of times in a row.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
I'll sell you their office address for 100plat!!

(jk Req!)


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Its pathetic - been banned for basically the same - WHY THE FUCK put emotes in a game, when if you fire 5 your getting a 3 day ban.

Thats one side of GoA i think is utter shit.

What i also dont understand, How can they ban people for it when on the US servers its ok.


Dec 22, 2003
Emotes are there for using, not spamming.
If you meet someone irl, you dont say Hi 15 times do you?
It shouldnt be like that in the game, you only need to bow once.
Theres no problem with using an emote once or twice, but when you spam it, you switch from using it normally to acctually blocking the channel.
Say one guy was trying to check out how much damage he did on the last boss, its a real pain in the arse trying to keep scrolling up.
Its just the same as making a macro saying "OMG I R T3H P0\/\/NZ0R" and spamming that.

I dont get why you want an address and telephone number.
If you phone them up and say "omg you banzored me!" the french receptionist will be que? Je ne comprend pas! aurevoir!" and hang up. GOA do not supply customer support by phone.
Similarly, if you write to them, I think it unlikley you'll get a fast reply. Furthermore, if you go visit them, and start threatening them, you'll be escorted from the building, arrested and deported faster than a parisien going on strike! And they'll probably ban your account for fun too!!!

Just send nice, polite RN's where you dont act like an arse and I'm sure you'll get a reply.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Implement "cooldown" on emotes - problem solved!


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2005
Why would they put in a cooldown, or change it at all? as Mythic don't ban for emoting, if you try and report someone for it all you will get back is that emotes are part of a game and if you dont like it there is always the option to turn them off. The ban for emotes campaing is purly driven by GOA who have nothing with the game development to do.

or well, they might ban you for emoting on US but have to be like for a guildie of mine there who spammed ~500 /rofl at a CSR

But thats kinda where the limit is on US :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
ok then, implement "physical cooldown" on triggerhappy GOA GM's and CSR's.

/chillpill 4tehwin



Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Tilda said:
I dont get why you want an address and telephone number.

Just send nice, polite RN's where you dont act like an arse and I'm sure you'll get a reply.

i want the address so as i can write a letter of complaint - i have not yet recieved any explanation as to why i was suspended, despite replying 7 minutes after they suspended me. I have updated my RN EVERY day - and they just ignore the requests for information.

Oh - btw through my subs i am actually paying for the service - i dont care if it is
only £8 per month - i still have rights as to ask for the information as to WHY they suspended me.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
They put in a timer for /bind when people abused that didnt they?

Just be thankful there isnt a /sex emote - orgies would get everyone perma-banned...


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
rampant said:
i want the address so as i can write a letter of complaint - i have not yet recieved any explanation as to why i was suspended, despite replying 7 minutes after they suspended me. I have updated my RN EVERY day - and they just ignore the requests for information.

Oh - btw through my subs i am actually paying for the service - i dont care if it is
only £8 per month - i still have rights as to ask for the information as to WHY they suspended me.

this what your looking for?

8-10 place du maréchal juin
92130 Issy les Moulineaux



Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
CoC said:
Rules of good conduct
Users are expected to show respect for one another, to contribute to the cordial atmosphere of the game. Harassment of another person, insults or remarks intended to hurt another person will not be tolerated.
Of course, we expect our members to express themselves using correct language. Similarly, racist, xenophobic or revisionist remarks, or remarks displaying intolerance of a religious, ideological, philosophical or similar nature will not be accepted.
"Flooding" (the rapid systematic repetition of one phrase, which interferes with communication between users) is forbidden, as is all abuse of the means of communication that can be accessed on the site.

You clicked on ACCEPT to the above, you spammed one action/emote numerous times, someone took offense and reported you.

Are they a tight ass wanker for reporting you? : YES
Did you brake the rules adn get punished? : YES

Just take the 3 day ban and realise not everyone who plays the game has a sence of humour.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Tears said:
You clicked on ACCEPT to the above, you spammed one action/emote numerous times, someone took offense and reported you.

Are they a tight ass wanker for reporting you? : YES
Did you brake the rules adn get punished? : YES

Just take the 3 day ban and realise not everyone who plays the game has a sence of humour.

couldnt agree more - what is annoying me is that GOA will not even communicate with their customer over what has happened - you are just blatently ignored!

and yes we have some sad gimps in Alb (that is if it was that that was complained about - but i dont know cos they wont tell me :) (tell me the time/place etc)



Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
scourge - thanks for the info - i found it at the end of their COC :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
eggy said:
I'll sell you their office address for 100plat!!

(jk Req!)

I sell you Requiels direct office phone number as well :p

OK i wont, because Requiel is nice guy, and contary to popular believe he aint french so you can't even hold that against him!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Heta said:
Why would they put in a cooldown, or change it at all? as Mythic don't ban for emoting, if you try and report someone for it all you will get back is that emotes are part of a game and if you dont like it there is always the option to turn them off. The ban for emotes campaing is purly driven by GOA who have nothing with the game development to do.

or well, they might ban you for emoting on US but have to be like for a guildie of mine there who spammed ~500 /rofl at a CSR

But thats kinda where the limit is on US :)

Yes, sounds highly unbelivable tbh that they would have banned anyone for just doing afew /bows


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
Tears said:
Originally Posted by CoC
Rules of good conduct
Users are expected to show respect for one another, to contribute to the cordial atmosphere of the game. Harassment of another person, insults or remarks intended to hurt another person will not be tolerated.
Of course, we expect our members to express themselves using correct language. Similarly, racist, xenophobic or revisionist remarks, or remarks displaying intolerance of a religious, ideological, philosophical or similar nature will not be accepted.
"Flooding" (the rapid systematic repetition of one phrase, which interferes with communication between users) is forbidden, as is all abuse of the means of communication that can be accessed on the site.

Lets take a look at this shall we.

As people seem to go through the CoC with a fine tooth comb so they can get people in trouble for silly things, we should read the CoC properly before acting.

It clearly says (the rapid systematic repetition of one phrase, which interferes with communication between users).

First of all emoting is not a phrase, you are not talking or being abusive (especially by /bow)

Second in this incidient it looks to me as if no one was having any sort of communication as they were waiting for an ld to come back for lotto.

Third when this is in RvR, there is no communication with opposite realms, which makes this statement void.

Everyone can be picky when it comes to rules...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Sye said:
First of all emoting is not a phrase, you are not talking or being abusive (especially by /bow)

How is "<name> makes a rude geasture at you!" (or some other emote) not a phrase? Just because it doesnt appear in the chatwindow doesnt make it any less comunicative or any less of a phrase :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
CoC said:
Rules of good conduct
Users are expected to show respect for one another, to contribute to the cordial atmosphere of the game. Harassment of another person, insults or remarks intended to hurt another person will not be tolerated.
Of course, we expect our members to express themselves using correct language. Similarly, racist, xenophobic or revisionist remarks, or remarks displaying intolerance of a religious, ideological, philosophical or similar nature will not be accepted.
"Flooding" (the rapid systematic repetition of one phrase, which interferes with communication between users) is forbidden, as is all abuse of the means of communication that can be accessed on the site.

Please ban 75% of Glastonbury server then for not speaking english - it's far more annoying than an emote imho :p

And yes, I'm not serious. But It's still there in the CoC...:m00:


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
All complaints should go through RightNow. If it's something that needs to be escalated it goes to me as the Lead English Community Manager and if I need to escalate it further then it goes to my boss. In this case the report was escalated to me but as I was away on a press tour until today I didn't get a chance to answer it before now.

I'm not going to comment on this specific case however I just want to make a few things clear.
1: No-one gets suspended for emoting a few times. You have to spam to an excessive degree to get suspended. '10ish' isn't going to earn you a holiday.

2: It is and always has been part of our CoC that flooding (of anything) is not allowed and can be punished. We will uphold our CoC. I'm not going to comment on how Mythic manage their servers however flooding is also prohibited under the Mythic CoC as well.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
interesting.. my account got suspended for 3 days because my idiot flat mate got an other group killed by pulling half ac to their icer... i was like wtf when i noticed the email, and after i complained, they showed me a log, and my friend said it was true.. well, anyway the point is that they showed me an exact log with date/time, cant see the reason why cant you get one.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Why put emotes in if they cant be used? :S people are getting banned for silly things. its going OTT imo =X All move to US!!!!!11


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Himse said:
Why put emotes in if they cant be used? :S people are getting banned for silly things. its going OTT imo =X All move to US!!!!!11
Emotes can be used. People are not gettign punished for using emotes, they are being punished for flooding. Whether they are flooding emotes, /yells /say, /br or whatever isn't important. What is important is that disrupting people around you in this childish and deeply irritating manner can be deemed to be harrassment and dealt with accordingly. You do not have the right to annoy people around you.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
rampant said:
scourge - thanks for the info - i found it at the end of their COC :)

i always find it better if you talk to them direct

Ghislaine Le Rhun, Head of GOA Business unit(President)

Tel no. edited out by Requiel


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
scorge said:
i always find it better if you talk to them direct

Ghislaine Le Rhun, Head of GOA Business unit(President)

Tel no. edited out by Requiel
I've edited your message Scorge as it serves no good purpose to advertise Mme Le Rhun's telephone number. She has nothing whatsoever to do with customer service and will simply insist that you pursue it through the proper channels - i.e. RightNow. She has better things to do than deal with people who think that spamming is funny.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Requiel said:
I've edited your message Scorge as it serves no good purpose to advertise Mme Le Rhun's telephone number. She has nothing whatsoever to do with customer service and will simply insist that you pursue it through the proper channels - i.e. RightNow. She has better things to do than deal with people who think that spamming is funny.

thought you might do that, :twak:

it is of course available as open source information if you know where to look on the internet, of all places a taiwanese website with contact info for goa :touch:



Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
oh well aparently i did it 73 times!!!! - dont recall doing it that many times but they have the logs so they must know.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
rampant said:
oh well aparently i did it 73 times!!!! - dont recall doing it that many times but they have the logs so they must know.

u stud...


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