GOA, could you give us a hint, please?



This is not a flame, OK :)
I just want to ask GOA a question and see if they can give something that looks like a straight answer, in a public forum.

I am simply wondering if you have any ideas on how to handle the patches and their translation?
As it is now, the patches are horribly delayed in Europe. This is (obviously) creating a lot of frustration among the players, maybe especially so for those of us who think it is quite alright to play on an english-speaking server. The feeling is, I guess, that we are paying for something, and then we have to wait for months to get what we have paid for. Why should we do that, when we could switch to the US servers or even switch to another game?

I really like this game, and I would like to continue playing on the euro-servers. But if it means waiting for several months for every damn patch, and reading about spells and/or skills on a web site and then suddenly realize that "oh crap, this is the US version they are writing about, OK in maybe three months this will be relevant to me...", then I don't think I will have the patience to play this game for very much longer...

But you can't expect things to change over night. GOA has improved over the last couple of months, I think. But they could still improve alot... CR and an open and active dialog with the player community is extremely important, for this kind of game.

So, what's happening? Will it always be the case that we have to wait three, four months for every patch, or do you have any thoughts on how to address this problem?

I would be most grateful for any kind of response. If I get no response at all, I will probably suspect that the answer to my questions are "yes" and "no", that is "yes, you will have to wait" and "no, we have no idea how to correct this problem"

Thank you


It has been rumoured that GOA is building up the translation department (by hiring more (and hopefully capable) translators) so following patches shouldn't take that long...

I found this in a post somewhere on this forum, but i can't remember where (a guy who had talked to Kemor ingame).


Being a Eng server player waiting for a translation of a patch that dosent concern us att all feels kinda stupid, just patch the damned thing.

Som days ago was a great example of the current bugs in this game, trying to retake Arvakr faste on excalibur server from albion was quite impossible, varius albs used varius well know bugs, like targeting the gatekeepers and firing AoE spells from the room above the gates on it through walls,also dropping straight into walls and firing out from them. :puke:


Jierdan, they have been trying to recruit people since the very beginning of closed beta. Probably even before that. As far as I know, they've only hired a few people (waves to Zargor), and not the people they actually need.

Until they make an OFFICIAL statement on their website, I wouldn't believe what other people tell you. I am very doubtful that they have hired new people. Especially since the server numbers are dropping dramatically (did anyone else notice that only 1 server (a german one) got above the 2k mark on thursday evening?). They are more likely to be looking at ways to save money, rather than spend it.


It's long, starts with an N....it's the News! [05-03-2002]

Found on the official site (3rd of may)
Events and team re-organisation

Lots of new faces at GOA lately, Camber has been busy recruiting new Game Masters, translator and CSRs. We are still recruiting and we will keep on increasing our teams in order to answer your needs. As usual when more people join a team, there is a little period of adaptation needed.
We are also re-structuring the event teams in order to offer a better cohesion with the events, the backgrounds and the scripts between the servers. More information about this soon.



I would go and read it myself some time, except it's just soooo dull I can't be bothered.

/eats hat


Camber has been busy recruiting new Game Masters, translator and CSRs.

lol, I love the way it says 'translator' not 'translator's', and therein lies the problem ;)


"Better cohesion with the events"????

Who saw even a bad cohesion event ever?


Hmm, I will bump this again, since I haven't got any reaction of any kind from GOA. Just a simple and short answer would be nice...

Or is it like someone (can't remember who) wrote, that GOA's main concern is the french and german servers, and that the english servers are just an after thought?


Yes, and while we're about it, Lucasarts, when are you going to release a sequel to your groundbreaking 1997 first person shooter, "Outlaws"? I and many other gamers loved that game, and you are doing your loyal customers a great disservice by not updating it with a cutting edge 3D engine and new adventures for Marshall James Anderson!

I understand that this is the official forum for complaining to gaming companies about their products and policies, so I expect an official answer here within twenty-four hours.


Hmm... Alrindel, have you seen who is listed as moderator for this forum?

Since they decided to close down their own forum, this is the closest we get to an official DAOC forum.


OMG! ROFL! I just read the "Am I blind" thread. They have removed this forum from the links page on the euro DAOC site! :rolleyes:

Then I am probably wrong about one thing, this is not the closest we get to an official forum... Actually there is no such forum at all...

I don't mean to be rude, but maybe someone from the french player community can answer this question: Is this the way that all french companies behave??

I have tried not to judge GOA too early, everyone can make mistakes. But this is starting to look ridiculous...


Just to repost from the other thread:

Seems like it was just a technical problem of the page being redone and not all the links being added back yet. Spoke to Kemor and hopefully the link will be back in all it's glory by tomorrow so no worries :)


OMG! ROFL! I just read the "Am I blind" thread. They have removed this forum from the links page on the euro DAOC site!

Mwhahahahaha! I just noticed it now too!
I think we must move to the new forum linked there and begin to flame these suckers once again.
I bet they will remove the link to there too!

Tell me Goa, is BarrysWorld hosted in SENEGAL that you do not like it?

Btw (at last) these great people at Goa have fixed the link to daoc catacombs that for a month or so was linked to daatlas....
Mwhahaah I think the (lazy) guy that made that stupid link page hasn't tested it 1 time! My compliments! WOW!!
This is Goa!
Thanks again for all you have done until now you are the best company ever!



Link thing will be corrected tomorrow morning, the web team did a little change in the link page today and the first part is now missing.
Nothing too bad but will be correct tomorrow morning.


Re: It's long, starts with an N....it's the News! [05-03-2002]



Thank you, Kemor for that information! Nice to know that you are still reading the posts on this forum...

But you still haven't answered my question... :) What about the translation process? Just gives a hint at least, plz plz plz...



Link thing will be corrected tomorrow morning, the web team did a little change in the link page today and the first part is now missing.
Nothing too bad but will be correct tomorrow morning.

First of all let me say Kemor that I admire you because you are the only human interface in Goa that has to read and to handle all the flames... and I bet you know that in 90% of cases these flames are right but obviously you cannot do nothing (I worked too for a company like Goa and I know the feeling).

But pls don't take us for fools....
Goa has removed the link because of flame and it wouldn't have been put back until someone of US would have noticed it.

I'm sorry again Kemor, but I'm really angry with Goa because I think Goa has badly failed and the fault is only to adress to Goa itself.

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