GOA - Contact details




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I have been trying a various number of combination of e-mail addresses for GOA, since they are nice enought NOT to post them on the news sections of Daoc website.

Do any of you have contact e-mail addresses for GOA, either from the password e-mail you got or other correspondance that u might of got from them.

note: subscription@goa.com DOES NOT WORK.

Any help is appreciated.


it doesn't work 'cos it's part of RightNow which is down. When RightNow is up and running again, so will that email addy.


I can't believe that they dont give the common user (me) an e-mail address for "bill paying customers" to contact, lets be honest here, we are all paying for something that we cannot use.

I'm so annoyed and that I cannot access the game, i know i'm moaning but i need to let off steam.

But still does not solve the problem that we cannot contact GOA... that is totally shocking.


no e-mail addresses kicking around your address book for goa?


Originally posted by iamsilly


Sadly none work todate :(

mabey because theres probably a couple of thousand people all trying to send them messages saying "oh help im stupid i didnt change my email "
so there web servers are probably overloaded.
or they may have taking their incomming servers down to increase bandwidth for outgoing password emails?



Originally posted by Tilda
mabey because theres probably a couple of thousand people all trying to send them messages saying "oh help im stupid i didnt change my email "
so there web servers are probably overloaded.
or they may have taking their incomming servers down to increase bandwidth for outgoing password emails?

I didn't change my e-mail and I'm not stupid.

Don't make me kick you in the nuts! :eek:


Originally posted by Tilda
mabey because theres probably a couple of thousand people all trying to send them messages saying "oh help im stupid i didnt change my email "
so there web servers are probably overloaded.
or they may have taking their incomming servers down to increase bandwidth for outgoing password emails?


ahem i changed mine on friday only because i had to and as right nows been since the 18th its been rather impossible to change details wouldnt u say so not every one is stupid thank you very much
so climb of yer soap box and give yer ears a rest :)
message ends


That abo@goa.com is the german suportmail I believe :p

Sooo, ponder on this one for a tic: you did have the correct e-mailadress when the crash came, BUT due to the same virus your e-mailservice was temporarily shutdown during the time when they were sending out the passwords with e-mails. And simultaneously the customer support is down, and thus it's impossible to get in there and change the e-mailadress to one that works or get in contact with GOA since they've changed the subscription passwords as well. Tricky one, eh?

And yes, I'm being sarcastic, because people are leaving this game now if you haven't noticed. Can't say I blame them after this much problems....

Good luck GOA, hope for all people's sakes you fix this soon...


I totally agree. Why isn't there an e-mail address we can contact. Does this mean since the closing of Right Now ALL support staff have been given a 2 week holiday? Yes, it will be a nightmare for goa. Yes, they'll have to work overtime. Yes, it won't always help everyone. But it will help me :)


Originally posted by Tilda
mabey because theres probably a couple of thousand people all trying to send them messages saying "oh help im stupid i didnt change my email "

Yay a Mod antagonising people, thats really going to help matters isn't it


Hmm, to begin with Im one of those people who cant play atm. And yes I am very annoyed at GOA for not giving us much info, and sorting this prob out quickly. BUT on the other hand I am glad they are taking all these security measures, and I think its important to remember incidences like these (not including patch day) are very rare. Yes its a pain, but i would rather not play for a bit, then come back and find all my chars deleted.

People will just have to be patient, everything will be sorted in time, and its in GOA's best interest to sort this as quickly as poss, b4 they do start to lose customers.


Originally posted by Tilda
mabey because theres probably a couple of thousand people all trying to send them messages saying "oh help im stupid i didnt change my email "
so there web servers are probably overloaded.
or they may have taking their incomming servers down to increase bandwidth for outgoing password emails?


that was worth a 16-yrs old british boy post rly
who cares about overloading if i pay money for it i should get it...
Tilda u ever earned a cent on your own? just interesting

Tilda is a mod and joined BW later than i had.. go go take some more n00bs in mod ranks QQ


Originally posted by uncle
Hmm, to begin with Im one of those people who cant play atm. And yes I am very annoyed at GOA for not giving us much info, and sorting this prob out quickly. BUT on the other hand I am glad they are taking all these security measures, and I think its important to remember incidences like these (not including patch day) are very rare. Yes its a pain, but i would rather not play for a bit, then come back and find all my chars deleted.

People will just have to be patient, everything will be sorted in time, and its in GOA's best interest to sort this as quickly as poss, b4 they do start to lose customers.

It's becoming a funny world when the normal members write moderated thought over posts, while the 'moderators' start to flame.


President of the 'Remove Tilda's Moderator Status Club'


I know it may come as a shock, but moderators have opinions too!


Originally posted by Vorcyn
I know it may come as a shock, but moderators have opinions too!

Part of being a moderator is keeping it to yourself, or at least formulate it in a decent way.


Originally posted by Vorcyn
I know it may come as a shock, but moderators have opinions too!

as mod you set the standards. If policeman would start stealing, wouldnt that set a wrong example aswell?

Now goa said they will solve the problems case by case, but I hope they give some info out soon as how they are planning to do it. As people are starting to get a little anxious.

Btw deadkid, Tilda joined BW one month later (maybe even 2 days if you joined it on 30th august and he 1st of sept), now BW exists 12 months now or more how does 10 months vs 11 months make you somehow less a noob as tilda just by looking at how long you 2 have been here?:p

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