GOA charge your creditcard without your confirmation?



I have recently discovered that my 2 acc were set to autorenewal after the hack incident.. i didnt have them set that way before and i planned on not paying for 1 of these when they ran out.. now they have charged me 2 times on the autorenewal without my approval.. This cant be legal in any way.. I have sent them an email and waithing for answers but havent got any yet.
Have anyone else encountered this?

Atm i cant access rightnow cuz it says user id isnt valid. only mail i have got is the subscription@goa.com but unsure if they will respond since it doesnt concern sub pass. ANyone have any ideas on how to get in touch with em?


just tell your cc company they have taken money without your authority. they'll handle it I'd think.


Happened to me as well. I cancelled before the hack incident, but they still charged me the following month. It's not a lot of money so I can live with it, but it's very shoddy business to say the least. Never answered my inquiries either, heh.


Did the same on both my accounts too, caught one before it renewed, the other did although i haven't been charged for it it seems.


Just ask GOA to refund your CC, if they refuse threaten legal action as it is illegal


Yeah ofc i can just block em from doing it again by going to my bank but then i cant play more on the acc i want..

And true its not alot of money but thats not the point.. i wont have anyone charge me money without my aproval.. even if its 1 fecking nickel. :) And btw what are GOA doing storing my creditcard numbers for? when I never had it set for autorenewal.. i wounder if they even have the rights 2 do that.. and for what purpose do they do this? its not like u play on credit...
Also wonder if the hacker who hacked em got access to that kind of information aswell.. not a fun idea..
And all those ppl who lost their acc in the subs change.. are they still being charged for the acc then? if the pass were just sent to wrong/not wroking email.. will the autorenewal keep billing them?

I think tis is a big issue.. I cant stad this kind of behaviour from a company.. it doesnt really make u thrust them again.. hell of a way to do bussiness imo


Originally posted by frogster
Just ask GOA to refund your CC, if they refuse threaten legal action as it is illegal

Have done that in my mail to them.. but yet no asnwer.. and i can only hope they will respond..dont think they will tho..
But dispite the shitty amount of money this is concernign i will go as far as i can to make sure they refund me and everyone else who they have done this 2..


any updates on this problem, because GOA is ignoring my emails :'(


happend to me too, they put the majority of people on AUTO renew which is VERY naughty... luckily i thank them cos i couldnt be arsed to do it myself so i was able to play all the time!! but very bad if you didnt want to... i think under current legislation u can actually take them to court for doing this with out your express permission.


Yeah i could take them to court for this accually but im tyring to solve it without it going that far.. the problem is that GOA refuses to answar any mails.. im gonna give it a few more tries then ill have to move on to other ways..

And yes for ppl that wanted to pay and play it doesnt matter if they did this but imo if they cant keep the subs pages up and provide the service we pay for they should alow all players to play for free during this time.. specially since it was such a long period as 20 days that the subs was down..

Im gonna keep fighting for refund/free playtime for all whos affected by this and for all of u who are ill keep u posted as soon as i get any info.

Would really appriciate if ppl could post here if they are affected by this.. cuz that would give me more info wich is needed when talking to GOA..


i emailed kemor cos it happend to me, i told him i already sent an email through rightnow and nothing happend, but he told me to email rightnow...



well i cant even access rightnow.. user id invalid.. so i cant even post anything there.. but im working on that aswell :)
Tried to pm kemor but he doenst answer/read those.. why does this not surprise me... :/


Happened to me to.
also when I choose to have NOn auto renew.
they just put it back again. so I have no chance to keep it from not going.

I have never used auto renewal either so how the fuck can they store my Id then?.

5 times I have to cancel auto renew now and they just keep putting it on again.

Im having a date with my bank on monday.
I keep u posted what they say.



Don't know if you're in the UK or not, (dunno how other country card companies handle these things), but if you are there is a very big difference between a card transaction when you sign the receipt, and one which is CNP (cardholder not presant).

If you notify your card company that a CNP transaction was not authorised by you, they will immediatly re-credit your account, and deduct the amount from the claiming company. As you pay Goa online, this should fall under the CNP rules.

Goa should not cancell your live account, as they will only have the unauthorised accounts sub deducted off them (but hey, who knows what they would ACTUALLY do......)

Hope this helps


Carlos Bananos

that must suck 2x for the people who are still waiting for thier passwords..

getting charged, against their will for accounts they can't play :(


Originally posted by wiseguy1 And btw what are GOA doing storing my creditcard numbers for?
Also wonder if the hacker who hacked em got access to that kind of information aswell.. not a fun idea..

As far as I know, tho I could be wrong, GOA don't have any of anyone's credit card details as the online payment service is carried out by a company called Bibit, which is totally separate.


thats true, they let some company handle to dosh, which may explain the "slight" differences between what you want GOA to do and what they DO. But even so, it doesnt matter how many companies they use, as far as your concerned its GOA, and anything else is THEIR problem.

Repent Reloaded

I was planning to quit DAoC but the auto charge came on, now i got 2 accounts for another month, fucks sake.


Im being charged for 3 acc.. just because i happend to pay for a friends acc just before the hack.. :(
Maybe GOA uses Bibit for online payments but it still raises the question on why do they store the creditcrags numbers without me authorization?

IM gonna talk to Visa this week and see what they can do.. apparently they sometimes, if many complains about a company, do their own investigation and can take the company to court if they have to.. atleast thats what VISA coustemer support told me. Im also gonna talk to a leagal department here in sweeden who offers Free help and see what their advise me 2 do..


I went to my bank and cancelled my creditcard to stop GOA fromtaking more money from me.. 1day later i get a mail from goa saying: u have choosen not 2 renew your acc and it will be terminated at the end of your current period.. Now this sounds good so far.. the problem is that 3days ago they charged me last time for my acc( onm the 6th this month) so if they dont refund me i should be able to play till the 6th of nowember.. When i recive this mail i go go subs page and check there.. it says my acc is closed.. my current subs none.
Now they have not only charged me they also charge and then close the acc.. also got kicked out of game 2 min after i recived the mail.
GOA Just keeps on fucking up all the time.. They are really turning out to be a bunch of twats..
Ofc if they refund me it will be ok that they cancelled my subs but if they dont they have abused my creditcard even more than before. atleast before i could play on the acc they charged me..

Starting to get abit pissed here..


I wasn't at home all week and this is what I received today when I came back:

We have not heard from you concerning your request for support in the 48 hours since we sent you a response. Consequently, we have changed the status of your question to SOLVED.

Renewal problem!

Discussion Thread
Response (CS) 10/08/2003 11:39 AM

To cancel your subscription, you must go on the official site in the "Account" header (using your account login/password), at least one week before the end of your current subscription.

You just have to check the I don't want to renew my subscription and validate. This will cancel your subscription automatically.

If you want to re-subscribe later, your "Account" section will still be available for 6 months after the end of your subscription (your characters will still be there).

We apologize for the delay in our reply.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

Customer 09/30/2003 07:10 PM

Could you please help me with this problem I already waited 1 week to get an answer. I just terminated the automatic renewal so I won't have to pay next month again. I would appreciate it if you help me with this problem quickly!

Customer 09/23/2003 06:05 PM


I just came home and received an email that my subscription for DAoC was renewed, but I wasnt even at home yesterday so no one can possibly have done this. I've stopped playing daoc for over a month now because I don't want to spend any more money on that and I don't want to start playing it again. Could you please inform me how this was possbile and help me to undo this. (My subscription login is *** )



Yeah right...

Discussion Thread
Response (CS) 10/08/2003 09:12 PM
Dear customer,

We remind you that you're the only person responsible for verifynig whether the autoamtic renewal is activated in your account or not.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support



Originally posted by Repent Reloaded
I was planning to quit DAoC but the auto charge came on, now i got 2 accounts for another month, fucks sake.

ditto :(


Re: Yeah right...

Originally posted by Watchman
Discussion Thread
Response (CS) 10/08/2003 09:12 PM
Dear customer,

We remind you that you're the only person responsible for verifynig whether the autoamtic renewal is activated in your account or not.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support


Well how the fuck are u supposed to do that if it was off before they took the subs pages down and they turned it on while subs was down?
Thats a very lame excuse.. and where in the faq or eula does it say this? this does still not give them the right to charge money without prior approval.. still an illegal act


That can't even be used as an excuse by them. GOA are legally obliged to give you full access to your account pages at all times. If you cannot get access on any given occasion should you want to cancel your account then they are breaking the law.

They should really put more effort into fixing their accounts pages before when they break down or soon they could have a lot of court cases on their hands even if they are a bit petty, they do not have the right to auto-charge you even one penny without permission.


my mate was charged on 6th october, he was set to not auto-renew before the hack, and they rebilled him. he sent an email to ask for it to be sorted, because since the hack, he hadnt even asked for a new password to be sent to his new email.

their response has been to rebill him, 5 days after the first billing, so now this month costs 16quid.

i know he can get the money back, a phonecall to the credit card company will sort it out, but really, goa are being fkin useless for a complete change.


Originally posted by Jonaldo
That can't even be used as an excuse by them. GOA are legally obliged to give you full access to your account pages at all times. If you cannot get access on any given occasion should you want to cancel your account then they are breaking the law.

They should really put more effort into fixing their accounts pages before when they break down or soon they could have a lot of court cases on their hands even if they are a bit petty, they do not have the right to auto-charge you even one penny without permission.

Agree but they dont seem to realize this.. gues sthey think that u can ignore the problem and it will go away.. shitty way to run a company imo


Originally posted by cokeuberalles
Happened to me as well. I cancelled before the hack incident, but they still charged me the following month. It's not a lot of money so I can live with it, but it's very shoddy business to say the least. Never answered my inquiries either, heh.

think about it though.......... 20'000+ players on euro servers...

20'000 X £8 = an easy £160'000 for them....

also some people have it autorenewed set for 6 months...

nice business to be in........


Old hat :/

Goa did the same thing to me ..

I'm also not a fan of having automatic billings .. say if I get fed up with the game and it autosubscribes me for another 3 months -- lovely.

Had this happen to me 2 times now .. I specifically DISABLED automatic billings and when I mailed them I got the answer to ..

1) not share my credit card information
2) that I am the only one responsible for transactions on the web

and shit like that *LOL*

took me a couple of emails to explain to them that I *DO* believe
I got it right at least the 2nd time around!!

They would neither refund my money then, nor would they put
the bought days on a friend account. I'm still playing but it REALLY sucks as a policy.

But .. seeing as they store data on spreadsheets and cannot update stuff for their life (Items, Chars) unless they don't like your name/whatever ...

I wonder what they do w the credit card autorenew flag ;)

Pretty sure the CC stuff is on a differen provider (thank god)
but the flagging has some issues.


anyone getting any help on this issue?? a mate have been charged 3 times in a week for a account thats been closed since july here.. (one of my accounts just that he was paying)

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