goa cares about it's customers!



rofl I like how the thread turned into America could rule the world if they wanted to.


stupid fucking yanks there they go again, why do they think calling an American a dumb redneck is racist? do they even know what racist means?

old.Gombur Glodson

Just lookign at daoc europe's webpage, they ahve a ton of ingame events reflecting the story, looks great, why dont we have any?

But the patches are delayed and we don't have working chronicles :/


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
But the patches are delayed and we don't have working chronicles :/

Chronicles will work with 1.62 and patches always come on our servers anyway.
So we got US things (patches, add-on,...) + euro events/quests + background story every week ("Universe" on www.camelot-europe.com)


Originally posted by n3wbie
stupid fucking yanks there they go again, why do they think calling an American a dumb redneck is racist? do they even know what racist means?

i think calling an american a redneck is the same as calling a black guy a N<5 letters>, or a C<3 letters>. You might say thats being over-sensative. But then the americans might not see it as racism to call europeans... well i dunno, i've never felt the need to find out specific racist insults, but you get the idea.


Mkay, the multiple ethnic groups which together populate the United States and are classified in the group considered Americans find it racist that you classified their group as well as everyone elses as rednecks. :p


Originally posted by F.I.V
Archeon, you're such a Nutter and a Carp!....

That's what you meant, right? :p :clap:

Damn it, can't you stop the hurt! ;)


Originally posted by n3wbie
stupid fucking yanks there they go again, why do they think calling an American a dumb redneck is racist? do they even know what racist means?

Same as calling French people 'frogs' and Germans 'Krauts' and so on... Racism? Perhaps not. Insulting? Very much so. Period.


what fricking events? (duel tourney ok, but else?)


You can talk bad about us American all ya want. Everyone knows that when the Europeans get in trouble its the Americans that bail em out.
Add to that the fact that we have taken over most of Europe on two occasions (per Europe's request) and given it back. Why do we give it back? Because it ain't worh keeping.

This made me roll on the floor laughing!


which two times did americans take over europe??

WW2 for sure, loads of yankees here, but other than that???

WW1 as far as I know, was fought more or less without american presence


well, personally

when the world kicks off, and it all turns to shit

i want them "red necks" on my side, thankyou very much


Originally posted by Addlcove
which two times did americans take over europe??

WW2 for sure, loads of yankees here, but other than that???

WW1 as far as I know, was fought more or less without american presence

in both wars they turned up at the end just in time to kick the already-weakened germans and steal their sausages :)


This is classic:

American: We saved your ass in WW2!

Europian: Well we saved your ass in WW1.

And that's about as it goes. If the whole europe went to war againt the yanks then we'd have one big helloffalooza and in the end i don't who would win but i'm pretty damn sure we both would be royally fucked in the rectal area even if we were neutral as switzerland.

So what am i saying? In any case, with people around, we're fucked.


Originally posted by Archeon
i think calling an american a redneck is the same as calling a black guy a N<5 letters>, or a C<3 letters>. You might say thats being over-sensative. But then the americans might not see it as racism to call europeans... well i dunno, i've never felt the need to find out specific racist insults, but you get the idea.

hardly - calling a black guy those names is a reflection of his skin colour, something that he cannot change and which is perceived inferior to the white race...calling an american a redneck is calling attention to a particular mindset which CAN be changed.


Originally posted by ning
Chronicles will work with 1.62 and patches always come on our servers anyway.
So we got US things (patches, add-on,...) + euro events/quests + background story every week ("Universe" on www.camelot-europe.com)

Who says Chronicles will work with 1.62 ? (not GOA anyway)

I admire your optimism, but we're waiting for them since February (look here).

Sorry that I'm more realistic; what does GOA say after two weeks of testing 1.62 ? They started testing. Well, I have seen that message too in April, remember ? Since then they never said Chronicles will work again. However, if you find the page were they did say, post it here.

And we'll have 1.62, yes. But I'm always sad about the delays. I would be happy with the english versions installed immediately at the same time as in US.


relly about the server uptimes (even considering the prydwen and excal problems latly) it seems like goa has a better uptime.

Look at all the "after patch" fixes Mythic does, unanonsed several hours of downtime. And when they get there patchers its takes several fixes before evrything works good again. we get all the fixes at the same time.

And look at the not so obvious bonuses : We get to know how a patch relly works a moth or so before it gets here. This can be relly usefull in some situations (like should I start that class) or time to see and decide how to use that respec that follows with that patch.

So I have to say I am pretty satisfied relly, ofc we have problems, chronicles, and the fact that we want new hardware on prydwen too. But I relly dont think we are much worse of that the US.

on a side note, I work with PC support and I can se how bad ppl sometimes handles /appels (bug reports, service requests) and if I had to decide I would pick an out of game system for ppl to use, cuz it will lower the amount of "unnecesary" appeals with maybe 30% or so. (maybe enugh to have 1 or 2 ppl less working full time witch is relly much money)


How this descended into a discussion about GOA into big debate about wars i WILL not know :rolleyes:

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