GOA Campaign: More strangers roaming Hibernia



I had heard tales of strangers wandering the Cliffs of Moher, and seen the Norsewoman selling scale armour in Mardagh, but I had not realized they had been seen as far south as the Silvermine Mountains, and this morning I was preparing to take an early ride near the stables of Howth I was astonished to see two Norsemen run by. I chased them and challenged them, but though their eyes were filled with loathing, they would not speak to me. I supposed they were refugees from one of the Midgard lands conquered by Hibernia, and as they had done me no harm, and I had other business awaiting, I let them live. They crossed the stream at the stepping stones and ran off into the mountains, surely to do some mischief there, but the next time I see them, I will let mercy be damned, and I will slay them both for their impudence, and spit on their corpses.


Two hostile norse NPCs, both named "stranger", orange and yellow to 43, following waypoints past the stablemaster at Howth across the river and northeast into the hills. They won't stop to talk, at least not to a ranger, and I doubt I could take them solo anyways (repeated ass kickings in the frontiers have taught me to be wary of attacking anything holding an axe). They probably only drop coin anyways, like the "stranger" merchant in Mardagh. There are probably more roaming around in other zones, everyone who sees them should try to talk to them as they may talk to a specific class, like Rysa will only speak to bards.


Oh, and a thought. Since this campaign is going to be carried out on all servers over an extended period, there are threads popping up in different forums as different NPCs are spotted. I think it's not very realistic to try to put it all in one thread, but Keri suggested that maybe a temporary dedicated forum would be a good idea, so we can get all the information in one place.



I tried, Alrindel, and so did you, but I fear our plea fell on deaf ears.

At least I'm bumping this thread to keep it alive, hopefully others will add to it with other new NPCs they come across.

An alternative is for a guild in each realm to post a link to a public section of their forum where all event info for that realm can be posted and read in one place?


Not sure if this is part of the same thing but......

There's a new Astrologer in Tir na Nog who says smoething about a star rising over the Cursed Woods.... or something like that.......


That's Velfaür the Astrologer, he popped in TNN a few days ago, Keri wrote about him here: http://forums.barrysworld.com/showthread.php?threadid=27556



Uncle Sick(tm)

Ah, I was about to post about that Norsewoman in Mardagh, wearing Hibernian leather and an axe, selling scale... *grins*

'stranger' is a weird way to put it, though, honored GOA event team.
Norsewoman would have excited me... 'stranger' with lowercase 's' makes me raise an eyebrow.
And shouldn't she at least say something...?

Ungrateful git.. yeah, that's me ;)


i was playing on pry when i spotted this norsewoman looking at me.

it gave me the creeps!

but then, i realised, that, now that the women of midgard have no sex4y Trubadur The Norse Skald™ to releive them of their sexual cravings, they travelled to hibernia.

then, seeing that i was as 'Ard™ - if not 'Arder™ as someone from midgard (Being an 'Ard Midgardian™ at heart), they followed me around.

lets forget the fact that i was playing a nancy elf :eek:

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