GOA are Sh!t

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How friggin long will it take GOA to get Foundations working? Im sure it went live in the US 6months+ ago. Here is the rather repetative GOA news:

Today: We are currently doing the last corrections of the test version on Gorre.

1 week ago: Various little bugs were reported and are in the process of being fixed.

2 weeks ago: The tests and fixes are still going strong on the test server.

3 weeks ago: Several problems encountered this week delayed this phase for the moment.

4 weeks ago: You will soon be able to participate in the last batch of tests before the release of this new expansion.

5 weeks ago: There are still many bugs to fix

6 weeks ago: The tests on the next free add-on « Foundations » are in progress

7 weeks ago: The internal tests began this week, as well as the first translation fixes

8 weeks ago: The internal tests should start next week and will go on for about 3 weeks

9 weeks ago: -

10 weeks ago: We still have a couple weeks of work and tests before bringing it live.

and so on :rolleyes:


And closely followed up with the "Mythic are too busy working on TOA to help us get things fixed. It's not our fault!"

Once again the franchise system shows its colours.


Originally posted by tripitaka
Its times like this when i like to offer a card ....


<cut n paste link if it doesn't work>

wow tripitaka, mate my sides have split. you are of course completely qualified to tell people to fuck off because you are some sort of forum guru all of a sudden (as well as GOA's anal sponge) and as well as that you know some fucking hilarious urls. surely with such humor you must be making a fortune somewhere, possibly selling your comedy to the papers or suchlike?

this guys posts the last 10 weeks of news posted by GOA themselves, and points out that the last 10 weeks of news about foundations has been a load of horseshit. you flame him. ok, so the title could have been better (GOA are Sh!t isn't the most forum friendly or original thread title ive ever seen) but you seem to have taken on the mantle of the aggressive anti whiner (most admirable) and GOA's White knight (possibly because of all the stains).

however, the more you seem to miss the point in record time just so you can post "we dont need this, FUCK OFF" posts at people, the more I get the impression that you are overcompensating for something. i dunno really, i just get the impression that you aren't like this irl. you smell like someone who can't get his kicks by swearing at people in the real world, so you come on here and give it large as much as possible, because there is no comeback.

GOA is just an excuse for you. something you can stick up for. maybe you can't stick up for yourself irl? or something. maybe some big boys RAPED YOUR DOG while you just sat and cried. i dunno. whatever it is, i hope you can get over it and continue with your life.

***edit added 09/11/03***
maybe a bit harsh. apply bullshit/hotm filter


Originally posted by old.Jable
wow tripitaka, mate my sides have split. you are of course completely qualified to tell people to fuck off because you are some sort of forum guru all of a sudden (as well as GOA's anal sponge) and as well as that you know some fucking hilarious urls. surely with such humor you must be making a fortune somewhere, possibly selling your comedy to the papers or suchlike?

this guys posts the last 10 weeks of news posted by GOA themselves, and points out that the last 10 weeks of news about foundations has been a load of horseshit. you flame him. ok, so the title could have been better (GOA are Sh!t isn't the most forum friendly or original thread title ive ever seen) but you seem to have taken on the mantle of the aggressive anti whiner (most admirable) and GOA's White knight (possibly because of all the stains).

however, the more you seem to miss the point in record time just so you can post "we dont need this, FUCK OFF" posts at people, the more I get the impression that you are overcompensating for something. i dunno really, i just get the impression that you aren't like this irl. you smell like someone who can't get his kicks by swearing at people in the real world, so you come on here and give it large as much as possible, because there is no comeback.

GOA is just an excuse for you. something you can stick up for. maybe you can't stick up for yourself irl? or something. maybe some big boys raped your dog while you just sat and cried. i dunno. whatever it is, i hope you can get over it and continue with your life.
Im writing this in the hope you want me to bite back ? well, here goes...

Thanks for your comments, im sure the mods are taking it all in - yet another post by u , where you HAVE to be rude towards someone - keep it coming m8 - im laughing at u.

And no, i have no problem with being unable to stick up for myself irl thanks. but thanks for brining that up and into the discussion where its not required. if i ever met u , we'd prolly have a pint over these dicussion , which is even more scary.

I view your post as a blantant attempt to get YOUR kicks just coz u think it makes u look hard to be able to have a go in that way at someone else on the forums.

I don't think i'm the one that needs to worry about sticking up for himself when u hide behind ur words so well.

Now can a mod please close this thread or at least intervene to adivse that having a go at me in this way is breaking one of the forum rules.

I think its one of the rules that states you can't have a personal attack at someone in this way.

As far as Foundations are concerned GOA can take as long as they want with it IMO, simply because its a 'FREE' add-on which means WE dont pay for it. Therefore why the fuck should they bow down to ppl like the thread starter - or me, or you to get the FREE product out in time.

and no, i dont lick GOA's bottoms. I hate the sound bug. that kinda pisses me off, and thats GOA's fault.


why would anyone even want this shit patch
a house ingame me so ubar
ffs get ur selfs some real weapons instead and go rvr


tripikaka, i was just trying to guess what the hell your problem was that you have to post "your views are worthless, fuck off" replys all the time. i like healthy debate and sometimes i post stuff in the heat of the moment that isn't totally fair, but you just adding "i dont give a shit, fuck off" urls to peoples threads is annoying and you should acknowledge it. thats my point, which you missed totally. you were too busy whining hoping the mods would come down heavy on me to even hint that i may have had a valid reason. you just pointed out something about GOA bowing down to this person, a paying customer etc etc. i didnt notice a "bowing" suggestion. i just saw someone posting something that some of us found interesting.

anyway, lets leave it there. you know my views and i think i know yours. anything else we can continue in private messages if you so desire.


Originally posted by rg-zorena
why would anyone even want this shit patch
a house ingame me so ubar
ffs get ur selfs some real weapons instead and go rvr

Pssssttt...the weapons aren't real. It's just a game. And guess what...some people find getting a "pretend" house to fool around with a bit fun. In the CS-world of everything-must-die I guess that must be a tough concept for you to understand.

Oh and btw, houses will actually have some uses in relation to rvr ;)


Originally posted by rg-zorena
why would anyone even want this shit patch
a house ingame me so ubar
ffs get ur selfs some real weapons instead and go rvr

1 Snowdonia Teleporter

2 Snowdonia Teleporter

3 Snowdonia Teleporter

4 Wooot my own house yeehaw


LOL trippy, just realised you deleted your first post. and now no one knows why i posted that reply about the dog rape. ah no, you're alright, i quoted it already.

panic over.


Originally posted by old.Jable
hmm another smartass with a link.

best have a go at him then as well ;)

Btw i showed my GF your post which personally attacked me with insults - and she is now writing a email complaint letter to BW forums - which i didn't ask her to do. I have asked her not to, because its a debating forum, and people have freedom of speech - but in her words-

'That git shouldn't be personally insulting anyone for anything, let alone my BF ' (i laughed tbh, as i know it wont get anywhr, and i saw no reason for the email).

I have no idea if she has sent it yet - as she uses a separate email acct and PC to me.

I will now apologise for anyone I have offended with my recent postings. I didn't mean to get on anyones nerves, i thought my replies were a bit of fun, and didn't mean to post offending material'.

(I will be keeping my new sig tho - i think it sums your thoughts up quite well).


[2003-6-08] 1.62 : Up & Running !
[2003-11-09] Sound still fucked

5 months.... say no more.
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