GOA Announce Amendment to CoC!


Roo Stercogburn

Check your EULA next time you go in. This appears:

Property and publicity
A DAoC account is personal and individual. You cannot open an account in the name of a company, an association or any other legal entity without express prior written consent from GOA. You are also not entitled to give, sell, lease, lend or exchange your account under any circumstances. No virtual object, character or currency in the game may be the object of a pecuniary transaction, under any form or circumstances. Any activity of this kind may result in the application of various sanctions, including termination of the account. Additionally, you must undertake to purchase a second account to create a support character, sometimes referred to as a "Bot". Any players failing to purchase a second account will be treated as in breach of EULA and may face suspension on first warning or a complete ban on subsequent warnings if they have still not purchased a second account. Refusing to purchase a second account will cause a loss of revenue to GOA and may result in legal proceedings to recover our lost income. We reserve the right to claim retrospectively. When using your primary account you are expected to abide by the terms of the EULA completely. However, when using your secondary "Bot" account you may be as rude, inconsiderate and downright nasty as you please and rules of conduct regarding other players gaining xp do not apply.


Would have been believable if you hadn't mentioned the XP. :p

There is no rule in the CoC / EULA that states how you should camp a spot. Infact, if anything camping is against the CoC. :p

Nice try though. :)

Roo Stercogburn

Don't think I mention anywhere camping a spot, I only refer to behaviour and if you hadn't figured it out before you got to the last sentence (where I mention xp) I think its mission accomplished as far as I'm concerned :D


Refusing to purchase a second account will cause a loss of revenue to GOA and may result in legal proceedings to recover our lost income

priceless, "we don't give a rat's ass that it completely destroys the game, but since it's extra income, we want the maximum money we can get out of it"


Haha, almost had me hook, line and sinker then. :D


Its been done before - except they actually managed to be funny.


Originally posted by Draylor
Its been done before - except they actually managed to be funny.

I thought it was funny

now jack, back to work with you!

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