GOA admit to making up there own bug rules!



Well i said that GOA have no right in making up there own rules and it looks like i was right!

Taken from http://camelot-europe.goa.com

Some weeks ago, we had a very peculiar situation happening on one of the French servers regarding the "abnormal" possession of a relic.
It is known that a given realm cannot capture an enemy relic if it does not have its own relic of the same type (power or strength) safe in its relic keep. For example, Albion cannot take the Strength Relic of Midgard without having its own Strenght relic safe in the Relic Keep. In the game, this rule can be seen when you try to pick up a relic of another realm, without having your own safe_: you cannot pick it up.
This said, let us see what kind of "weird" event we encountered, and we will use an example for this_:

On a given server X_:

* Albion has its Strength relic.
* Midgard has its Strength relic and Hibernia one.
* Hibernia has no Strength relic.

Midgard attacks Albion and successfully grabs the Albion Strength Relic (no problem so far). While on his way back, the Midgardian relic carrier is killed by a Hibernian force, which grabs the relic from the corpse (no problem here either) then proceeds to bring it back to their own relic keep.
In Theory, Hibernia should not be able to keep the Albion Relic since they do not have their own in place. However, in this particular case, which happened on a French server, the game showed that you could do so. Based on the Theory, we concluded that this was a bug and decided to give back the Relic to Albion, since a realm should not be able to have a Relic without having its own.

Meanwhile, we contacted Mythic on this problem and yesterday, we got the following answer_: In the example mentioned above, this is a not a bug.
It therefore means that this was all normal and that, while you cannot pick up an enemy Relic from a Relic Keep without having your own, you can "loot" it and gain the benefits of it if you bring it back to your Relic Keep. The "protection" only works when you "take" a Relic from an enemy Relic Keep, not from a corpse.
While we were ready to step back and give the Relic back to the Hibernians on the French server, the situation of the Relics changed before we could do so and there is now no need for us to step in again.

On this topic, the conclusion is this one_: When a problem of this type happens, we take actions as fast as we can to fix the problem as we see fit, while contacting Mythic about it. If we are proven wrong, we gladly apologize and take a step back.
From now on, this rule will be applied regarding relics, since it has been confirmed by Mythic_: "You cannot take an enemy Relic from an enemy Relic Keep is you do not have your own Relic in your own Relic Keep. However, an enemy Relic can be looted from a carrier if outside a Relic Keep, and you can bring it back to your Relic Keep, gaining benefits from it, even if you do not have your own."


Originally posted by Balbor
Well i said that Mythic have no right in making up there own rules and it looks likr i was right!

Urm dont see what your posting about here, Mythic have every right to make the rules for their game.

Do you mean GOA instead ? GOA did what they felt was right and checked with the manufacturer of the game, it turns out what the players did was allowed within the game code - so GOA decided to honor that.

Whats the problem here ?? nothing from what i can see.

Roo Stercogburn

I don't really see a problem here. GOA thought something might be a bug, did something, got adivce. found out it wasn't but by time they could have rectified it the situation in game had changed so there was no need for action.

Not really a big deal. Just shows they were attentive but a new situation cropped up and they acted.

All their post does is clarify the position should the situation occur in game again in future :)


Originally posted by GOA

When a problem of this type happens, we take actions as fast as we can to fix the problem as we see fit, while contacting Mythic about it. If we are proven wrong, we gladly apologize and take a step back.

balbor you ned to stop whining for the sake of the whines and enjoy the game


wasn't this information avalible for everyone? ;)


I think they did the right thing , and when they found out it was no bug , they where ready to let the hib's have the relic..sounds ok to me


I guess he is whining about the necro porting into enemy keeps while the doors are up, remember him from my thread about that and he said Goa had no right to call it abuse since Mythic said it works as intended.

Btw did you get banned or something????


Don't have a necro, tell Necros not to do it when on raids, and i play a smite cleric and like to explore places so i guess i must enjoy the game.


Then what is your problem with Goa having a harder line against bugs? Mythic is just lazy when they say its working as it was meant to. While Goa takes a stance against it. I think that is really good. And I hope they keep it up.

Since many off theese so called works as intended screws up the game for so many players.


And remember GOA run the game here - not Mythic. Its nice that they take advice from Mythic on the game mechanics, but at the end of the day they run it.

Brannor McThife

This only happened recently?

Hell, this happened on Prydwen like more than a year ago, and nobody said anything.

Some of the French kiddies must have really whined about it. Hey, you E&E, wasn't this discussed on the forums? For as long as I can remember people have always tried to intercept relic carriers of a raiding realm (3rd realm intercept) in order to steal a relic, regardless of the who had what relic.



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