[GOA] A Surprising news !



A Surprising news !

Ah like I said ! For sure !

The news came this morning and I got it from a trustworthy source ! Why, yeah, that's little John who told me and you can trust him ! He's the nephew of the sister of the uncle (the uncle's sister's nephew ?) of a farmer who passes through Castle Sauvage every Thursday morning. He sells his wheat. The farmer of course, the Baptist, not little John - don't get confused !

Ah, wheat ! The market price has risen a lot since my step-dad packed away good old Charlotte into his barn. Charlotte ? Oh, that's his plough ! With a shaft made of oak. Ah, old Harry was real proud of his … What, the news ? Oh right, you don't know yet, do you ?

Mind you, I can understand that ! It's that not everyone know little John ! Alright I won't let you wait any longer ! And anyway, you would have found out eventually if you hadn't had the chance to meet me right ? It's not like it was a great secret or anything…

In fact, you're maybe already among those who know ? No, you have no idea what I'm talking about ? Ah right, well it's gonna give you a shock then ! Phew, all these emotions tire me out ! This weather makes you thirsty, don't you think ?

Oh a pint ! That's really nice ! Note that I won't refuse it, who would in this weather eh ? Might as well enjoy it ! This beer is one of the best in the realm from what people say, so cheers !

Excuse me ? Little John ? Ah right, well did you know that he saw Master Visur… Well no, little John didn't but Baptist did course. And then he told his uncle and… are you still following ? Anyway, in brief : did you know that Master Visur is unable to send the people of this realm to Murdaigean since this morning ? Yup, all his magical powers and those of his colleagues can't do it ! There is some strange interference in the magic nodes and the lines of Ley, or so he says ! If you can understand anything in that then you're a smart one aren't you ! Anyway, I wouldn't mind another one meself, you're paying your round ?

Seriously now :

The Murdaigean battleground, for levels 25 to 29 is from this point on inaccessible to players, in order to prepare the next and final episode of the Geersha campaign. This is planned and rest assured that things should move quickly in the near future. Please bear with us while we prepare everything… ;-)



Summary: BG2 is down for the comming event.


Woo, we get to kill teh deformed goblins!!one!one!!


Hope it aint that sucky event we ran a test on a year ago or something. It was soo boring


HAve to ..*gasp*...agree with xcpt there.

A full copy/paste and the only comment from you is the link to where that same text is seems a bit..redundant(for the lack of better big words).

I mean, just post the link if you feel that people really, -really- should read it :p

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