go on then, who do you love to...



kill :)

name your classes, enemies people who get on your nerves :)

personally, i like killing kobbie the kobold mostly, dunno why, but i got a strange addiction to killing him :)

better add all sitting runies to that list as well :)

btw, if your wondering why i hit that troll after i one shot the sitting norse on the bridge last night, it was a mistake, when you silent kill someone, your still in attack mode, and i clicked the troll to see its con and... well you can guess :)

there will be more death to come, i got under 100rp still :)


Kobbie is a she actually... ;)

I've got 2 chars in Thidranki atm (See my sig). Unfortunately it feels like my hunter can't do much else but scout atm, with all those damn infils out there.. ;)

My sm seems quite hated from time to time, I usually wreck havoc around me, if I've got a fair amount of mids with me. :)
Who do I really hate? Hmmm, all the infils for sure, don't hate the others as much. :)


Tad sad to admit that the ones on the top of my list are albs :p

Rallan, Smave.

After that a fine line of mid SBS and Skalds, no names mentioned none forgotten. :)

Only 26 RP til I'm outta there, hope some of you continue to Murd :)


Sorry to hear Saryasha is going to be leaving, Thidranki won't be the same for us Nightshades without her. It'll be safer, for a start...

Maybe I should let you kill me a few more times just to hasten your promotion :)


Lol Tremayne, you liar :)

To be honest, I can't remember a time where I've killed YOU, it's been the other way around!

I remember being ganged by rahzel & inyouryes, paying my debt to Rahzel, remember being bored to death/afk-killed by Luon, remember losing count over how many times i got Inyoureyes, and how stupid I was jumping into the water after you without endurance once, can't recall a time where I've had you all to myself tho?

Since I'm building my slash inf to see what style fits me the best to pursue past 24 you won't be safe for long, slash hurts more, max stealth helps too :p

I'll save my 26rp just for you mate :>


Ulukin - no doubt :D I think we always want to hide the same places and well.. think the same way. Even with slash he cuts me up bad everytime :rolleyes:

second place goes to all the shammies for their lovely aoe dot.


Saryasha, didn't know you were out of end that time in the water - so was I, having just killed another infiltrator (Lobogris I think) and sprinted for safety. Nice little fight, not sure how it would have gone if it had been even. Fortunately for me of course, it wasn't even - there were a bard and an eldritch on hand to help me :D

I was sure you'd killed me a few times - maybe you were just in the area all those times Pwyiw and Sma gave me lessons in the art of playing an assassin.

Oh, and /wave to Suzanne, who I was pleased to finally kill tonight. Nothing personal, it's just that you're wearing my ex-girlfriend's name over your head... :p


Would have to go to Lyclya (sp?) sorceress anyway, I always make a beeline for her when I can, many times she's killed me with that damn goblin crawler just when I think im safely stealthed with no end :(

also minstrels can be a pain but nobody in particular springs to mind, just all of them :)

I'm also close to no longer being able to port to thid :C( (18rp)
So leganza you can rest easy now :)

Id like to think some of the thid ppl will spill over to murd ... but somehow I doubt it :(


Not so much a who you love to kill post, as a who you love to wave to and dance with... top places go to Pookie the 'lil Luri Ranger, and of course Midgard's very own Firebat. Kudos to you guys for not killing the nerf-ridden scout those occaisions he acted friendly :p



Still got a few RP left Tremayne, saw you killing some ppl last night, did not manage to find you though :)


Saryasha, I was there in Thid last night, Rahzel was there, Inyoureyes was there and Luon was there - we would have loved to have thrown you a going away party :) As it was we did have a good dance with some of your realmmates, but we're getting a bit bored killing Cizza. I never can be sure when he runs way off from the other albs and stands there if he's being bait or is just plain dumb...

Also congratulations to Meepy, whose name has now gone down in the Nightshade Book of Those Who Must Die For Being Too Good At Killing Us...


Bah nobody fears me and my big sword :p tis not fair! :D


Tremayne, darn, thought I was up pretty late last night, tho I levelled some other chars, and besides, Saryasha just got her 349th point from Kazzie, so I'm stalling til there's a keep raid of some magnitude :)

Til then you'll know me as Shaya, tze dying minstrel (til i get the hang of it of course :> )

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